
God's beloved daughter

Amadea was created by god to be perfect in almost every way but the family she was born into abused her until she left and ended up dead in the street. Wanting to see his daughter grow and be able to shine her best he sent a clone into another world so he could create a family and bring her soul over. Join us on Amadea journey of friendship betrayal will she settle on a simple life or aim for the stars only the gods know.

murdasquaddark · Fantasy
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47 Chs

chapter 37 wraith kingdom

I woke up early in the morning dressing up in my leather armor in anticipation of anything that could go on especially if I run into Marog. I would rather be prepared even though I will not be alone; I just don't want to be caught off guard. After a quick snack we started to make our way towards the dukes palace.

"Apael why are there no kids here? Last night I looked around and saw none and even now on our walk to the palace there have not been any young demons." I look toward Apael hoping she will have some sort of answer for me.

"Honestly? I have no idea. It might be a good idea to ask the duke to shed some light on the whole thing. It seems like everything is a lot more chaotic like they are desperate to get stronger."

It is true if the people of Wraith are more hostile and fight to gain power it would make sense for all the commotion. But why does it feel more chaotic? I made up my mind to discuss it with the duke once we got to the palace. As we entered the meeting chambers, I saw Marog sitting at the head of the table.

I moved my hand toward my weapon staring him down ready to fight at a moment's notice. "What are you doing here? Where is the duke?"

He looked toward me his eyes narrowed before giving me a slight smirk. "I am acting duke. My father is the duke after all so my second year is about ruling over this land. I did not expect the weak Amadea to actually manage to snake into the second year."

Letting out a low growl I pulled out my dagger charging at him. The least I could do was wipe that smug look off his face. As I swung my dagger at him he pulled out his own meeting it head-on. Every strike was parried but it seemed like I was pushing him back more than I did last time.

As we kept trying to cut each other I started to form dragon scales under my armor hoping to catch him off guard. With his next attack aimed at my chest I intentionally missed the parry and swung my hand as if to slap him. His dagger cut through my armor making his smile wider, but the dagger did not even scratch my scales. Just before my slap landed I turned it into a claw cutting his face real good before I jumped back.

He reached up feeling the blood trickle down his face. Looking down at his dagger he noticed not even a drop of blood was on it. "You have gotten better. Let us make a bet. We fight hands only no blocking last one still standing at the end wins. If you win we can become friends. But if I win you will become my subordinate I need someone strong."

Smiling wide I changed my hand back to normal. "Deal but don't complain once I win." We slowly approached each other punching as fast and hard as we could. 20 punches were easily exchanged within a couple seconds each hit landing solidly on the other face.

Apael watched on her hand on her weapon just in case she felt my life was in danger but I was having the time of my life. Feeling the flesh of my opponent give and the stinging of my face made me feel alive even if the fight was barbaric. Finally, after thousands of punches the door opened someone screaming for us to stop but it was too late my last punch landed bringing Marog down to his knees unable to keep fighting.

Karma came in along with an older looking demon. He was not to tall and he had glowing red eyes pointed ears and giant horns. You could see the power of Wraith pulsing through his horns and ears.

"How dare you attack my son!" He reached for a weapon getting ready to attack but Karma managed to stop him before it escalated further.

"Arog calm down. It looks like the kids worked it out. Us old folks should not get involved with the younger generation." Karma gave me a subtle nod not revealing the fact that I was the new demon lord to them. "Come let us begin. Amadea since you never been here before if you have any questions before we set up your task please ask."

I gave a slight nod. "Well from what I saw there are no children. What happened to all the kids?" This was the most important factor to me since I did not want any harm to happen to them in the chaos happening outside.

Arog snorted in disdain. "Did you not feel the demon lord summoning everyone to the capital? All the children are now in the military training camp to prepare for the upcoming war. Now my son is supposed to learn how to lead and take over so he can be a general but first I am going to send you and Marog to the dungeon. It has not been cleared in months and we do not want a dungeon break on our heels."

I scratched my head feeling a bit guilty about the accidental summon but maybe I can use them for my graduation invasion. It would be cool to have a large-scale battle." What is a dungeon like? What can I expect?"

Arog started rubbing his temples. "Karma can this idiot do anything? She does not even know what a dungeon is but you want her to attempt to destroy one?"

Karma smiled. "Well, she should be able to handle it. Amadea a dungeon is a natural disaster in the demon realm. It is our demons punishment. The records do not say to much but the first demons pissed off a very strong god who destroyed the lands turning it into what it is now. The dungeons are supposed to be a challenge a way to kill demons and suppress our strength. But after many years we have kept them contained if some one can make it to the bottom floors and kill the boss it will shut down the dungeon for 10 years. Your mission is to go in there and bring it down. If