
God's beloved daughter

Amadea was created by god to be perfect in almost every way but the family she was born into abused her until she left and ended up dead in the street. Wanting to see his daughter grow and be able to shine her best he sent a clone into another world so he could create a family and bring her soul over. Join us on Amadea journey of friendship betrayal will she settle on a simple life or aim for the stars only the gods know.

murdasquaddark · Fantasy
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47 Chs

chapter 36 date

Waking up in the morning I noticed Apael laid out a loose outfit that had many holes. It looked like an outfit you would wear in the slums. Knowing she would always set out the clothes she wanted me to wear, I did not hesitate to put on the outfit.

Once I was fully dressed I went out to the kitchen to eat the meal Apael prepared for us. "You sure look good in anything Ama. Are you ready for something far more thrilling than last time?"

I nodded my head noticing Apael was dressed somewhat like me. It looked like we would probably be going to the less savory part of the kingdom. Once we finished our food she wrapped her arm around me and started to lead me into the slums.

She approached a door to a building that looked slightly better than the surroundings and knocked in a slight rhythm." Two participants." Once she spoke the door opened and she led me further inside. After walking for another 10 minutes, we reached a giant arena.

"Ama this is an arena fight. We will have to fight everyone here to win. There will be about 200 people or 100 teams in a chaotic fight. These guys are all commoners so there is no danger. Let us have fun my love." She gave me a quick kiss before cracking her knuckles preparing for a brawl.

I licked my lips excited about the blood bath we were going to unleash. I watched as Apael rushed into the fight first. Her very first punch shattered her target's ribs with ease making a satisfying cracking noise. Not wanting to lose out to her I rushed in as well. I turned my hands into dragon claws to easily slice through them.

It was a euphoric feeling gutting and slashing away at weaklings. As I continued drenching my body with these weaklings blood I looked over to see Apael causally slaughtering each opponent without shedding a drop of blood. She made it look elegant while I relished in the blood the warm liquid washing over me.

About an hour later the fight was over. I was covered in blood while she still looked flawless. The only reason it took so long was I wanted to toy with the insects a bit longer. My body was heating up with all the fighting. I jumped into Apaels arms and kissed her my heart pounding.

I kept kissing her lips down to her neck as she took me towards a room that had water to wash up." Did you have fun? This is where I used to come and fight all the time."

"I loved every moment. The only thing that was sad was that they could not put up a fight. But I did enjoy fighting with you." Nothing was hotter than washing the girl I love attack and kill all those worthless insects.

Once we were all cleaned up we dressed up a bit more to go out and finish our date with dinner. We bounced from street vendor to street vendor snacking on multiple different delicacies. There were a lot of things we could do here for a proper date but having something different than dinner and sex was nice.

Once our stomachs were full, we headed back to the house and packed up. After that, we headed to the teleporter to take off toward the next kingdom the kingdom of wraith. We got onto the teleporter, and I looked up noticing Apaels evil smirk.

The familiar feeling of the world spinning made my stomach churn and I realized why she fed me so much before coming here. As the world started to stabilize again I ran off to the side vomiting all over again just like the last time. While emptying my stomach, I heard Apael laughing evilly from a distance.

After a few minutes she came over and helped me stand straight before leading me back to a hotel. Once we started heading to our room I saw Marog entering the room across. It seems like he is here to do his schooling as well. Not wanting to stay in the hotel I left Apael behind to explore the brand new city.

Walking around town it was a bit chaotic there were multiple minor fights over what seemed like minor disputes. The strange thing is I did not see any guards or anything that would be used to create order. If anything this place made me think more of a mercenary town where anything could happen and no one would be there for the weak.

The shops around had lots of variety but there was only one shop that dealt with food and daily necessities. The others were offering protection, jobs, and open fight clubs. It seemed strange to me making me wonder how this kingdom thrived with such chaos. Being here was somewhat intimidating making you wonder if you would have to brawl at any moment.

Something else I noticed was the lack of humanistic features from any demon here even the woman. Most of the woman sins I noticed had at least human skin or at least looked more humanoid but with the people in the wraith kingdom it seemed like they were built to fight.

The horns on most were more pointed making me think of a minotaur something that could be used to impale unsuspecting foes. Their bodies bulging with muscles. Some were short some were tall but in general they all looked like hardened warriors. But what really stuck out was there were no children no matter how long I walked and explored.

I started to make my way back to the hotel wondering what was going to be in store with the journey here. To be honest with Marog here I did not want to be around him, especially after our brawl at the academy.

"Ama welcome back. Tomorrow we will meet with the duke and his son. There has been some incidents we will need to investigate and help settle so get some rest." We shared a quick kiss before heading to bed preparing for whatever could be thrown my way.

really kind of struggled with this chapter trying to figure out politics a little. since the last kingdom was more peaceful there was not much to be done but this one coming up will have more action and some more interactions with marog

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