
God's Annihilation Game

Transfer student Tang Jun Wen is in the middle of a game created by the gods. His enemies are not only the risen, but also his own kin. Can he strive inside the apocalypse and bring the world to a new Era? Update time: Every Wednesday 22:00MYT Your support is most appreciated. Feel free to leave your comments down below.

The_Anonymous_Tan · Action
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18 Chs

The First Stage

"See? I told you there's nothing." Ken whispered. "We need to go NOW. Or we're gonna get lost from the others."

I didn't know what I felt at that time. Relief? Disappointment? Just as I turned around to leave this place, I saw something floating on Ken's head.

"Duck!" I yelled at Ken and swung the cane.

Ken ducked just in time as the cane crashed into the thing floating beside him. But to my surprise, the cane broke into pieces but nothing happened to that thing. Sounds of laughter sounded the hall. A figure came out of the darkness to greet us. It was a balled shaped red monster. It has sharp red eyes and a wide smile.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! I never thought anybody in this building could've noticed me!" it laughed and floated towards us. Ken stared at the monster and mumbled softly. It seemed to me that the monster made his mind snap.

"Who are you?" I balled my fists and asked, trying as hard as I could to be brave.

"My name is No.11, I'm a pixie messenger of the gods."

I waved around the bodies of our teachers. "Is this your doing? If you're a messenger of the gods, why would you do something like this?"

No.11 waved his hands to silence me. "Don't make me wrong little human. I carry the biding of the gods, I would never do anything on my own accord. The gods have had enough of you humans. Your people have been destroying your own world so fast that the gods can't even save it. A clean up of the parasites of this world is a must to make this world start of anew."

"By killing?" I asked, voice shaking.

"Is there a faster way?" No.11 asked back.

I kept silent. I didn't know how to reply that.

"The earth's core is going to be depleted in 1 year. If the gods take a more 'subtle' measure, the earth is going to die without fail. So, tell me, human. What do you suppose? If u have a very good idea, I would take your opinion up to the Celestia and have Kronos tune back the time and we'll use your clever little plan."

I was stunned. Looking at my expression, No.11 spoke again.

"No, you don't. you don't have a better plan I suppose. I would recommend you to keep your mouths shut and live on with it." Taking a deep breath, he continued. "I was told to give anybody who found me a reward. But I can only give it to one person. Who will it be?"

"What is the reward?"

"Information and a gift."

"We can share the information and gifts taken later so you can tell us too."

"You cannot speak of the information I tell you to others. If you do so, others will not be able to understand anything you are saying about. If you are to write it down, others will not be able to understand what you write. As for the gift, no one else would be able to use it."

I glanced at Ken. He was still staring at nothingness.

"His soul is hurt. He was tainted by fear. You caused it by the way." No.11 said. "If you want, I can send him out of hearing range. He is in no condition to hear the information anyways."

I nodded my head. "Please do so."

In a flash, Ken disappeared and appeared at the door of the hall.

"The gods are mad." No.11 started before I could get my wits back. "You humans are a parasite. But the gods have mercy. Teenagers are the final chance earths got. The adults that died today are going to become the risen that haunt the living. After all, you humans need to learn to survive in the new world. The game is starting. The survival abilities will be earned in many ways. There are no impossible ways, only ways you don't know. Restore civilization, and if you humans can do so, a new chapter will be revealed."