
Witch Cooperation Association

While Calista and Agatha was walking in the direction of the mountains, Calista started to feel something watching her from above, lifting her head and seeing a young girl with fresh and neat short blonde hair, she thought, '... In the canon, there was a witch that had the ability to fly... her name was Lightning if i remember correctly.'

"Hey! You two! Are you new witches searching for the Association? and what is that! A new type of demoniac beast!?" Lightning asked full of curiosity while landing near the frozen Eye Demon.

"My name is Calista and her name is Agatha, and indeed we are searching for the Witch Cooperation Association, could you please show the way?" Calista said to Lightning while pointing to herself and Agatha.

"Of course! but first i need to be sure you two are witches, i need to see your abilities... but seeing this frozen monster, looks like at least one of you two are a witch." Lightning said with a big smile to the duo.

Calista immediately used her new copied ability, Flight, Lightning's ability while Agatha froze a tree near them.

"A witch with an ability similar to mine! and a witch that can freeze... Let's go to the base, sisters!" Lightning said while smiling at the two and leading the way towards the mountains.

While flying alongside with Lightning with the frozen monster in the hands and Agatha 'flying' behind them creating ice flakes below the feet to jump, Calista thought, 'It would be a very pleasant scene... without the monster in my hands, of course.'

After some time, they finally arrived to the Association's base.

"So, you finally arrived, kid." Nightingale said appearing from nowhere while seeing the trio landing.

'How was she flying?! Last time we talked, she had a teleport-tipe of ability... And what on earth is that thing in her hands!' Nightingale thought with a small frown.

"Hi Nightingale, can we talk to the Association Leader?" Calista said with a strange smile.

'So many abilities here... New Abilities Time!' she thought seeing so many different magic powers.

"... Fine, follow me, we will start with the questions late." Nightingale said to Calista and Agatha while leading the way.

In the way, seeing a girl using her power to keep the food fresh and another one timidly hiding between two barrels, Calista thought with a bitterly smile, 'Such a waste of those powerful powers... let's copy them, maybe i will need them in the future.' while copying every ability that came near her.

After some time walking, they finally arrived to their goal, entering a room with three women in it.

The first one, Cara, had green hair and half of her face covered with snake tattoos; the second one, Wendy, had mature facial features, with her reddish-brown hair almost reaching waist length; the third, Scroll, had her long black hair simply tied behind her head, making her look very mature and capable.

"So those two are the new witches? let's see their abilities... another useless one that can fly... hoho, you can control ice?" Cara said ignoring Calista while asking to Agatha.

"Cara! there are no useless witches here! Stop making things worse for us." Wendy said with a frown.

While Calista and Agatha exchanged a strange face to each other, Calista started to think, 'This woman was the cause of death of dozens of witches of the Witch Cooperation Association in the near future... Let's try something new...'

"You should worry about other problems other then the Church, my friends." Calista said with a smile while using the ability Microorganisms Control of the girl earlier to age her own body, growing very fast from the 10 years old body to a 20 years old body, making her black hair reach waist length and making her body extremely mature, primarily her blue-silver eyes.

Seeing the kid growing so fast right in front of their eyes, made everyone shocked beyond words, even Agatha that already knew Calista abilities was no exception.

'Something is wrong, Cara said that she had a flight ability yet she just used a different ability...' Wendy thought with a frown.

'... Can a witch with more than one ability exist? or did Lightning wrote wrong?...' Scroll thought while maintaining a composed face.

'Tch... so what that you can grow fast...' Cara thought calming down.

"I didn't came here to enter the Witch Cooperation Association, i came here to save lives." 'And copy some interesting abilities...' Calista said while thinking to herself.

"Will you listen to me?" Calista asked.

"Why should we listen to you, kid? Even if you can grow fast, you are still a kid." Cara said with a smirk.

'Indeed...' Wendy and Scroll thought at the same.

"Because i say so." Calista said while lifting her hand with a grabbing gesture in the direction of Cara.

Everyone was confused by her actions, but that lasted only a few seconds.

Cara started to feel a hand in her neck making impossible to breath, while her body was getting lifted up.

'So, this is how Darth Vader from Star Wars felt every time he did this huh... It's not bad...' Calista thought continuing to condense the air around Cara's neck using Wendy Ability, Air Control; but after some time, she cancelled the air, letting Cara breath.

'it's not like i wanted to kill her anyway... I just need to make everyone here go to Border Town and help Roland create modern technologies more quickly... there are more then forty witches here... If everyone go to Border Town, it will change everything.' Calista thought while watching Cara on the floor.

"Let's talk about important matters, shall we?" Calista said with a smile while sitting in a chair on the room.

Hello, there will be new witches that in the canon died very early.

Thanks for reading.

StrangeGodcreators' thoughts