
God’s Invitation

Short stories of an infinite amount of worlds. God’s invitation, may our world be next.

TheMessenger · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Human’s Empire, an Empire of Light

The echoes of the rebellion led by Johannes still resonated throughout the human world, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of its history. The oppressive reign of the dragons had been supplanted, replaced by the worship of the God of Creation. Like a wildflower in spring, a new religion flourished, revering the divine entity for its benevolent blessings. Majestic churches honoring the God sprung up, dotting the landscapes from bustling metropolises to the most humble of villages.

Yet, as the sun rose on this new era, a cloud of contention cast a long shadow within the church's stalwart arm, the steel templars. They were the warriors of faith, traditionally venerating the sword as an emblem of divine might. But Johannes, a man who had seen the face of war, insisted that each templar bear not a sword but a shield and a blunt weapon. This directive, like a pebble dropped in a calm pond, stirred unrest among the templars. For them, the sword wasn't just a tool of war but a sacred relic, a shining symbol of divine favor.

But even as the templars grappled with change, the bedrock of the church remained steadfast. The Legion of Twilight, the gallant band of humans who had stood shoulder to shoulder with Johannes against the dragons' wrath, embodied the church's strength. Of those brave souls, only Johannes and his loyal marquis survived, their lives a testament to their defiance. They set about molding the next generation, recruiting firm believers into the Legion and imparting the knowledge of light magic to heal, to support, and to confuse the enemy.

The marquis, a mountain of a man and a staunch believer in resilience, elected to carry two shields. It was an unusual choice, but one that reflected his unyielding spirit. He held a certain pride in his capacity to weather Johannes' attacks, standing firm as a rock against a raging tide.

Meanwhile, as the new world bloomed, envy spread its roots in the heart of Johannes' younger brother, Kaleb. Like a moth drawn to a flame, he yearned for the sword Johannes wielded, the crown that gleamed on his brother's brow, and the respect Johannes commanded. But to seize these coveted prizes, Kaleb would have to wait, letting the seeds of his ambition bide their time in the fertile soil of patience.

As the years spun into decades after the defeat of the Dragon God, the Legion of Twilight spread its influence like the dawn's rays, touching various races who gathered to bask in the warmth of the God of Creation's blessings. But as this new day unfolded, a mystery arose that caught the keen eyes of the observant. Johannes and the marquis, pillars of this world, seemed untouched by time's relentless march. Kaleb, however, found his own reflection marred by the creeping lines of age, looking older than the two men he once saw as his contemporaries.

Then, like a long-awaited thunderclap, news arrived that stirred the waters of Kaleb's dwindling hopes. A new warlord had surfaced in their world, a figure who boldly proclaimed himself as the Demon King. This formidable entity had materialized through a portal hidden in the unforgiving landscapes of the northern barren snow lands. Could this twist of fate be the long-awaited opportunity that Kaleb had been patiently, yet anxiously, waiting for?