

Jason just walked through the hall, with slow and careful steps.

However, what caused both Till and Seron to widen their eyes was that the Earth Dragons didn't roar at Jason in rage, or tried to intimate him.

They didn't even dare to approach him which was even weirder while Jason continued to approach them when he figured out that he was not in danger.

Looking around he noticed more than a dozen peak-Guardian ranked Earth Dragons staring at him as if they were confused, while their brown-reddish scales shimmered lightly.

Seeing that they didn't approach him, Jason couldn't help but feel weird, and staring deep into their eyes, he could see traces of both reluctance and confusion within them.

When he reached the end of the hall, where Till and Seron had been waiting for him, he perceived their confusion.

However, instead of saying something, Jason only shrugged his shoulders because he was also unsure of what was going on.