
To Linarium

[A/N: A part of this Arc is less action-packed so some of you may find it a little slow. But these are important for the progression of the story and will help you connect the dots later…so it will be worth your time! :D]

After quickly explaining the situation before the dragon had let out a terrific roar that had pinpointed Jason's location to the scouts of the races, the Sacred Elvyr nodded his head in a seemingly nonchalant manner.

However, Jason was able to perceive that Kiat was nervous owing to the faint vibrations of the second type of cultivation energy he used.

This showed his excitement, which was something Jason could also perceive due to the hue that enveloped Kiat tightly.

He was evidently excited about the existence of Rocs on Manyr, which made Jason recall the time on Argos, where Emily had had a Lesser Roc as her soulbond.