
Golden Crystal

After he had defeated Lars, the sparring session ended for Jason.

The others could continue with their spars, but they were mostly staring at Jason, unsure of what to think about him.

His serious expression was replaced by a subtle smile as he looked at Jennifer.

This was not really something that was supposed to astonish them, but after taking a second glance at him, it seemed that Jason's smile had turned brighter.

Just a moment later, the presence around him changed, as five beings emerged from his body.

Solaris and Artemis simply emerged on either of Jason's shoulders, while Petri enveloped himself around his waist, reaching up to his chest.

Meanwhile, Spyro had turned into a silver head-ring, maintaining the shape while being wrapped around the head of Jason, on which Sira, the sacred Squirrel had emerged and was sleeping peacefully.