
Workout With Doll

Prima was aware of who I had pre-selected, and to help keep up the appearances of a fair selection long overdue, she had brought two other goblins to the breeding room, who were Many-maker and Sneaky-finger. Of course, I chose Doll–the lazy guard as planned, and the remaining goblins grumbled, but it was not for the usual reason. Goblins get around, and Lily, having a belly far more swollen than it should have been barely half a moon into her pregnancy, had already made the rounds through goblin-home. So, obviously, some of the goblins wanted not only big-seed, but the instant kind.

Talk about greedy!

Just kidding. But, shouldn't pregnancy be a journey of self-discovery? I remember my older sister in my previous life saying something meaningful like that before she had my niece. I feel like I am somehow robbing these girls of that experience.

Well, I'm a guy though, so I'm probably talking out of my ass here since I'll never get pregnant myself. Kindly excuse my ignorant thoughts, I'll see myself out.

Actually, I can't go out. I'm a goblin breeding slave stuck in this cave. On with the show then, I suppose.

When the assembled girls left, Prima made it a point of letting me know that Lily hadn't popped her proverbial cork yet, so I was free to take my time with Doll tonight, and I planned on it. While I would have rather stayed with Lily, I felt it was a worthwhile move here to go forward with picking Doll tonight so that it didn't look like I was trying to avoid performing my one literal responsibility.

As strong as I believed Doll to be, she actually seemed to be a tad nervous now that we were alone–mostly.

I put a hand on her back. "You alright? Nervous?"

"Little. Talk other goblins Husband give big seed. Many say hurt, many say not hurt much."

"So that's what you're worried about… Would you like me to give you the mostly painless experience?"

"Want not hurt much. Think weak goblin?"

"Not at all. There's nothing weak about choosing not to be hurt if you can avoid it. That's smart thinking, and your brain up here is also a muscle. It's good to use it!"


"It's probably the most important muscle in your body. And smart thinking like how to avoid being hurt is how it exercises itself."

I led her to the raised bed, but I didn't lay her down on it just yet. Doll, aside from having a fairly toned body, also had longish black hair. It was surprisingly well maintained, which led me to suspect she had been keeping clean by washing in this stream all the goblins tend to visit when they go out hunting.

I started by removing her loincloth and caressing the front of her body. She had perky tits and looked to be around a B-cup by the bra size standards of my previous world. Not as big as Prima or Jewel, but in no way disappointed. After having had my delicious way with Pear, I have no grounds to ever body shame one of my goblin wives. My hands gently squeezed them and I made it a point of complimenting her on the few points about her body that I liked. I told her how we were going to begin and that I would make her feel good with my mouth in order to prepare her fuckhole for what came after.

Though she had talked to both Lily and Berry who said they had a mostly painless first experience, she couldn't help but still remain a little nervous. She was kind of like me in the respect that she wanted to get the worst of it out of the way, but knew there was going to be some unpleasantness no matter what..

I helped her onto the bed and sat behind her, reaching around her body and starting it all off with a bit of fingering. I wanted to go slow with her and take my time. I wanted her to enjoy the experience to the fullest, since this would be my workout partner in the future. I needed to cultivate a positive experience with me in her mind. My fingers traced all around her puffy jade quarry while letting her lean back into my chest, making sure she was properly feeling the sensations I wanted her to feel.

It was a slow start for sure, but I could feel her breathing betray her calmness, and knew she was enjoying the slow, methodical rubbing of her clitoris. I informed her about what she would be feeling when it was time to cum, and she let me know that was exactly what she was beginning to feel. I guided her to the first orgasm of the evening, and then held her for a little bit before moving on, groping her chest and giving her shoulder a nibble, to which I was rewarded with an intensely provocative growl.

The next step was to go from fingering to cunnilingus. I moved out from behind her and laid her down on the straw covered raised bed in the center of the breeding room where I did my duty. I slowly caressed and kissed my way up both of her firm thighs until I was able to spread her pussy and begin the slow buildup once again with my tongue, making sure to finger her cunt to prepare her for my cock, sliding my fingers in an out of her slowly until she raised her hips into my face and her body was forced into her second orgasm.

I gave her a chance to catch her breath and then presented my seed-stick to her properly. I encouraged her to touch it, so she wouldn't have any fear when it went inside of her. I let her stroke it, and asked her to lick it with her long goblin tongue, explaining why I wanted it slippery before it went inside of her. Lubrication means less friction, which means less pain and resistance to my entry into her body.

I gave her the option of sitting on me, laying down where she was, or turning around to go in while she was bent over. She felt like being bent over was the option she had been preparing for, so we went with that. Her body was already sweating stickily from the two orgasms she achieved, so I had her lean forward over the bed and I aligned myself at her entrance and slowly felt the warm and squishy feeling of snug goblin pussy enveloping my dick.

Mmmh, it felt really good. Doll had top-shelf pussy, plus it wasn't ugly like Pear's was. Actually, I don't know that I want to make that out to be a demerit for Pear. I'd probably enjoy a side-by-side comparison in the future.

It was slow half-strokes initially, giving her time to enjoy the sensation of my cock moving in and out of her entrance for a little before I started going deeper and feeling my tip poking against her vagina's internal membrane.

"Are you ready? Take a deep breath, Doll. After this, you will be getting all the big seed you can handle."

I could feel her body puff up from sucking in a deep breath and holding it. I held her hips as I pushed in and broke through as carefully as I could. The familiar hot gushing sensation became my cock's secondary coating of lubrication. I let my hands move from her hips around the front to her tits where I squeezed them softly and told her to exhale. She had taken it without letting out a yelp, and it was time now for the reward.

"When hurt?" She asked.

"You didn't feel it? We just passed that part. From now on, it'll only feel good for you."

"That it?"

"That was it."

"It… not hurt."

"That's because you're strong, Doll. Don't I keep telling you that? I'm going to start now, so just relax and enjoy, okay?"

She nodded. "Listen Husband."

Slow and deep strokes to start. I told her if she wanted me to go faster, all she needed to do was say so. It would feel good for her no matter what I did now. She didn't have to hold back her voice either, just to go with it and do whatever she wanted. And she did, her body shivering at times and letting out a sweet moan as I kept groping her breasts and flicking her nipples with my fingers.

"Husband go… faster?."

I began to pump inside of Doll a little faster, letting her body acclimate to my long and deep strokes, making sure I dipped as far inside of her as I could each time. I told her she could move her hips if she wanted to adjust her body in a way so that she got the maximum pleasure of my dick rubbing against the place inside of her that it felt the best for it to do so.

She ended up lifting a knee onto the bed and she gave me a new angle to capitalize on, which in turn made her start moaning more as meaty slaps echoed through the room.