
Caring For Lily

I began to dab and clean her most affected area, her torn goblin vagina. Lily yelped when she felt the hot rag press against it, probably different sources of pain all combining into one, I have no idea how overstimulated and sensitive to pain her nerve clusters were right now, but I dabbed it as gently as I could. Once I had cleaned most of the residual blood away, I did a second dunk into the pot of hot water and then began to clean off the rest of her crotch and thighs and wherever else I could find leftover blood at.

After that, I kept rinsing, reheating, and wringing out the rag, but I waited until it cooled down a lot more each time now before slowly wiping the blood and whatever else there might have been off of both my daughters. They both ended up showing a nice light green skin complexion like their mother had. One thing of note was that they both had a slightly less sharp nose than Lily, or even Diana for that matter.

Berry gave me the go-ahead when the first one was done drinking from Lily's milkies, and lay lazily full. After washing off my own hands with hot sterile water, I picked her up and cradled her gently in my arms. She was a goblin, sure, but just like Diana, she was also my little goblin, and I'd love her all the same.

"Hmm, Lily, I have names."

"I will call this one Orchid. The other will be Lilac."

"What… name mean?"

"Like how Lily is a small flower, Orchid and Lilac are also flowers, but big, beautiful, and strong ones."

"Why… flowers?"

"Would you like me to pick something different?"

"No. Only want know why name flowers."

"Because flowers make a room more pleasant to be in."

Lily weakly laughed. A mistake on my part.

"OW! Husband stupid. GYA-HOW!"

There seemed to be a consensus about that among the gathered goblins with my choice of names, but since no one else was suggesting anything, that was that. As I held Orchid in my arms, it was really sinking in that I was fathering a new generation of goblins. It was a strange feeling for sure, but not unpleasant. I never managed to even lose my virginity in my previous life, so forget about having a regular human baby. Now I was a breeding slave, and at least I wasn't being treated remotely as badly as I could have been.

Berry was taking a moment to inspect Lily's damage and made a comment I wanted to hear.

"Lily fuckhole not look so bad."

"Feel broken."

"Mine feel broken too, take many days feel better. Mine already heal, able take Husband seed-stick again."

"Berry get big seed again?"

"Yes. Not think any strong ones inside."

"Ah…" I interrupted.


"Ovulation, perhaps?"

"What that?"

"Uh… what do you know about goblin reproduction? About how strong ones are actually made?" I asked Berry.

"Old One tell all goblins, when goblins fifteen moons, ready for big seed. Have strong ones, goblin tribe grow. Not have strong ones, goblin tribe die."

"Is that all she said?"

Berry nodded.

"There is a lot of information missing. I can't say with certainty how it is with goblins, but for human women, they have something called an ovary. It is the thing inside the body that keeps all of a woman's eggs safely hidden until it is time to let one fall into her belly. When it does, that is when a man can give his big seed to her and a strong one can be made. For human women the cycle is every moon. They begin with a bleed from their fuckhole that lasts up to seven suns long and then three suns for the egg to drop into their belly from their ovary. Then there are about twenty suns worth of time for a man to try to put big seed into a woman, before the woman bleeds the egg out if big seed doesn't turn the egg into a strong one. If that happens, the female has to wait for the cycle to begin again starting with the bleed. Do you goblins bleed each month?"

Everyone present except for Lily shook their heads.

"Goblins only bleed when hurt or get first big seed. Or when strong one come… Big blood on first big seed is good omen, Old One say." Jewel answered.

"Alright, then taking the bleeding cycle away, perhaps goblins do that part differently, but with humans, it can take a minimum of one moon before their belly can make itself ready for another seed to drop into their belly. Maybe that part is similar. Or maybe it takes less time, but in Berry's case, it's still not time yet for her to have another strong one." I rationalized.

"So Berry need wait moon until ready make more strong one?" Berry was particularly interested in asking this question.

"I don't know for sure. I'm sure we'll find out the answer soon enough, as long as you tell me if you feel like you know there is a new strong one inside. But at least for now, since you really just had Diana not too many days ago… right now your goblin egg might not be in your belly yet waiting for my big seed to enter it. The main reason your body would do that is so that you have time to recover from the stress that carrying and giving birth to a strong one puts on your body. It takes a lot of energy from your body, which needs to be replenished by eating."

I was not really prepared to give an anatomy and biology class here, but I felt it was important to at least convey some aspect of what I knew about basic reproduction, even if I had to dumb it down a little so that it made sense to me as well. They might also still not fully understand.

The bigger question on my mind was about what they had said about being ready to take big seed. They only needed fifteen moons? So… a year and a half? How old were these goblins?

"How… many moons old are you all?"

"More than all fingers and toes." Berry answered.

"So, over twenty moons?"

Berry nodded.

No fucking way, I'm robbing the cradle here!

"How… fast do goblins grow? How many moons for a goblin to be the size of Lily here?"

"Four moons." Prima answered. "Prima that big fourth moon."

Prima was one of the tallest goblins here, along with Jewel. I was almost afraid now to ask how long goblins naturally lived for. I had no idea about how fast goblins grew and were ready for procreation. It was almost like an unchecked stray cat population.

"Husband talk Old One. Know many things about goblins." Prima suggested.

I chortled. "Do you really think the Old One would want to tell me these things? No, I'll learn what I can over time from all of you. Prima, I can take a pass on picking tonight like we agreed?"

"You stay Lily. Prima go hunt. Not look Prima with stupid eye. Bring meat Lily. Vera, come hunt too. Finish talk bone, stone, water." I could see the distressed look in Vera's eyes as she was pulled along by an older sister's vice-like authoritative grip.

Hang in there, Vera!

"Berry, keep eye Husband and red stone, leave here, get later. Also go hunt."

Berry nodded.

"Say, Berry… where is Diana, anyway?" I asked my sweet goblin waifu.

"In cave-hole."

"Should she be left alone for this long?"

"Diana Artemis old enough walk goblin-home."

"Eh? Really? Does that mean she can visit me if she wants?"

"Yes. One moon time, she ready hunt own."

"One moon? Hunt on her own!? Wait, was that why you wanted Prima to take her hunting so soon?"

Berry nodded.

"When human learn hunt?"

"At the earliest… six years so… uh… seventy two moons?"

Berry shook her head.

"How many moons Husband?"

"I guess I am pretty old if we're talking about comparing how many moons old I am to you… I am probably around two hundred moons old?"

"Husband old like elder goblin."

"Well, I'm still pretty young for a human. If two hundred moons come five more times, then I'll be an elder human and near the end of my lifespan."

"Will… Husband stay?"

"Will I be allowed to go?" I asked jokingly. I was intended to be a lifer here, I'm sure. I was going to be put to stud and killed only after I couldn't perform anymore, I figured. "Besides, even if I could go, by that point I would hardly be able to live among humans again."

Berry looked upset at that.

"Don't worry, this is my life now. I think what matters most is how I can contribute to the future of the goblin tribe. What I can teach Diana and Orchid and Lilac. Or at least, I hope I will be allowed to. Even if they are goblins, to me they have something human in them, and that's worth nurturing."

"What Husband want teach Diana Artemis?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know exactly. But if it's something I can teach her that I know, that… can benefit her, I'd like to be able to. That's all."

"What about teach Berry?"

"You want me to teach you something?"

She nodded.

"Only know berries and poisons. Only hunt small thing. Never go past black trees, stream, or big rock. Not know stone magic for dig wall, or games Husband make for Diana Artemis play… even way strong ones made Old One not tell goblins!"

I sat down and softly patted my thigh, beckoning Berry to come sit with me. I was still cradling Orchid since she was peacefully asleep. Lilac was resting against Lily who was resting well after her double delivery. Berry joined me, and I put an arm around her back and pressed my forehead to hers.

"There are plenty of things that I don't know either, Berry. If there is something you want to know about or learn, and I happen to know about it, I will be happy to teach you, or our children. Because we are family now. And I also want you to have as many of my strong ones as you want."


Orchid began to stir in my arms, making a cute little mewling growl. This caused Berry to begin leaking from her breasts. I remember my older sister saying when her baby used to cry her breasts would secrete milk back then, too…

Orchid began to sniff the air and began wiggling in my arms towards Berry's breast.

"Oops, let's get her over to Lily."

Berry reached for Orchid and pulled her close, letting her wrap her tiny mouth around her own breasts. Seeing what had to be a personal act, I let the backs of my fingers caress Berry's face.

"I will always care for you, Berry."

"Berry cave-hole also Husband cave-hole."

"Hmm, is that the only hole that is also mine?" I teased.

"Berry talk Pear. Husband want try other hole?"

Berry grinned at me. It was just a shame that not even this could make my crotch rocket react. Maybe after eating something solid I'll feel up to the task again. We'd been in Lily's room for a while now and I wondered if Doll had woken up yet? Did Prima wake her when she went to fetch Vera to help earlier? It would probably be a while before Prima got back with food for Lily.

Orchid was out cold again like a light after drinking from Berry's milkies, and I helped Berry up so that she could put my newest daughter right against Lily's side. Berry then returned to my lap and rested her body against mine. She… just wanted affection, I believe. She deserved it too for helping as much as she did. Of course, I wrapped an arm around her while my other hand held on to Lily's limp hand. I was in the room with both of the mothers of my children, and I couldn't think of a better place I wanted to just relax and be.