
Goblin Specialist

Have been playing virtual games for more than 25 years, an old player heard that the first game he ever played will be closed. Wanted to reminisce his past, he entered a dungeon in the game and tried to complete it before the game was closed. After defeating the boss, he was offered by The Goblin King his legacy. He accepted it, just for fun. Few minutes before the game was closed, he chatted with some of old players that he knew. He was surprised that one of them was his ex-wife. They then chatted until the game service was closed. The system warned him and the others to go offline, but they ignored it. As a result, they were killed by accident. He then found out that he was reincarnated in a different world. Will his experience as a gamer and the goblin king's legacy enough for him to adapt to the new world? Are his gamer friends and his ex-wife also being reincarnated? Is he really disconnect from Earth?

Ron_Azure · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Place List

World: Galagan


1. Capital

2. Stardream

Village: Vineville

3. Rodaton

Village: Lily

Special places: Sapphire Jungle

World: Greendale

1. Greendale Village