
Goblin Slayer with a twist

Meet our MC Rei. Down on his luck died due to an unfortunate accident, when a passing god witness his accident he rolled on the ground laughing decided to give our MC Rei 4 wishes

JD_William_Grant · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


As the 3 of them walked to the village Rei`s Danger sensor pick up something following them. Rei said" Rem, Ram something is following us so keep an eye out". Rem and Ram noded there head's and keep an eye out. As the 3 of them walked Rem herd a snap sound to the left of them and stopped. Rei who sore Rem stop said " All good Rem"

Rem said " I herd a sound on the left of us"

And Rei said " Rem in the front, Ram in the middle and I will be at the back so be ready"

They continued walking when they see a wolf in front of them. As they look to the front Rei hered a sound and looks to the left only to find 2 wolf's coming closer. Rei said" Get ready. They are coming " As Rei said that one wolf ran to Rei with its mouth open and tryed to bite him but was met with a red dagger as Rei slashed down and cuts the wolf's head off. [ Ding.... Wolf eliminate gained 20sp]

When Rei looks up he see 5 wolf's. 3 in the front and 2 in the back he said" You two take the front 3 and I got the back 2 be careful and keep an eye out just in case any more wolves are lurking around. Rem and Ram nodded there Heads and Rem ran out to confront the wolves and Ram got ready two use her magic. Rem got to the wolves and kick one of it's head when a fire ball went past her and hit one of the other wolves killing it on the spot. when the other two wolves saw at die they got angry and ran to Ram only for Rem two kick their heads and followed up with a hook to the face dropping the wolves to the ground. when she sees them drop to the ground she goes up to the wolves and breaks their necks. When she turns around to see Rei, he has already killed the two wolves behind them and said" Do you think there are any more following as" Rei shock his head and said " I don't know, but we should keep our gard up just in case" When he said that he looks at the sp he got for killing the 3 wolves and see he got 60sp (20 per wolf) and see that he only needs 195sp more before he can level up his danger sensor. After that he cuts the wolves ear off and puts it in a bag then hands it to Rem as she put her 3 in to it. When finished they continue walking and found them selfs at the villages front gate and walked up to the gard and Rei said " hi, where here for the Quest to hunt the Wolfs that are around the village" The gard said " please come in. Those wolf's are a pest and they ceep killing our life stock"

Rei said " Is there an inn where we could stay

at for about 3 days" The grad said " Yes there is a inn called the oak tree about half way up this rode" Rei said " Thank you" and the 3 of them walked and found the inn that the gard recommended to stay at. They go through the front door and walk to the front desk and Rei said " We would like 2 rooms for 3 days please" The lady at the desk said " ok that

20 copper per night so 60 copper coins please" Rei handed her the coins and she said " you'r rooms are number 11 and 12. Here are your keys and have a nice night" They nodded there heads and go to the rooms as Rei said " I think we should go to bed now and start the Quest tomorrow so good night and see you in the morning" Rem and Ram hugged him and said " en, see you tomorrow Rei/ good night" and close the door. Rei went to his room and closed the door and went to sleep.