
Goblin Slayer with a twist

Meet our MC Rei. Down on his luck died due to an unfortunate accident, when a passing god witness his accident he rolled on the ground laughing decided to give our MC Rei 4 wishes

JD_William_Grant · Anime & Comics
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When Rei woke up the next morning he looked at his system and put in 245 Skill points to level up Danger sensors to level 4.

[ Ding...Danger sensors level 4 (000/600) ]

After that he was left with 175 Skill points and he decides to save then for later. When he finished Rei when out to do his daily workout and then went to get the girls so he can inform the village chief that there problem is solved.

Rei- Rem, Ram before we can leave we have to have a talk with the village chief and tell him the we killed all of the wolves so the problem should be done with.

Rem- OK. Just let as finish breakfast first yes. You should have some as well since Ram cooked a lot of food.

Ram- Please join as Rei. I cooked extra for you.

Rei- O-ok. I will join you girls for some breakfast. Happy, but after we will talk to the chief.

Rem/Ram- Yes, now please eat.

Ram gave Rei one big bowl of rice, one plate of fish and a big orange juice. Rei ate it all and was full so they rested for a pit before they went off to the village chiefs home. When they arrived they nocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. When it opened and woman came out and said.

???- Yes. How may I help you.

Rei- Yes. We are the adventures that tock the Quest to get rid of the wolves that were around the village and we just came to say that we have completed it before we leave to go back home.

???- Yes. Thank you. I will get the chief. I will be just a second.

Rei and the girls waited for 2 minuets before the woman came back with the chief in front of her. When the chief saw Rei and the girls he shock here hands and said to them.

Chief- Thank you so much for what you have done. You have know idea of how much this means to the village. Thank you.

Rei- It was no big deal. But as we are finished we were going to go back now but I diced to tell you that we got the job done and now that we have we will be leaving so good bye.

Chief- Yes good bye and I will give you a nice bonus for getting the job done so fast. and thank you again.

Rei, Rem and Ram started walking to the village entrance and left the village. On there long walk back they came across some goblins and the odd wolf and Rei earned some skill points but they made there way home with out much difficulty. When they got back to there home Rei looked at Rem and Ram and said to them.

Rei- Why don't you to go home to see your mother and I will go to the guild to get our money from the job and cash in the wolf ears.

Rem- Are you shore Rei. We can come with you if you wont. We don't mind you know.

Ram- En. We can come with you.

Rei- Yes I know you can but I think you should go be with your mother as it is the first time you have gone out for a few days to do a job and I think she may miss you and I know you two miss her so go.

Rem- Thank you Rei. We will go now we will see you tomorrow. Bye bye.

Ram- En. Thank you Rei. See you tomorrow.

Rem and Ram said as they kiss Rei on the cheeks with a blush across there faces and ran off home to see there mother. Rei shook his head and smiled before walking off to the guild. When Rei went in to the building he went to the mane desk and said.

Rei- Hi. I have completed the job I was on and have come to collect the reward.

???- Yes. I have it here and the client has given you a bonus for completing it so fast. The job was 60 silver coins and the bonus is 30 silver. So that come to 90 silver coins.

Rei- Thank you very much.

After that Rei went to the exchange counter to exchange the wolf ears. after lining up for 10 minutes it was Rei turn. He got his bag and emptied it on the counter and the guild stuff counted it.

Guild stuff- hmmm. 14 wolf ears and 1 wolf chief. I can give you 10 copper per wolf ear and 3 silver for the wolf chief.

Rei- Thank you.

Guild stuff- Here 140 copper and 3 silver. Take it.

After Rei got the money he walked home and made some dinner, ate it and went out to his back yard to do some light exercises and them went off to bed. The next day Rei was up early to do his daily training and practice his sword, karate and dagger arts.

[ Ding..... Swordsmanship 10 xp ]

[ Ding.....Karate 15 xp ]

[ Ding.....Dagger arts 15 xp ]

[ Ding..... ]

Rei counted training till midday when he got freshened up and left for Rem and Ram's home to give them there part of the money and to talk. When Rei got there he nocked on the door and there mother Nico-san opened it and saw it was Rei.

Nico-san- Hi there Rei. Are you here for the girls.

Rei- Yes I am here to give them there share of the money we earned on the job we were on.

Nico-san- Well come inside and I will get you some tea. The girls are out back playing.

Rei walk out of the house to the back yard and can see Rem and Ram siting on the grass talking so he walk silently over to them to scare them and he herd there conversation and it made him freeze.

Rem- Ram do you think Rei is gay.

Ram- No. why do you think that.

Rem- Well you know he hasn't done anything to as, even after we have kiss him on his cheek so I thought maybe he is gay.

Ram- No. He is not. I have seen the way he looks at mother and the other older women we talk to so I don't think he is gay.

Rem- So you think he likes older women do you.

Ram nodded her head and they contend to talk not knowing that Rei was behind them the hole time. When Rei unfroze he tried to walk back inside but Nico-san came out and said.

Nico-san- Rei sweetheart I've got you some tea.

And Rei once again freezes and he see's Rem and Ram turn there heads around and look at Rei in shock. The three of them just steer at each other and before Rei said.

Rei- H-hi. I've c-come to give you your money. So I came and I saw that you to were talking so I was going to snick up on you when I herd what you were talking about and I froze.

Rei sighed and handed them the money and walked over to Nico-san and grabbed the tae and drank it. He looked over the still frozen girls and sighed again and said to them

Rei- Rem, Ram I do like older women.

Rem and Ram's heads lowered as they herd this and Nico-san raised her eyes up to see Rei looking at her and she blushes a bit and looked down.

Rei- BUT I also like you two. And I am NOT GAY.

Rem and Ram looked at Rei and see him blushing and they had stars in there eyes as they herd that he likes them but started to blush in shame when they herd him yell that he is not gay. Nico-san looked at Rei weirdly when he said that he is not gay and looked at her daughters and see that there heads are down as they blush and can guess what happened and said.

Nico-san- I think we need to go inside and talk about this so come in side now.

Rei's stats

Name - Rei

Age- 15

Skill points (SP)-300

Skills: ->Pain Tolerance- level 5( 50/600), -> [ Karate (beginner) level 6( 350/1200), -> [ swordsmanship (beginner) level 5 (655/1200 ], -> [ Dagger arts (beginner) level 4 (550/1000 ], -> [ Sprint level 7 ( 40/700), -> [ Danger sensors level 4 (000/600) ]

lets try some romance

I hope I get it right

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