
Goblin Slayer: Theodore Vol Grance

In a world of Dragons, sword techniques, ominous monsters from beyond the realm of ordinary strength, and adventures that bypass the impossible. Theodore does what he wants. …… DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters other than my OCs and things I make. I don't own Goblin slayer. Lord Kumo Kagyu has the right to his stuff. Not a serious fanfic, so be aware; might change stuff or do more AU things and OCs, like increasing the power scale, making new characters, or going into different countries and changing the plot completely. (So yeah that's that.) ... Just your normal fanfic. With the system… yeah, overused but we love it. I made the cover… yes, I know it's not the best but it works, lol. Update Schedule: Hopefully Every Weekend… if university does not destroy me. (Nah I’d upload.) English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. (Not an excuse, just letting you know if you notice a mistake, kindly tell me so I can improve.)

Slothpath · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Goblin Champion!

Updates will be weekly if college starts... So yeah sorry.

Suggest me names for the characters... If you don't know, GS characters go by their occupation or nickname. 

I will try to end the fanfic between 50-80 chapters.

(Words: 1725)


"You did well..." The Goblin Slayer said, walking alongside Theodore back to the guild.

"Thanks..." Theodore appreciated it, but it was awkward. Wasn't this a newbie quest?

"Thanks for killing the goblins... You saved a lot." Goblin Slayer thanked Theodore genuinely.

"Don't mention it... It's my quest, and I will get paid for it." The red-eyed youth scoffed it off.

They continued their march towards the Adventurer's Guild while making small goblin talks, which made Goblin Slayer talk a bit.

'This guy... He loves killing Goblins, definitely for revenge, though.' Theodore thought, listening to the slayer about goblins.


(Adventurer's Guild)

Inside the nicely lit guild hall, Theodore reported his quest. The guild girl was amazed at his skill, not even believing it. But with Goblin Slayer, a silver-ranked adventurer. Vouching for Theodore, it was all set.

[Theodore Vol Grance]


[On First Quest:

1 Goblin Shaman.

1 Hobgoblin.

60 Goblins.]

"Here this is your pay for the quest!" Erina said, handing the youth a pouch full of 20 silver coins.

"Thanks, Erina." He thanked her with a smile.

"You're welcome..." She gave a slight smile before talking again.

"You did good... On your first quest alone at that, you truly surprised me!" Erina admired, "But don't let that get to your head... Every quest is dangerous. So be careful please." She said sternly.

"Okay Okay... I will be going now; thanks for the concern." He said, thanking her before leaving the guild.

"This guy is strong for a newbie... I will give it to him." The spearman admitted, even though he didn't want to.

"Hoo... Surely not a newbie in terms of strength... He might be from the royal knights~" The witch spoke in her usual slow tone, wanting to trigger the spearman.

The adventures soon knew about Theodore's feat, spreading it around the guild. Some denied it, but knowing Goblin Slayer's character, he wouldn't joke about goblins.

They started to believe it, while the others admired the super rookie.


(A month later)

A month has passed for Theodore in this world.

He spent most of his time training on his swordsmanship, wanting to reach at least the seventh stance. Also, doing some little quests while joining other newbies if they asked him.

He found a cozy apartment to rent out for the month. It had a great view of the town center, allowing him to watch the center.

Today, he woke up feeling the need for violence. It has been a long time since he got a quest, so he was eager for it. That's why we can see him heading towards the guild, a bit optimistic.

Entering the guild, he made some small talk while greeting the people along the way. Theodore eyed the quest board; he had to choose a good quest a bit high on the scale.

[{Carriage Guard}]

[{Find A Missing Individual}]

[{Get Herbs}]

[{Annihilate The Orc Camp)]

[{Goblin Castle}]

[{Road Trip}]

[{Be My Guard}]

"That's a nice set of quests, but... I will take the Goblins!" He mumbled, yanking the sheet out of the board. The youth wanted to see the castle and go a bit far.

[{Goblin Castle}]

[The Goblins have taken an old castle as their home while jumping the village nearby.]

"Hey, Erina... How are you doing today?" Theodore asked, leaning on the desk with a smile, accumulating a smile from the latter.

"I'm well, just the usual stuff... What do you have today?" Erina asked, a bit excited, as the guild girl sitting in the guild all the time was tiring.

"Guess?" He asked.

"Umm... Just say it!" She said with a pout, not wanting to play the guessing game.

"Goblins... The special for Goblin Slayer." He gave his answer.

"Ugh... Why does it have to be Goblins? you and him need to give me a break." She said, signing the parchment.

"It will change soon." He muttered, his eyes set on a quest. But he wasn't ready for it; the young youth needed more strength.

While Erina did her own thing with the papers, he waited on her. Glancing around, he found someone approaching as soon as he finished. They greeted each other with nods, each going his way.

"Goblins." The individual said, arriving at the front desk. Seeing him made Erina's heart flutter. The guild girl smiled softly, bringing a stack of goblin quests from beneath the desk.

"Goblin Slayer-san!" She said, happy.


(Sometime Later)

Theodore stood farther on a stranded rock, heightened from the laid ground. The high wind currents played with his hair left and right. He eyed the castle in front, assembling a plan to act on.

The gates were sealed and closed, so he had to break in.

'Fireball.' He thought, activating his skill.

A bright orb of pure flames materialized above his palm, highlighting it with an orange hue glowing brightly. The flames were blazing around the fireball; it was the size of three basketballs, about 2.22 meters.

He aimed his palm towards the gate. The fireball shot forward like an arrow before hitting the gate, blasting it open with a bang.


The doors swung wide open with a defining boom, startling all the goblins while sending the ones on guard flying. He sprinted at top speed, appearing near the fallen ones and beheading them.

He didn't stop there, continuing going at top speed, slashing and bashing any goblin. Theodore stopped after taking 30 goblins' lives. These were all the goblins outside the yard.

The red-eyed youth stood watching the inner castle door open; it was a trap, that was his conclusion.

'Fireball.' Theodore shoots a fireball inside, hearing a boom after.

'Let's go the other way.' He thought, eyeing the structure. The youth started to parkour his way up the castle, reaching the highest floor. Popping from the window, he saw the hall nicely decorated.

There in the hall's last part stood a throne; it was huge. Well built for a monster, a behemoth.

A Goblin behemoth, about three meters high, was seated on the throne with a broadsword seated nearby. 2 goblins reported to the titan; something about an invader.

Thus, all the goblins here got deployed down by his orders.


Two daggers flew at neck speed, hitting the two goblins in the head. The two dropped dead on the ground, the blood splashing around.


Theodore made his presence clear.

The Goblin Champion saw red eyes glowing in the shadows. Then, a human came from the shadows with a grin. He was mad and enraged, but he was intelligent.

He picked up his sword with madness, cutting the air.


Theodore sheathed his sword.

Both of them stood their ground, each observing, gauging the strength of the other. Theodore was surprised by the Champion Goblin. It was thrilling fighting the unknown.

Both made their move.

Theodore puts a rear sword stance, whereas the behemoth of a goblin goes with a low stance. Each holding their swords with a mighty grip, a silence hung in the air.


Each one was met with the other, clashing their swords against each other. They created sparks filling the air per slash. It was a battle of strength vs speed; while the Champion held the upper strength par, Theodore led the speed.

Theodore tried to avoid an attack. But the youth met a blade to his misfortune. He lifted his sword, blocking the blow, but the strength behind it was great.

He got sent hurling like a ragdoll, flying across and hitting a wall.



Theodore coughed blood like no more, which made him injured severely. Blood on the ground, unknown to him; He was grinning, eyes glowing brightly.

The titan of a goblin started to laugh madly, pointing his hand at him. Unknown to him, Theodore took the regeneration potion he saved, gulping it like a mad hound.


Theodore started to get up, bringing the attention to himself. The Goblin Champion was amazed; getting a toy to play with made him grin menacingly.

"You should've aimed for the head." Theodore said with a soft smile.

He went into a proper stance; a sword appeared in his hand. His antagonist also took his broadsword, getting into a stance.

'5th Stance-The Red Dawn!' He muttered, exuding a powerful breath from his lungs like smoke.

His feet splintered the ground; he was like a meteor flying to the other side of the hall. The Creature didn't fall behind; his feet cracked the floor, bringing his sword high in the sky.

The Goblin Champion unleashed a havocing downward slash, with a mighty roar shaking the room.


Both met at a clash that split the sound into silence.


The ground shook into bits and pieces, breaking the floor. 

Theodore slashed through the broadsword alongside the Goblin Champion, bisecting him four ways like a plus.


Behind Theodore, blood exploded from the four ways; organs and blood decorated the hall. Like a painting of an image between the four parted ways, the red dawn of a sunset made of blood red.

"Hoof..." He howled a breath.

Soon, he heard the footsteps of a whole horde striding. They entered the room to be met by their leader like a plus lying down. The goblins were shaking with fear, soon to be met with an orb flying at them.



[Secret Quest Completed]

[Kill a Goblin Champion.]

[A reward is getting generated.]

[Lightning Armament]

[Active Skill]

[Enchants right-hand armament with lightning damage. For a minute. (Each minute uses 1% of your stamina)]

'Yes!" He shouted, lifting his fist high in the air.

He stood on ruins and dead bodies. The castle was long gone; all that was left were dead bodies and ruins.

Holding his sword with his right hand, he activated the new skill.

'Lightning Armament~' He muttered.

His left hand cracked with bright yellow lightning, illuminating the surroundings. The lightning went into the sword, rumbling around it. It was crackling with bright yellow lightning, adding another worldly effect.

He could feel the strength of it, but also the stamina drain, but it was durable.

'1st Strike-Lightning Flash!' He slashed forward with an overwhelming speed that could not be seen by the naked eye, creating a bright yellow image with lightning streaks flying through.

"Hahaha!" He was happy, a smile appearing appearing on his face.


I hope you liked that chapter.


What should we give Goblin Slayer a name? Idk Hunter, Rodrick, or Eon.

Also, I will try to upload weakly cuz midterms soon.

Give Names or Like my profile.

Slothpathcreators' thoughts