
Goblin General

A war strategy freak was trying to download a game from a totally not suspicious link. There were ads like normally, but this time, he needed to click the link on the ad to proceed to the next website. Knowing what's waiting for him at the end, he did it anyway. The next thing he felt was a great pain on the back of his head, by a mysterious, robed man that has green skin. One moment he was in his room, the other, he met with what it seemed to be the creature that hit him on his head. And the next, he found himself in a group of goblins inside the fantasy world. Will he be able to join them? Or lead them? Or even, getting bullied and got killed in the end? Let's follow his adventure!

Nekoman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
197 Chs

Against bullies? Yes

Knock knock knock

Standing in the hallway, in his human form, Frigs knocked the door exactly three times before getting a response from a girl's voice from the other side of the door, "Yes, you can enter the room!"

He took a deep breath and gulped his saliva before slowly putting pressure on the door handle and opening it. Everyone was shocked once the blonde-haired boy entered the room and making his way beside the teacher, "Hello, I'm Edward, I am here to study about the empire's way of war and strategy"

The teacher smirked, "Whoa! Straight to the point! I like it, now you can sit at… yea, besides Louis!"

His eyes directed at the direction where the teacher was pointing at and he saw a dark-skinned man with dark short hair sitting there. The one thing that caught his attention was the different design on the uniform, "Instead of the white uniform like mine, he has the dark blue one?"

He shook his head softly, and that thought was instantly gone from his head, he then made his way toward his new seat in the classroom. The first thing he did when he just sat down on his seat was to greet the man, "Louis, nice to meet you!"

Louis turned his face to him and said, "Edward… can you not talk to me while we are on class? Thank you!"

Frigs raised his eyebrow when he heard his words, 'What an odd request! But sure I guess, not like I want to socialize'

The teacher then started her lesson, "First! I will explain about the ranks and hierarchy! So… bla bla bla"

It was an afternoon at the moment the class was done, the students rushed out of the class and walked to a direction. Of course, Frigs, being the new student, was still confused about where he should go to, but Louis suddenly placed his hand on Frigs's shoulder, "Follow me"

The boy followed Louis to a direction and eventually entering some sort of bedroom. Of course, the first thing he noticed was 2 single-sized bed. All of a sudden, Louis heavily panted right after he closed the door, "Dude! That was dangerous for you!"

Frigs casually made his way toward one of the bed and sat on the edge of it, "What was dangerous? Also, lock the door and close the window before we talk in our original form"

Louis did what he was told to and changed his form to a cute goblin, with the same colour as Frigs of course, "My lord, didn't you noticed the people that have been tailing after us? They are bullies, now, their target is me. We need to be careful!"

Frigs smirked, "Well, do you want to do something about them? Perhaps gather the others and just beat them up until their mindset to bully people just disappeared forever?"

Louis responded with a calm tone while trembling, "We can't their noble houses are too powerful and if we were to fight them, it would just create a huge problem with those noble houses. Their number is far too many, house of Mercia and some disguised goblins powerhouse won't really stand a chance!"

Frigs smirked once again, "Well, a wise man once said that 'the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting'. Based on this alone, we can think of a lot of ways"

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Louis was quiet, he placed his finger on his chin and said to himself, 'I mean… Frigs not wrong, but I don't really know what to do…'

Frigs continued his words before Louis expressed his thought in words, "I have a suggestion. This is not a complicated one, but most of the kids that studies here came from a family of the warrior. There's not really much war these days and you see those families still able to live like kings"

"Can we just get straight into the point?"

"Sure, if my suspicion were correct, the corruption in their families exists. We can tip off the imperial prosecutors, but most likely, there's another corruption in that sector as well but with…"

Louis interrupted him, "Wait, wait… this is all too confusing, is there any simpler plan?"

Frigs smiled, "I knew you wouldn't say yes to this plan, but compared to that whole ordeal, this one is simpler, much simpler. You just need to answer my question. How do they rose to become the popular kids in school?"

Louis was quiet for a moment, "…Is it because of their background?"

Frigs snapped his finger, "Correct! I don't see them paying attention in class so their knowledge doesn't total to a big amount. Now the next question, where's the next practice exam, etc?"

Louis answered after a short time of thinking, "Well, like 6 months? I saw the schedule and apparently, the exam is about building your own army during the summer break or something"

Frigs has a wide grin on his face, "Well, we can just become the popular kids by scoring like a really high amount of score! Then we gain fame and people in the school will try to kiss our b*tt and help us against those bullies"

He visualized what will happen in the future, "Those kids will be like, 'Oh, Edward and Louis! Please help us learn'"

"When those bullies come, 'Hey you dumb*asses! You dare take our attention away!"

"Then those kids will be like, 'Hey! Don't bully them, I will tell my parents if you do that again!' "

"Then the bullies will just say, 'Sorry master Frigs and Louis, we do not possess the yes to see a great mountain!' while kneeling to us!"

Louis were quiet and has a cold expression on his face, but that expression slowly turned into a chuckled and eventually, a laugh, "You are really good at imagining, though, maybe we can really do that!"