
Goblin General

A war strategy freak was trying to download a game from a totally not suspicious link. There were ads like normally, but this time, he needed to click the link on the ad to proceed to the next website. Knowing what's waiting for him at the end, he did it anyway. The next thing he felt was a great pain on the back of his head, by a mysterious, robed man that has green skin. One moment he was in his room, the other, he met with what it seemed to be the creature that hit him on his head. And the next, he found himself in a group of goblins inside the fantasy world. Will he be able to join them? Or lead them? Or even, getting bullied and got killed in the end? Let's follow his adventure!

Nekoman · Fantasy
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197 Chs

A casual day, just one though

Tomorrow, not that early in the morning, Frigs and his officers made their way to the meeting tent once again. Having been resting for the night, some were full of energy as they began their meeting, "Today, we'll discuss the strategy and tactics against our enemies,"

Just as it began, Louis cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of the others in the tent, "Before we truly start the meeting, there is some information I would like to share. We got a report from scouts that there are no herds or signs of enemies around here. This is further supported by a letter I got from a castle in the captured territory. It reads:

To Sir Edward, reporting from a castle with no name.

A scout we sent in the early of the dawn upon hearing the terrible accident of last night revealed that a large number of enemy soldiers is marching to the east. Their number, according to the scout, might be around 15 to 20 thousand."