
Chapter 45: Santos

"As you can see, there are five groups. Each group has four stars in it. Let's count the stars. Ready?" I use my dry erase marker to count how many stars are on the board. "There's twenty. So five times four equals twenty."

I look up at Kimberly who has a grimace on her face.

"I'm doing a terrible job at this, aren't I?"

She turns off the camera we're using to tape our lessons while trying really hard to give me an encouraging look, but finally gives up. "Well, it's not good."

I toss the dry erase marker down on the table of the small library work room and drop myself into the chair. "Why do I have to present a third-grade lesson?"

"Do you want the real answer or a sarcastic answer?"

"Let's start with sarcastic."

"Because Professor Johnston randomly chose third grade for your project."

I make a "hrmph" and cross my arms. "And the real answer?"