

Above the cosmos... Nothing hangs. How do you know? I'm not all-powerful, but I have common sense, you know? It is as if you were proposing life after death, a banality for the hopeless; but there is reincarnation... What? Confusing, meaningless and lacking logic... Above the cosmos? Could there be another more brilliant jewel that adorns the crown? It makes no sense, just like rebirth... Who would like to remember past memories? Traumas, attachments, beings; unless you are a slave. But who is not a slave? There are no exceptions... Could it be that above the cosmos I will find an answer? 'Son of a bitch', that's the best abstract promotion framework I've ever seen...

Finger_of_Shiva · Fantasy
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79 Chs


The wind howled with the pulling of the branches and leaves, around it different colors were painted; but his figure was not distinguishable through the one and the other.

Moments ago, his footstep was audible, scraping the surface of the ground. But his presence had completely disappeared in a dizzying way, eliminating his stay in reality.

His illusory figure did not allow the observation of an audience. Fugitive from the world, between the shadowed cracks; Christopher watched with a smile as Federick walked away.

Each one took a different path, heading in opposite directions. Christopher's gait was nonchalant, as if he were on the back of a mount, covering hundreds of meters of ground with each extension of his foot.

Ethereal, intangible and invisible, unmistakable as the characteristic sonata of a renowned composer.

Finally, his stride slowed to nothing. He rested after a prodigious demonstration of foot games.

"Hah, cold-blooded useless old men, making an old man work… It's inhumane." Christopher said with a defeated expression.

He found himself on completely different ground than before; Muddy and neglected, dead logs eaten to the inside, and weeds growing everywhere.

Despite its unfavorable aesthetics, it was an area where spiritual energy was highly concentrated.

The discovered figure of Christopher waited for an ephemeral time that was instantly extinguished; Rest peacefully in the "Forest of ashes", it was a wishful dream.

The ancient muddy pool still, vibrated on its surface. It was not a merciful move, for instantly a beast shot out from within.

A huge, crazed beast, its length was measured in meters. Its superficial scaly skin revealed its condition as a reptile.

Christopher had violated the mediations of his territory, for which he was immediately understood as an enemy; animal or not

The beast's muscle fibers were monstrously powerful; with a jump, he had flown tens of meters in the direction of his "prey".

His mighty strength opened wide, preparing his teeth to tear through the flesh.

At this, Christopher strengthened both of his arms, preparing himself for the onslaught. With technique and finesse, he received the thundering beast between his two hands.

He held her at bay in front of him, neither hesitating nor showing weakness; A terrible breath breathed from its jaws, capable of knocking down even the most reckless.

Its mouth interior was impregnated with a blackish color, surrounded by sharp and worn teeth.

"I see you are an impatient pup." Christopher said with a wild smile.

"If you survive ten hits, you will live."

With his words, the indecision of the fight expired. With an illustrious shuffle of his feet, Christopher immediately separated himself from the beast, bringing a resounding thump to the scaly reptile's forehead.

"I don't remember having a palm that hard." Christopher said observing his hand and the unfortunate situation of his opponent.

Seeing the stars, his forehead was flattened, his eyes flattened, and his tongue comically ownerless.

Although all the humorous sensation perished inevitably, due to the nerves that were observed in his eyes and the blood that began to accumulate in his jaws, as a result of having severely injured his tongue with his own teeth.

That was a blow, a slap.

By the third, he was no longer acting recklessly.

On the fifth, he wanted to run away.

By the ninth, he had perished.

Immediately, as with the ringing of a bell, numerous specimens of the same species fled the scene in another direction when they saw the forecast of the fight for... Survival.

Christopher was benevolent, leading no effort to exterminate these hatchlings that had not yet matured. He directed his gaze to the dire situation of the male he had killed in a matter of minutes.

He summoned an edged weapon, which when brandished six times, six accurate cuts, the specimen's blood flowed freely on the ground. Blood stained his shoes, for 44 seconds he remained silent letting the blood flow. When the clock struck, he imbued his magical energy into the wasted blood; with evident extraordinary effects, he levitated her above the ground.

He blurred it, guiding it with precision, drawing a geometric figure on the ground. Magically from his hand flew innumerable objects: minerals, herbs and amulets; which were precisely positioned at their designated location.

"Completed work". Christopher said on a breath.

He was a recognized skilled master in the art of matrices. Although his strength and fierceness were enormous, in reality he was not lacking in the intellectual spheres.

It is in question, it was an intercom matrix. Capable of connecting tens of thousands of miles away, with a predetermined destination.

Imbuing her magic with a thought, the matrix was at work. A 3D image was projected from it, where there were two individuals sitting on respective thrones.

"Greetings, Ancient Emperor… And you." Christopher modestly saluted.

Given this, there were two reactions. One was indifferent and on the other hand, who responded by tilting his head slightly.

"What is the progress of your mission?". Asked the indifferent one, Carlos II.

"If the old man were not mute, he would not speak to you, failed poet." Christopher said in a bored way.

The so-called "Ancient Emperor" could only let out a groan.

"Current progress is nil. The boy is lost, in awe of the lush trees. Perhaps he will recite a poem inspired by them." Christopher said laughing.


That short exchange of words was a definitive pond in their conversation; so Christopher had to get down to business and complete his task.

Discovering Federick's location was a simple task for his ability. In a moment she was next to him, hiding her presence.

He chose to observe their movements for a while, which did not go beyond a cautious walk. To his disappointment he was unaware of many traces that were in plain sight; although it was understandable, due to his inexperience.

Despite his reputation, he was not a fan of wickedness. He was understanding... Well, he usually was.

he followed him at the same pace until finally federick decided to climb a tree. at its height it would probably give a greater perspective of the general terrain.

With this information gathered, he withdrew to announce it to his two companions. It was not in his interest to be a caretaker nor did he want to overprotect this young heir.

Upon reuniting with his two companions from afar, his expression had a 360° degree change... Yes, 360° degrees because it was always bitter.

"Report: His inexperience is clear, but understandable. His cautiousness and caution admirable; his lack of arrogance in the face of unknown terrain, applaudable; his courage, heroic... In fact, for the moment he has made logical decisions." Cristóbal said indifferently.

"If your words are notorious for honesty, it is certainly an extraordinary record for a witty and inexperienced young man." Carlos II responded.

At the end of his words, Carlos II turned his face in the direction of the old man next to him, who transferred his words mentally.

"Admirable, applaudable and heroic... They are praises that are renowned in the army, when they come from an eminence like you. I am surprised and agree with Carlos' words." Carlos II repeated the old man's words.

"A talented offspring, waiting to be forged… I would recommend letting him fight a wolf." Christopher expounded.

"We won't." Carlos II buried his idea instantly.

"I still don't know why I was relegated to this task." Christopher reproached.

"You offered yourself." Carlos II remembered.

"My expectation was not to be your grandson's personal caretaker." Christopher continued.

"You are in the forest of ashes." Carlos II remembered.

Faced with this exchange of words, the mute figure could only snort... But as a surprise; his incredulity was notorious and marked.

Based on this thread, the conversation will go on for minutes, minutes that will quickly crash in the quarter of an hour. Because of this, Christopher resumed his task, pursuing Federick's position.