

Above the cosmos... Nothing hangs. How do you know? I'm not all-powerful, but I have common sense, you know? It is as if you were proposing life after death, a banality for the hopeless; but there is reincarnation... What? Confusing, meaningless and lacking logic... Above the cosmos? Could there be another more brilliant jewel that adorns the crown? It makes no sense, just like rebirth... Who would like to remember past memories? Traumas, attachments, beings; unless you are a slave. But who is not a slave? There are no exceptions... Could it be that above the cosmos I will find an answer? 'Son of a bitch', that's the best abstract promotion framework I've ever seen...

Finger_of_Shiva · Fantasy
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79 Chs

[Hemlock ... or maybe not]

Late at night, in a well-appointed living room, with high-end armchairs and high-quality wooden furniture, a chandelier hung from the ceiling. Two individuals stood opposite each other.

One was elegantly dressed. He was enjoying tea while listening intently to the other individual.

"The task has been a success, Mr. Clarius. You have successfully insinuated yourself to the Battlemman adopted son, Leonardo." Said the individual openlyree.

"Did you notice any suspicious activity during the process?". Clarius asked tactfully.

"No, I did not at any time; But that in itself is the oddity. Even if he belongs to a family of lesser reputable individuals and is an adopted son, he is still an official member of the Battlemman Family." Mr. Three said reflectively.

"If it is as you say, it is indeed strange. Since there is also his younger brother, an individual of great natural-born talent; wouldn't that be reason for special attention? Especially in these chaotic times hehe." Clarius finished with amusement.

"You are right, but the cards are already on the table. It is a fact that there has been no suspicious activity in the act, and we have no power over this matter. It simply remains to rely on the efficiency of our team." Mr. Three finished smugly.

Clarius, while consuming his infusion, cautiously observed the movements of Mr. Three. His body language was one of smugness and absolute confidence, maintaining an open and unguarded stance.

He had to pay special attention to him, due to the reputation of his organization. Although they were efficient, they tended to be noted for their libertarian policies.

He belonged to the senior ranks within the organization, only inferior to the vice-leader and the leader himself, a figure shrouded in mystery. Despite his age, his talent and efficiency had allowed him such achievements. He feared that he would attack his weak figure, despite offending the Liu Family.


The steam was rising, a figure was faintly visible through it. It was a bathtub and the individual was Leonardo.

The water was boiling, but the young man felt no burning sensation on his skin. His mind was busy, dulling bodily sensations.

He had been thinking suspiciously about the stranger's proposal for three days. He did not believe that he had revealed his true identity, for his proposal implied treason, a crime punishable by extermination.

Especially since it involved monarchy, a concept and ideal woven with dedication over the past millennia in Athens.

When he finally emerged, strands of hair mingled in his hands. He had violently carved his hair, to the point of edification of such a scene.

His thoughts were chaotic, with no base on which to rest. Similar to a decaying ribbon, she was interspersed with memories, ideals, and the end.

He had taken a shower to clear his thoughts but to no avail. He had decided to rest his mind in silence to enjoy a family lunch.

He didn't see his younger brother anywhere, so he decided to go in search of his mother. He was probably in the kitchen, he hoped to be able to help his with some task.

But in the middle of the road he was intercepted by a figure. A large, stocky individual with a distinctive beard. It was his Father, who despite his frightening figure, wore a smile on his face.

"Champ! long time no see, is it hard to cope with the responsibility of an adult? Hahahahahaha." He laughed loudly holding his belly, the big man.

His words were due to his null contact during the last few weeks. His Father's work was arduous, and their schedules did not coincide.

He watched his Father's expression closely, one of pride and happiness. A giant reverse parallel compared to his memory, of the day of his brother's ordeal.

"Father, don't say that. We will already have quality time to share, together with little Guillermo." Leonardo expressed.

"Of course, a day of fishing is coming. Now go and ask your Mother if she needs help with anything." Said Father as he retired to the dining room.

"Yes, that was my original intention. Sit down and rest, Father." Leonardo said as he continued on his original path.

This was his home, with which he had been familiar for over a decade. He had seen various scenes of his parents, as well as his brother running indiscriminately.

In his memories, his Father was always characterized by an optimistic mood. Wearing a bright smile on his face, never wavering. But one memory broke with this utopian ideal: One day the previous year, the calendar had opened the triennial event, the Battlemman Family Ancestral Test.

His younger brother, Guillermo, had participated. His conscience was practically nil, so expectations fell on him and his parents. He wished for his brother's genuine success.

And it was not in vain, for his brother produced eight waves in the ancient artifact. In the past, such a result would be the highest of a generation; it was a subtlety peculiar only to heirs.... But there was an unbreakable barrier, a unique result, called "Federick". An individual who eliminated all hope in his parents.

After the ecstasy, came the realization. With the realization, the memory.

The ever-optimistic expression of his Father had changed. Exchanged by a subtle, but shattering one.

His eyes were not one of pride or joy... But of disappointment, crushing disappointment.

A blow immediately snapped him out of his imagination. His knee had collided with a piece of furniture. But this did not matter to him, continuing on his way.

Finally, he saw how his Mother was stirring food in a pot. Quickly approaching his, touching his shoulder, he asked:

"Dear Mother, do you need help with anything? I am all ears, and all tools." He said with a smile.

"Oh, my dear Leo, you are so loving! But so unpunctual. Go and fetch your brother who has gone out to play, I don't need any more help than that." Expressed Mother amusedly.

Leonardo watched as his mother's ladle, dangerously obtained an elevated position to his shoulders, so he decided to quickly go outside.

'That woman is dangerous...' Leonardo thought with revulsion.

Though in all honesty, he liked that side of his Mother more, than her disconsolate figure. That day, she had cried behind open doors for hours...

At the thought, he immediately ruffled his hair. He intended to silence his chaotic thoughts, but they kept popping into his mind.

He quickly concentrated on finding her younger brother. Hoping that his figure would be of some comfort...

It was not a task of high difficulty, because Guillermo was in the courtyard.

He crept up to him. He intended to startle him, but before his thoughts were fulfilled, he had already discovered him.

"Brother, brother, hold me." Said the infant cheerfully as he jumped into his brother's arms.

"Did you steal sugar from the storehouse, dwarf?". Leonardo replied as he grabbed him in his arms.

His younger brother was four years old. Cheeky, with baby skin and small teeth. He was charismatic by nature.

"I don't like being called a midget..." Guillermo said with his arms crossed.

"Haha, that's for me to decide. Now come, let's go inside, lunch will be ready." Said Leonardo amused, while giving his ear two little tugs.

That day, he enjoyed a family lunch.


In the afternoon, Leonardo went out. He was heading to the place where he had previously met with Mr. Farías.

They had not reached any agreement on a concrete reunion, but he had a mission to accomplish.

Again he sat in the same seat as on his previous visit, where he had shared time with Mr. Farías. After a few short minutes, the waitress approached him to ask for his order, and after a quick review, decided.

He was determined to wait for a full meal for him. If it was an unsuccessful action, he would come back another day. But halfway through consuming his plate, in walked a familiar man who walked over and sat down with him.

"You are more efficient than I thought," Leonardo said as he used his cutlery.

"Of course, we are talking about the welfare of a county. Actions must be professional." Said with a smile "Farías".

"Okay, let's get to the point. Tell me, what do you need me to do?" Leonardo asked while making eye contact.

"You are efficient too, Leonardo." He said with a chuckle.

"He simply needed you to harass him, at the Palace. We intend to create trauma for him around the Palace." Farias said with a strange look.

At these words, Leonardo momentarily went blank, then confused. All his internal monologues... For that.

"Are you kidding me?" Leonardo said blankly.

Farías understood his bewilderment. Everything before had been a big show to get him to take the bait.

"You will be rewarded." Farias finished stoically.

"And this will probably increase your brother's chances." Said Farías being blunt.

Although stunned, Leonardo decided to accept it. To continue with the ruse, despite its simplicity.

"By any chance, do you no longer want to listen to my reflection?". Farias asked smilingly.

"No, not anymore, after all, you are not a sage. I accepted so I'm retiring." Said Leonardo getting up.

Farias was momentarily stunned, but quickly caught up with him at the door of the shop, to hand him a small bottle.

"Take this. Use this lotion during the process." Farias said as he watched Leonardo's retreat.


Leonardo spent the next few days worrying. Although the task was simple it involved the young prince, so he equally feared.

The first day he was nervous. His hands trembled and his heart suffered from a rapid increase in heartbeat.

But in the end, he did not meet him. Although Federick's visits to the Palace numbered several, they were eventual. He did not know what day he would be able to pull off the ruse.

Convinced by this thought, he relaxed. But he did not have to wait long, for on the second day the figure of the young but tall Crown Prince of Wisdom appeared in front of him.

They had met in a corridor unexpectedly. Fortunately, he used the lotion provided by Mr. Farias daily.

He got goosebumps and his hands began to sweat, but he quickly calmed those chaotic thoughts decisively, tuning his voice, and prepared for the performance.

"Young Principe, right?" He asked gropingly and knowingly.

"You're confused, I'm the security guard," Federick replied with a face void of emotion.

At that moment, Leonardo confirmed the authentication of his identity.

"Young Prince, such jokes are not befitting the monarchy. You must act with decency and in a refined manner."

"But what would a barbarian like you understand of it? I am drowning in my illusion hahahahaha." Leonardo chattered.

"So you are my antagonist? A rather crude one... And ironic. No class and no skill, I'm disappointed." Chattered Federick likewise.

"Antagonist? I simply try to forge a good Prince according to our people. But with your garbage aptitude for basic education and manners, I find it a sincere waste of time."

"Yes, useless garbage. Redundant and empty, meaningless. Stupid subtly, an achievement for you." Leonardo jabbered on and on and even choked on his saliva.

Federick watched this spectacle calmly. No doubt he had taken Viagra to achieve such an accomplishment of arousal... Maybe it had something to do with his stinky odor.

Until he finally had enough...

With a look free of emotions, like a well of centuries. From his pockets, he took out a small container, inside it a liquid.

He watched him for a second, finally catching up to the young man in front of him.

"Do you observe this?" Federick asked impassively.

Leonardo's eyes had lost focus. For the last few minutes, he had felt numb, with a feedback-confusing effect.

He looked at the young man in front of him. He had lost his characteristic childishness.

His mind was lost, suffering from hallucinations...

His mental mechanism had become rusty, to the point of foliage.

Numb, he heard a voice.

"Come, take this."

It made no sense, all his nerves had disappeared. Like the action of a puppeteer and his puppet, he moved without will.

He approached that unknown figure. He had no consciousness to identify or remember.

He simply took it and complied with what the whispers asked for.....

"Take it."

A flask of the liquid used by Federick, for a power stone.

Business, not family.

Thank you!

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