
Go To The Place Where We First Met.

The daughter of a humble family. Turns out to be the cursed sweetheart of the young prince of Deneian Empire. But she will soon understand that this is not the first time they met. But have, many times before.

leeasigman502 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

What would you do if you had to watch your lover die from an unforgivable sickness over and over again?


Zombies sucked in the tv and eye bags that fallow with a mine focused on tv.

Handfuls of popcorn get scuffed down Jay's throat.


Until the crunching was silenced by the ringing of a phone.

"Hello" said Jay.


"Wait, what! Who?! I'll be right there." Jay responded.

"He's the first prince of Deneian Empire", I'm to busy to deal with you I need you to do it!" Said her boss

"WHAAAT!", "Why's he here in a small town like West Velking?" Said Jay.

"LEAST OF ALL OUR SMALL INN?!" Jay insisted.

"Hey, watch it!" Jay's boss barked back.

"We may be small but, we're the best around!" Said jays boss.

"Right sorry boss.." said Jay before..

Thrashing around her closet while straining to locate Jay's work uniform.

"AHAA!" Jay said, while holding her uniform

before slipping it on, grabbing her keys and shoes and hurriedly running out the door.

The door creaks open


Jay walks in the door, huffing and puffing from how out of breath she is from running. From the parking lot.

"I-...*huff*..I'm..here...." Jay said out of breath.

"Here drink some water you don't look good exhausted, can't have that." Said jay's boss.

"Yeah..*huff*..your..right.." Said Jay.

As she went to take a gulp of water.

*Glub*... *Glub*...*Glub*

"Ahhhh.." went Jay.

But before she could say thanks to her bod for the water, a tall young man walked in the room.

"Is one of you going show me to my room, or not?" Demanded the strange young man.

"Oh!, why ofc young prince Nicholas Driscollonic". Said Jay's boss

"This young lady while guide you to your sleeping quarters, Jay Marinez" said Jay's boss as she pointed towards Jay.

The prince looked as if he was in awe once he saw Jay. Which took Jay by him being a creep to which she responded while covering her upper body with one hand and the lower with the other.


The prince therefore chuckled as what he had heard sounded quite familiar almost like home, but took it as quite a surprise as well since no one could resist him in all the land.

"I think you may got the wrong Idea, as all I was doing was mere admiring how breathtaking you are.." said the prince.

Jay then turned as red as a tomato, while saying.

"Well then I very much appreciate the admiration but don't you think that's a bit impolite for a prince if you ask me?" Said Jay.

"Oh, well was a doing something wrong? Complimenting a beautiful lady such as yourself is only the polite and right thing to do don't you think~" Said the prince in a flirtatious voice.

Jade thought, UGH! He is definitely flirting isn't he, well I wil just get off with this quickly so I don't have to talked to him again.

Jay waves her hand to the prince as if saying fallow me.

Until they reach their stop in front of door 103.

"Well here you are, prince~" Jay said as if mocking the prince.

The prince then couldn't help but then snicker and say...

"Well I mean you could always join me if you like~"