
Go to Another World with the Beautiful Goddess

A Japanese teenager who likes to shut himself up named Shinomiya Riku, accidentally gets involved in hero summoning with his classmates. At that time he met a beautiful goddess who was the one who had summoned them to ask them for help in defeating the Demon King who was currently wreaking havoc in another world. Riku and his friends are given special powers to help them defeat the Demon King. However, different from the others, Riku instead chose a power that could make him rich in that other world. Not only that, when he wanted to be sent to that other world, he also accidentally dragged the goddess along with him. Now, Riku is forced to be responsible for defeating the Demon King in order to bring the goddess back to her origins armed only with strength that is not specifically devoted to fighting.

HappyBoy · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 9: A cliché happened in a lonely alley

"Hm? Do you want to go out, Riku?"

Time before noon. When I was about to go out, Alicia stuck her head out from the couch she was lying on and asked that.

It's already our second day here, but I never saw her move away from the fire place. Just looking at that, I can tell what that goddess has been up to while in the heavenly realms.

"As you can see, I intend to go to the adventurers' guild for drinks until dinner tonight. How about you?"

"I want to join. Elvy also went to buy ingredients for dinner tonight, so I'm a bit bored here alone."

"Why don't you just go with her? Well, never mind, hurry up and get ready."

"Wait a moment."

Alicia got down from her sofa and she immediately cast various kinds of support magic on herself.

Really busy people.


Since it's almost time for dinner, today I intend to refrain from drinking myself drunk.

I don't want Elvy to think of me as a trash man who only knows how to get drunk. I'm already considered a pervert, so I don't want to add any more titles that could diminish my impression.


"Hic! Muehehe~ Riku~ you really are a stupid kid. You can't do anything without me. Geez, you have to start learning to live independently you know~ Hic! Don't always rely on others like that~"

"Hey, don't move too much! I had a hard time carrying you!"

"What~? I didn't hear anything~"

Ugh, she sucks when she's drunk.

It was late and it was time for us to go home, because I'm sure Elvy was waiting for us to have dinner. If possible, I don't want to keep her waiting too long.

However, because this goddess continued drinking without limit, we were too late. I was currently on my way back home, carrying that drunk woman on my back.

"Maybe I'll take a shortcut to make it a lot faster" I muttered and I headed straight through the city alleys.

Since it was already late at night, not many people were passing through this alley, so it was very quiet. Luckily it wasn't too dark either, so I didn't have to worry about getting lost.

Talking about a quiet alley, usually at a time like this a cliche event will appear, such as a girl being seduced by thugs or a girl who runs away after being chased by bad guys.

It felt like I was resurrecting the event, but I'm sure it was just my feeling. After all there's no way something like that could easily happen—

"—And that actually happened. Geez, I shouldn't have to go through those suspicious deserted alleys. This is common knowledge."

"Huh? What are you talking about, brat? Don't you know what your current situation is?" asked a man in all black clothes that covered his body.

But, it wasn't just him, there were 4 more people and they all surrounded us.

If I had known it would turn out like this, I should have chosen the normal path instead. I didn't think that the target would be me, even though I was more hoping for the event of a thug seducing a cute girl. So I can take on the role of the hero to save her.

It's not what I expected.

"So what do you want from us? If possible I don't want to make too much noise," I asked with a lackluster expression.

"Hehe, I'm glad you caught on quickly. We are here to kidnap you," replied the man as he pointed his knife at me and smiled vulgarly.

I glanced at Alicia who was currently sleeping on my back, she really looked very comfortable. Seeing her, I let out a tired sigh.

I thought I had no other choice.

"Don't worry, we also don't intend to hurt you, but that is if you obey—"

"Fine, please take us."

"Eh? What did you say?"

I answered before the man could finish his sentence and he asked with a stupid face again.

I snorted. "I said 'please take us'." And repeat what I said back more clearly.

However, for some reason the man became even more confused.

"W-Wait a minute, are you serious?!"

"I'm serious, as long as you don't hurt us, we will obey you."

"I-Is that so? In that case…"

"D-Don't let your guard down, boss! I'm sure he's up to something!"

"W-Well, don't believe it, boss. He must be lying! There was no way he would comply so easily! This person must be hiding something!"


When I declared that I would go with them without a fight, they suddenly became very wary. Do they think I'm lying?

Completely impolite. Does my face look like a liar?

I may have lied, but basically I'm a good and honest boy. I hope they understand that.

"Come on, weren't you guys here to arrest us? I won't fight back, so can you guys catch us quickly?"

"D-Don't come any closer!"

"How could we believe you!"

Geez, they are really troublesome.

Do I look like a strong person in their eyes?

Well, if only Alicia was aware right now, I'm sure I could beat them all easily using her support magic. But, it's a pity that currently the goddess is of no use, so I don't have any hope.

The only thing I can do is give up.

"Hoy, don't try to trick us! If you don't want to get hurt, then obey us!"

"Didn't I tell you I gave up?"

"Y-You might be lying! Look at that calm face of yours, I'm sure you're up to something!— Everyone, be careful! It seems that this person is much more dangerous than we thought!"

"No, I told you I—"

"Well, it seems you don't intend to be honest. In that case, we'll just have to take you by force— Boss, you agree, right?"

"Eh, w-well, he might be hiding [Magic Items] inside his clothes, so be careful, we'll catch him the moment he makes any suspicious movements, you guys understand?"


"No no no, are you idiots?! I told you I don't intend to fight! So why did you draw such a conclusion?!"

Seeing them not listening to me at all, I frowned.

What's wrong with them? Are they really criminals? Besides, why did they talk about their plans so openly in front of their own enemies?

Could it be that they are just a bunch of idiots?

Damn, I originally intended to just obediently follow them, since it would be too troublesome to fight all of them. But, I don't want to be caught by idiots like them.

Alright, it seems I have no other choice but to fight.

—Or that's what I wanted to do, but it seems like there's no need anymore.

"Riku-san! Alicia-san! Are you all right?"


"Who are you?!"


Flying above us all, Elvy flapped her dragon wings and frightened the kidnappers when they saw her figure.

I'm sure she's here looking for us since we're running late.

"What are you two doing there, Riku-san? And is Alicia-san drunk again?" asked Elvy with a calm face.

I know she's an innocent child, but she should know what the situation is like just by looking at her. But, what can I do, it's that kind of character that I like.

So I guess I have no other choice.

I took a deep breath and started screaming. "Elvy-chan! Help us, these people intend to kidnap us and sell us! They even tried to rape Alicia! Please help us!"

"T-This person?! We never said it got that far!"

"Shit, I guess we have no other choice! Come here brat, we will take you hostage!" The man started to attack, he quickly ran towards me straight while pointing his knife.


"—I already guessed it."


Without thinking I immediately knocked Alicia off my back and dodged him attack with just one step to the side. I heard the sound of people screaming, but I paid no heed to it.

As soon as the man failed to launch a straight attack, I grabbed his outstretched arm with both hands, pulled him slightly forward while kicking his feet and then perfectly body-slammed the person.


"Kagh!" He whimpered and fainted.

I smiled smugly. "Khuku, you better not underestimate me too much, do you think I'm just playing games all the time in the room? Feel the techniques I learned from the game Final Fighter 2!" I said.

Seeing that cool action of mine, everyone was stunned.

However, it was the wrong decision.

Using this opportunity, Elvy immediately attacked them all. She punched them in the stomach and kicked them to the ground.





They were one by one paralyzed.

Finally, this is finished too.

"Okay, now can you tell us why you want to arrest us?" I stepped in front of the person they considered 'boss' and asked that with a big smile. "Don't worry, if you don't fight back, you won't get hurt." I continued and the man started shaking with fear.