
Go Home a Like Turtle

WPC #304 (...) Go home at a snail's pace. It seems to be the watchword of the X-Monk survivors. Go home. It is the before and after of a tripolar life: Plant-Animal-Human. You will know how the characters live or lived at home. With or without their spirits or demons. With gifts and kindnesses that help them to continue. And Bierny opens her heart to listen to her friends and give timely advice and help. They are short stories of the intermediate places between the lost home and the new conquered home. Patience and Hope. Soon you will arrive at a firm and safe place appropriate to your circumstances. The third novel: (WPC #308) Academy Artesan ProCreation, belongs to the saga: GenX2022 along with the novels: https://www.webnovel.com/book/academy-artesan-procreation_23934150405486205 Second novel: Go Home a Like Turtle: (Two 1,500-word Chapters twice a week: Thursday and Monday) (WPC #304) https://www.webnovel.com/book/go-home-at-pace-turtle_23822104806738905 Third novel: XMonk Apocalypse Primate: (A 1,500-word Chapter once a week: Wednesday) (WPC #302) https://www.webnovel.com/book/x-monky-apocalypse-x-primate_23770584306263105 The edition/update of the 2021 novels, between Saturday and Sunday. BitLove, DarkMan, X Prays... And if you like the characters and their characterized stories, there are a series of illustrations of all the novels on the Instagram account: @genxprays. Discord: #9340 Fanpage: facebook.com/genxprays WhatsApp Business: +51 933 123 278 Patreon / PayPal: genxconectados Thank you for your reviews, votes, collections and comments on the WPC #304.

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«Argumentation No. 2» For a Social Essay.

<The journalistic universe of Bierny>

Bierny spends his time writing arguments to elaborate the statements of a social essay, based on the cases. From case No. 2. Sasry, therefore she proposes:

The danger alert. Started by the disappearance of the young fifteen-year-old. She projects many hypotheses:

-One is-, the party environment generated by the same family. The dalliance and vanity that this includes; It facilitates the awakening of other people's appetites and their own in the young woman.

-Two is-, there is a mafia circuit on young people of puberty age, the bad guys covet them and capture them, even in the middle of family parties.

-Three is-, the youth of today, who are inculcated a libertine life from the parental home. It promotes: self-liberation and courtships at a young age that end in unwanted pregnancies or in marriages by cohabitation "by informality"; the unexpected children who cannot be raised in these circumstances "while still children, within the parental home".

-Four is-, in this area it has been detected that they are the same friends "women" who are already freed from their parents "they are already merchants, from their own bodies" and who without a trade or profession to function socially: they succumb to the sexual appetites in exchange for money.

Today we will deliver for WPC #306, a third book, whose title is:

MDF Academy: Military Procreation!

This completes the 2022 novel trilogy, which adds to the 2021 novel saga.

in this novel Peluche, he is a boy whose love that his parents lavish on him, makes him accepted to be chosen by exclusion from home to achieve the renociliation of the world;

this allows him to gain admission to the MDF Academy, where he will procreate heroes, who would come to life as long as he is kind. Otherwise, a parallel universe will open where X-Monk: They will procreate anti-heroes due to the evil "generated" in Peluche. A war brewing in a multiverse. (in scoop I give the synopsis of the third novel, to the readers)

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