
Gnihzur: The Legendary Prokeral God Crow!

Gnihzur is a young crow with grand ambitions. In a world filled with ancient magic and powerful beings, he sets out on a quest to prove himself and ascend to greatness. But the journey will not be easy, as Gnihzur faces numerous challenges and enemies who seek to stop him at every turn. Undeterred, he uses his wit and determination to navigate the treacherous landscape and fight for his place among the legends. Follow Gnihzur as he embarks on a thrilling adventure filled with action, magic, and self-discovery. AuthorsDread Schedule: One chapter a day for now. (This is my first webnoveI so any kinds of support or sincere advice and comments are much appreciated) Other Books By Author: The Siblings Who Swallowed The Moon Rubik's Man: I'm Rich & You're Dead Short Story King https://www.patreon.com/AuthorsDread Twitter: https://twitter.com/Authors_Dread Discord: https://discord.gg/MMqjgX4dRd

AuthorsDread · Fantasy
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205 Chs

Crowjun Soul Academy

Crowjun Soul Academy was home to the eastern region of Waivrumnagar, otherwise, called Aether. It occupied most of the major complexes that were there. Its borders stretched very far and wide, encompassing thousands of kilometres of airspace which kept levitated by numerous Cloud Butterflies. Across its vast expanse of land, Crowjun Soul Academy was populated by gorgeous vegetation as well as rigidly built structures such as the Grand Hall.

The Grand Hall was a mighty dome-like structure comprised of rare minerals and enlivened metals. It was specifically built with lots of space and décor to host all 300,000 of its student body population. During general assemblies, this was where everyone would come to meet and discussed various topics.

Surrounding the Grand Hall's northern ark, were numerous oval nest-shaped compounds that occupied spacious areas. They were intricately woven out of a very special Bark Krowqui that was acquired from the mother Rekishda Tree. These edifices were the usual classrooms for educating students on various subjects.

Leading from these majestically built structures were many pathways that travelled above into an expansive globular body of sapphire radiance. To all the residents of Crowjun Soul Academy, this globular sapphire radiance was known as the Central Hub. It was connected to another dimension specifically built to enhance the training of motivated students.

Beyond the north of Crowjun Soul Academy, 7 concealed islands were there that were only visible to a certain group of individuals. These 7 concealed islands were the gathering place for the 7 specific Guilds. Students who were accepted got to experience special training programs that could drastically enhance their evolution.

A few miles away from the central region of Crowjun Soul Academy, stood a magnificent creation that served as the temporary residence for all the academy's thousands of students. Numerous twisting formations and interconnecting links of Rekishda roots came together to sustain a towering tree decorated with jade pavements; mystical waterfalls trickling through its exposed xylems; mushroom pathways; sheltered complexes and a sporadic alignment of blue silver grass. Suspended from this tree's dynamic branches were planetary size Nest-Fruits. Each had its own axis of glowing orbs orbiting them; they mostly activated during night time. These Nest-Fruits were the abodes of students. Within them was another series of splendiferous décor to expand your imagination. This was Crowjun Soul Academy Residential Rekishda Tree.

The busy marketplace and generalized area where students usually go to chill out was located further east of the Residential Rekishda Tree. Students called that side of the academy the Laze. The Laze had many other attributes to it that will be revealed in more detail later on in the story.

Encompassing all of Crowjun Soul Academy was an invisible barrier that was strictly being monitored 24/7 for dangerous qualities and uninvited guests. Not anybody could just simply walks in and out of this fortified academy grounds. Only allowed individuals could pass through via the versatile unseen portals. If there was any threat spotted, they would be swiftly taken care of by the swine enforcers and staff officials.

Back to the main topic, Gnihzur along with Kwaserah finally arrived at the end of the rainbow wind path. They were the first to touch down on the jadeite walkway that led to a wooden shrine located a few miles away from the Grand Hall. Their arrival was met by a calm invigilator who stood idle by with a red paper umbrella that was sheltering him from the blistering sun. He wore 2 detachable monocles that did well to mask his glossy eyes.

"Kwaserah look, we finally made it to Crowjun Soul Academy!" Gnihzur was veritably happy to behold the beautiful scenery around him. "This means that we've passed the test!" Gnihzur hugged Kwaserah once more; even started spinning her around in elation.

"Hey, Gnihzur, stop doing that! Remember that I'm an injured girl here."

"Oh, sorry about that." Gnihzur stopped spinning around in elation, however, he was still embracing Kwaserah.

The person who stood idly by with the umbrella went closer to them, presenting formalities. "Welcome to Crowjun Soul Academy. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely congratulate both of you. You've passed the preliminary test with 9 minutes remaining on the timer. You are now officially enrolled."

"Oh, thank you very much!" Gnihzur slightly bowed to show his gratitude to the invigilator. "I'm so happy that I passed the test. I've waited my whole life for this opportunity. Did you hear that Kwaserah? We both passed!"

"Yeah, I heard. I'm not that deaf. Now please unhand me. You've carried me for far too long."

"Oh, ok. But can you stand on your own?"

"Tsk, I'm not that useless you know."

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I was just concerned about your injuries is all."

"That's very sweet of you to care, but you should consider your own injuries as well."

Hearing this, Gnihzur unhanded Kwaserah and looked briefly at the injuries his wings sustained due to their strict overuse. "This is nothing. I've received worse injuries than these."

"Still, you better get them looked at."

"I will. Wings insert." To further mitigate the pain he was feeling from his injured wings, Gnihzur rested them in the Flaccid State. Now they were both freely swaying behind him in the form of a pair of flexible extended feathers.

"Ahem…" The invigilator interrupted Gnihzur and Kwaserah then directed their attention to 2 small boxes he had in his hand. "Each of these boxes in my hand contains 1 Amazon Warrior 3rd Rank technique."

Gnihzur and Kwaserah directed their attention to the 2 boxes with excitement dancing in their eyes.

The invigilator continued his explanation. "The box on top has the White Lotus Palm technique. The one below it contains the Illusionary Crow Step technique. Since both of you arrived simultaneously, occupying 1st and 2nd positions, I'll allow you to choose who among you gets which technique."

Kwaserah was overwhelmed as she accepted both boxes. "Wow, they're both amazing techniques. I don't know which one to choose."

"Well, when you 2 have finished making your decision, please make your way directly ahead inside the Orientation Shrine." Finished speaking, the invigilator went back to his previous position and waited for other applicants to arrive.

Still trying to make up her mind, Kwaserah looked towards Gnihzur and said, "Since you are the one who rescued me from the burning Crowtrain, moreover, brought me here in the top position, I'll let you choose."

Perusing the boxes for a bit, Gnihzur remembered something important then spoke, "Oh, you flatter me Kwaserah, but you can have both of them."

"Really?" Kwaserah was surprised to hear that she could have both superior techniques.

"Yes, you can have them both. Remember that my Krowqui potential isn't so great, so I doubt that I would be able to utilize any of these techniques."

"You're so kind." Kwaserah grabbed Gnihzur's hand and looked him in the eyes. "Gnihzur I promise you that I will help you find a way to restore your Krowqui."

Gnihzur blushed, "No, you don't have to trouble yourself to help me. I've managed on my own so far."

"Nonsense, I want to do it. It is the least I can do for the person who saved my life. A promise is a promise. Now let us go inside." Kwaserah started walking away but she didn't get far before she tripped over the jade pavement. "Oops!"

"Are you ok?" Gnihzur went to her rescue. "Here, hold onto my arm, I'll help you up."

Kwaserah did as was told. Looking Gnihzur in the eyes, she whispered, "Saved by you again."

"Come on." Gnihzur held Kwaserah closely as they both went ahead into the Orientation Shrine. Shortly after they vanished, the other applicants started to arrive one after the other.

The mysterious lad who wore the dark hoodie came in at 3rd place. "Welcome to our academy." When the invigilator greeted him and offered him his prize for arriving in the top 10 positions, he just ignored him and walked on into the shrine, all the while maintaining his enigmatic appeal.

Sometime later after the arrival of 6 others, 2 crows arrived on the jadeite pavement. A male fledgling with a brilliant red rose between his talons and a pretty girl wearing clear glasses who also sported voluptuous curves.

The young lady nudged the suave lad on the shoulder and said, "Mou, I almost beat you there. You were lucky."

"It wasn't luck, my darling. You just get tired way too quickly. Lyra, you should work hard on increasing your stamina." Moving in closer towards the girl's ear, the suave lad whispered with lascivious intent, "I can give you a private lesson if you'll have me."

"As if I would want a private lesson from a pervert like you, Mou. Get away from me." She pushed him away from groping her sexy body.

Mou wasn't so please by this reaction. "What? Why am I a pervert?"

"Don't play coy with me, Mou. You think I didn't notice you brushing up against my breast feathers a while ago."

"Come on, Lyra. That was an accident, an accident!" Mou pleaded.

"Accident my beak. Don't come near me, Mou. I'm being serious."

The invigilator waited for the duo to arrive closer before he offered them the usual pleasantries. "Welcome and congratulation for making it this far. As per your arrival positions, 10th and 11th positions, here are your respective prizes." He gave Mou a box first then Lyra.

Lyra was surprised to also receive a reward. "What, even I get a reward. How come? I thought I arrived at the 11th position."

The invigilator explained, "The crow who came in at 3rd place refused his reward, thus it has been extended to you."

"Wow, how lucky!" Lyra expressed her genuine happiness before moving onwards toward the Orientation Shrine.

The arrival of many other crows began filling the gaps of the remaining time limit.

"I finally made it. Huff! Huff…! That was really tiring." Breathing heavily, a youngster lost all balance in his legs and fell flat onto the floor.

"That race was really competitive."

"Tell me about it. I'm just glad that I made it here in time."

"Me too. There is still a minute remaining."

Nearing the 10 second limit of the allotted time set in motion for the race, Drazil landed on the jade pavement looking distorted and hectic. His very appearance could be described as obnoxious. The invigilator came over to where he was and said:

"Welcome and congratulation for making it this far. As fate may have it, you are the very last applicant to have arrived just before the timer reaches its end. Please make your way towards the Orientation Shrine ahead."

"Huff! Huff!" Drazil was so dumbstruck and pissed off that he couldn't even offer any insulting words to the calm and collective invigilator. He waited until he was at the entrance of the Orientation Shrine before he let out a resounding scream which frightened all of those who heard it.


If you’re having a bad day, look into the mirror and give yourself a hug or splash some water on your face.

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