
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

Wild Reunion

The plane landed on a runway that I created before the wheels touched the ground. The door opened, and we descended the stairs, feeling the cool breeze of the morning. The sun had risen, illuminating us with its warm golden light. It felt so serene, bringing a sense of comfort until my eyes closed, enjoying the warmth that now spread throughout my body.

I stretched my arms, relaxing my body after the performance that I hoped they enjoy. Especially since the show made me a bit tired.

I wish I could jump and lie down on a bed, forgetting everything, and immerse myself in dreams. Unfortunately, I can't do that, especially when I see three HBs heading this way at high speed.

No need to ask who they are.

I quickly created a sports car and asked them to get in the back while Sarah and Sheila were competing to sit in the front.

"We don't have time for that. Sarah, you carry Sheila!" I ordered.

In the end, they gave in and did as I asked while trying to hide their embarrassment.

I shifted the gear to first and stepped on the gas.

The car sped fast, slightly losing control as it ran over the grass. I should have created a rally car instead of a sports car earlier.

The HBs were getting closer, and shouts from someone behind could be heard. The shouts sounded full of anger. It was a voice I knew so well, and it made all the hairs on my body stand on end.

"There's no music?" William asked, confused.

"Music? Music won't stop the person behind, and I don't want to meet them now, not after I just disappear without telling anything," I quickly replied while trying to keep the car from rolling over sideways.

I made a sharp turn ahead, drifting to change direction, and we passed by.

Celine gave me a sharp look before finally turning as well, although it was a bit late, considering that HBs couldn't drift.

"Whoa! Who's that beautiful woman?" Armon asked, his face pressed against the window.

"Zent's couple. I envy her," Sarah replied, short and clear.

Armon stepped forward, hugging the headrest and peering from the middle. "How can you keep attracting someone like that, Captain? You have to teach me how to do it someday!"

I glanced at him, then saw Heather's face in the rearview mirror. It was evident that the long-haired with orange color, woman was annoyed by his words. "Don't you already have Heather? Why do you want someone else?" I replied with a smile.

"H-hUh?! N-no! What are you saying, Captain? I-I..." He looked back.

I could see their eyes meeting through the rearview mirror.

Swiftly, I turned the steering wheel, intentionally causing Armon to fall on her. Somehow, he ended up placing his hands on both sides of Heather's head, making her face turn red.

My smile widened at the sight.

However, the smile didn't last long as I could feel the hopeful gazes from the two charming women beside me.

"What? I won't do it to both of you. I won't let you get hurt because of my reckless actions."

"What about them?" Sarah asked, complaining.

"They need encouragement, and coincidentally, now is the right time for it. We don't know when else we can help them," I explained gently.

"Everything you've done so far has been reckless, Zent. You're lucky you didn't die."

I turned to look at her, locking eyes with those beautiful violet eyes, "Everything I've done has been predicted, Sarah. I would never put you in danger, you understand?"

Sarah's eyes widened instantly. Then, she nodded softly.

Her face turned red when I looked back ahead.

Sheila saw us, crossed her arms, annoyed by not receiving the same treatment.

However, before she could say anything, I opened my mouth, saying, "Your turn will come later, Sheila. Isn't what I gave you inside the ship not enough?" Making her face blush again, remembering our closeness while dancing.

Armon, who had returned to his seat and had been listening, nodded, mentally noting what he could learn from all of this.

"Captain, it seems the knight intends to destroy us," Sky interjected, looking out the window.

"Get your head inside, Sky!"

"Oh, sorry, Captain. I just feel like nothing can make my head detach. Besides, I have you, Captain, so of course, I believe nothing bad will happen to me."

Every pair of eyes turned towards him, surprised by Sky's words.

Sarah and Sheila nodded, planning to use the same approach on Zent when they got the chance.

Why does my crew consist of people like this?

"You were the one who wanted them. You even named them Scattered Brain," Z replied.

I know, but...


The massive Clockheart Wall was now visible ahead, with thick smoke billowing from it, making me worried about the safety of the people.

When I left, there wasn't this much smoke. It means something has happened.

I stepped on the gas, and the engine roared loudly, pulling them back into their seats as they were unprepared. The HBs slowly fell behind, unable to match the speed of a modern car.

I took a long breath, relieved that I didn't have to meet Celine.

"Don't you miss her?" Z asked, sounding annoyed for some reason. "I am annoyed, damn it. She came to see you, but you just ran away from her? What kind of man does that? You might be able to create giant waves, but your mentality is still that of a coward."

Hey, I'm not ready, okay?

And there's no need to be so harsh.

"Not ready for what? You afraid she'll say goodbye? What you're doing now is pushing her away!"

We have more important things in front of us, Z. Feelings can be discussed later.

"At least you could have told her this first. Not by running away like you're doing now. Respect her feelings, Zent."

I took a long breath, stepped on the brake, and turned the car, making it drift for a moment before finally coming to a stop.

After releasing the seatbelt, I opened the door and said, "Wait here, I have to take care of something. No one leave." I intentionally emphasized the last sentence so that no one would disturb us.

I walked forward, a few steps away from the car. It didn't take long for the HB to stop a few meters ahead.

Celine got out of the bike, and my heart raced seeing her beautiful face that I had missed so much, with her hair now fluttering in the wind. She approached with her fists clenched, looking very angry.

Rio and Rayven arrived shortly after, grimacing in horror, realizing they were too late. Who would have thought that Zent would run away.


My feet unintentionally stepping back, wanting to escape as quickly as possible.

I raised my hand, nervously smiling. "Um, hi Celine. How are you?"


My feet moved faster until I hit the bumper, and I saw her getting closer. "C-Celine, calm down, I can explain-"


She grabbed the collar of my shirt and delivered a hard slap.

I'm sure the sound it produced made the others wince in pain.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Sarah and Sheila intending to step out of the car, and I gave them a sharp look.

They sighed in frustration, sitting back and crossing their arms.

"Celine, listen-"

Before I knew it, our lips met.

She held me tightly, pouring out all the longing in her heart as she grasped the back of my hair, a warning not to do it again.

"Don't you love me?" she asked softly, pulling away with heavy breaths.

Not only her, but my own breath was also erratic after that kiss. A long and lingering kiss that I never expected, yet deeply desired.

"I am, Celine. But there's a situation that requires us to be apart for a while. At least until I resolve this situation," I explained, trying hard to hold back any sadness. It was covered by a smile that didn't seem very convincing as her expression turned worried.

"What's going on? Why didn't you talk to me? Am I so useless that you have to do all of this?"

"It's not like that, Celine. I don't know what will happen once I tell you this, but please trust me, I don't want it to be like this either. I want to spend time with you, to be by your side, take care of you, loving you.

But the situation forces me.

I really wish I could explain it to you, truly! But I can't. Not right now. Later. I will definitely explain," I assured her.

"You do know how hard it is to wait without any certainty, right?"

Her words felt like a stab in my heart. I can't explain how painful the feeling is right now.

I really wanted to pull her into an embrace, giving her a hug and warmth. But at the same time, it felt like I would be hugging thorns. I'm sure Celine felt the same way.

"How can I make you trust me?"

If this is the end, then whether I like it or not...

"Marry me."

I could already predict it, we both bro- WHAT!?

"HAHAHAHAHA!! Didn't I tell you? She's different, Zent!" Z screamed joyfully.

"Celine, are you serious?"

"Did I stutter?"

I glanced ahead, where her two friends also looked half-dead from shock, their eyes about to pop out. Then, I turned back to Celine, who looked so confident until her face slowly turned red and redder. Finally, she turned her face away, biting her lip in embarrassment.


"Don't talk. I need time to steady my heart."


Z, what should I say? Z? Hey, Z?

Damn it, he disappeared.