
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs


The sun had risen when I woke up. Not too high and not too low, it was the perfect morning for me to do something like visiting the place where Mr. Ted was located. According to the princess, it was deep inside the forest, taken by something she couldn't see.

Because when it happened, day turned into night, dark with little illumination. The princess could only describe the creature as a large-bodied cat.

The princess had asked to join us, saying that she could take care of herself and ensure our safety. However, we politely declined, explaining that Mr. Ted would be much more agreeable if the princess waited for his arrival at home.

I added, "How about princess throws a welcoming party for Mr. Ted? I'm sure he would be very happy." The princess eagerly accepted the idea and promised to organize the best party for all of us.

In the afternoon, we searched for information about what could be found in that part of the forest, preparing ourselves for any dangerous situations.

In a three-story building that served as a guild belonging to the kingdom, we discovered information that indicated there were only a few goblin camps in that area, which shouldn't pose a problem for Celine's team with their Tier 5 strength.

Tier 6 was a rank created by the Tower of Fate to categorize someone's power after accumulating data from various worlds.

As we exited the building, Celine stopped in her tracks, took a moment to think, and then turned to face me. "We need to find something that you can use to protect yourself because we can't always be there to protect you, especially if the situation worsens. But I'm not sure what to give someone who doesn't have any powers other than Glory."

Rio clapped his hands and grinned widely with a slightly suspicious look. "That's why you should take the time to gather information in the underworld," She proudly said, then turned to me.

"According to the information I've heard, there is a device that can temporarily grant someone like Zent borrowed powers. I admit it doesn't sound great, but it's much better than venturing into the forest without any preparation!" She explained cheerfully.

"Why doesn't Zent wait outside the forest safely while we search for the young lady's doll? It's much better, safer, and less troublesome," Rayven retorted, folding his arms in disagreement.

"That option is available too, but wouldn't the young lady be much happier knowing that Zent is participating? And Zent has made a promise to the young lady. We don't want to see that adorable smile disappear when she finds out that his promise was just a false one," Rio countered, slightly defensive, which Rayven reluctantly accepted.

"You're right, we don't want to make her sad again," he replied after sighing.

"However, I still don't think this is a good idea. I know Zent has dealt with those Heretics and captured some of them, but we're talking about monsters who have no regard for other races, especially cunning goblins. They could use Zent to stop us once they realize he doesn't possess any powers."

"For that reason, we need this device," Rio replied quickly. "As long as Zent can display a bit of power, I believe those goblins won't dare to mess with us."

"Are you sure this device will work properly? Because as far as I know, no one has ever created such a device that can borrow power. It seems completely illogical."

"You sound just like Mr. Anderson," Rio grumbled, displeased.

"Calm down, let's just go and find the device because we're only wasting time arguing like this," Celine intervened, turning to her offended friend. "Rio, where is the device located right now?"

She sighed, calming her anger, and then answered, "Not far to the north, outside the walls, there is an old abandoned building that serves as one of the entrances to the underworld, where criminals gather. The device is located there, in the hands of someone who is slightly obsessed with science and will go to great lengths to fulfill his dreams.

Celine nodded in understanding "Alright, we'll go to that person now-"

"Not so fast, my beloved friend," Rio interrupted. "The first rule of the underworld is never to operate while the sun is still visible. They would immediately become suspicious if we did, and secondly, there is a password that changes every three days. We can't simply break in without risking our lives.

Third, we need disguises, especially for you, Celine, the knight who is well-known in this city for your achievement of reaching Tier 6 at such a young age, a level typically achieved by older individuals.

You are a prodigy in this city, and they would immediately recognize you if you entered without any disguise, not to mention your striking appearance that attracts too much attention."

Finally, we decided to leave at 10 p.m. after gathering more information and wearing disguises that wouldn't attract too much attention but could still conceal our identities effectively.

I was a bit concerned about my white hair, but luckily Rio had a black wig that, when I wore it, made me look like an antagonist, especially with a pair of glowing red eyes behind the eccentric black eye mask.

Rayven appeared as a wealthy nobleman, dressed in a black suit and wearing a half-face mask that gave him a slightly arrogant look, especially with the sharp gaze enhanced by Rio's unexpected touch of makeup. It was hard to imagine that this was the same Rayven, the valiant knight.

Rio, on the other hand, looked equally enchanting in a red gown that made her blonde hair stand out even more. Adorned with a pair of hazel eyes and a red veil, she resembled a princess from a foreign land.

Celine, the knight, was now transformed into Celine, the assassin for hire, wearing a white suit, a plain full-face mask of the same color, and a long white hooded cloak.

Her appearance drew a bit too much attention, which concerned me as it could potentially cause problems. I didn't understand why Rio chose that particular attire for Celine.

As the clock struck 10, we arrived in front of the empty building mentioned by Rio. It was a structure that used to be a restaurant, evident from the arrangement of tables and chairs in the central room.

For some reason, every table and chair remained neatly arranged, as if waiting for a customer to arrive.

Perhaps someone deliberately placed this door here to conceal the entrance to the underworld, considering who would spend time in an empty building with nothing but an eerie aura emanating from the wild plants growing here and there. With no lighting, relying solely on the moonlight, the place becomes slightly haunting.

"Why? Are you afraid of an empty building? Pathetic."

Z? You can speak when I'm conscious?

"Of course, you fool. You should have guessed that when I explained that you are a stiff and naive man who knows nothing about women."

"Zent? Are you alright?" Celine asked with concern, which was a slightly surprising question to hear.

Even her two friends seemed startled, not because it was the first time Celine asked about someone's well-being, but because of the tone that came out of her mouth.

It was unimaginable to come from someone like Celine. It sounded so gentle, even a little intimate, perhaps unnoticed by Celine herself.

Before I could react, the door at the bottom of the stairs swung open, and a man in a black suit appeared in front, extending his arms with a wide smile, exclaiming, "Welcome back, Red Lily!"

The three of us fell silent, slowly turning to Rio, who could only nervously laugh in response.