
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

Rizz Master

"Ahh... Today was the best day I've ever had. Thank you, Zent," the Prince said once they were done.

The ceiling, spotlights, steam machine, and lasers had disappeared, which of course left them puzzled. However, they chose to remain silent after seeing Zent, who had the courage to confront a Duke and even made the Prince dance with him.

"However, may I ask, why did you attack Duke Ravelthrone?" the Prince inquired.

"Because he had been treating the people of Fernova unjustly. Just so his son, Edgar Ravelthrone, could do the same here. At the Lightheart Academy. That's why I beat up Edgar and blew up Duke's carriage," Zent casually replied.

The knights were surprised to hear the young man speak so candidly in front of the Prince. Especially since Edgar Ravelthrone was his friend.

"Edgar... doing all that?" he repeated, still finding it hard to believe.

"You can ask the students here, Prince. Unfortunately, they also dare not speak up, fearing their families will be kicked out of the kingdom. Which, in other words, unknowingly tarnishes the reputation of the royal government," Zent explained.

A knight drew his sword, pointing the tip at Zent, who was smiling warmly.

The Prince raised his hand, signaling the knight to return to his ranks. "Thank you, Arios. However, there's a possibility that what this young man is saying is true. Edgar might be too perfect as a human, and no one is that flawless. It's possible he's just seeking approval," he explained softly before turning back to Zent.

"However, you can't just attack him without evidence. Regardless, he's still my friend and a citizen of the Fernova kingdom. Everything must adhere to the law. That's why rules are in place."

"And until when?" Zent retorted. "Until when will you let your friend act recklessly? Until he's caught? Because that's unlikely. If until now he's never been caught, in other words, they have a lot of help from within. You have to be careful, Prince. Just because he's your bestfriend doesn't mean you truly know him."

The Prince fell silent for a moment, considering the most probable scenario, and nodded in understanding. He himself was aware that something unusual was happening within the royal government, and the supporters of Ravelthrone were growing. Meanwhile, Edgar's two siblings were causing trouble in the city.

Something was unfolding in the shadows, and the Prince felt restless because of it.

"Alright, I will try to find out the truth first. I can't act without concrete evidence, or I won't be considered a suitable heir to lead the people of Fernova.

Also, I apologize beforehand, Zent. But, nevertheless, you disturbed the kingdom's peace by attacking Duke Ravelthrone in public. It's a miracle no one was affected.

Otherwise, your punishment would be much more severe than what I am going to give now."

"Oh? What punishment are we talking about?"

A smile formed on the Prince's face.

He approached, answering, "You have to teach me more about the dances from your world. In other words, you will be my instructor as long as you spend time here."

"Wait, Your Highness! That means you'll have to stay at the academy."


This is what the knights feared. The Prince met someone as wild as himself. He wouldn't be able to control himself like before. The reason he kept holding back was to avoid losing control or embarrassing the names of the king and queen.

They had suspected it; they should have stopped the Prince from joining the dance. However, the music was too captivating. It's a great pity that if they didn't sway to the rhythm and enjoy it, they wouldn't feel as refreshed as they do now.

"You're asking me to teach you how to dance?" Zent repeated, still not believing that someone could be as stressed as he is.

The Prince nodded quickly. The spark of excitement was evident in his eyes.

"Let me guess, you want to 'shoot your shot' someone?"

"Shoot!? I don't want to shoot anyone! Wait, is your dance dangerous?" the Prince asked curiously.

"Dangerous in a certain context, yes. But that's not what I mean. In my previous world, 'shoot your shot' meant expressing feelings for someone. Someone who would eventually become our partner or just a memory."

The Prince nodded in understanding. "Right, I want to... 'shoot my shoot' to someone."


"Princess Celine."

Reflexively, Glory unleashed his power, spreading it until it reached the neighboring kingdom. Zent quickly reined in the energy blast, trying to appear composed in front of the Prince and the knights who instantly grew alert, sensing such immense power. The last time they felt something like this was three months ago with a different element.

The element of darkness.

Zent cleared his throat a few times. "Celine... You mean Celine Anderson?"

"Yes, the biological daughter of King and Queen Arnacrown."

Zent clenched his fist tightly, struggling not to shout out that she was his.

A sigh escaped, a sigh that, had Zent been a dragon, might have spewed flames. "Okay, so you want to express your feelings to Celine... Don't you know that she's already with someone?"

"Oh, I know. He's a guy from another world who happened to spend time with her. If I'm not mistaken, that guy has the same height as you, the same hair color, and the same eyes..."

The Prince's eyes narrowed, trying to match the image in his head with the handsome figure before him. If it was true, and Zent was indeed that person, then his perception of Zent would shatter. Because that perception was much more suited to be called a creature of the swamp rather than a human.


When he looked towards the voice that sounded as soft as honey, the Prince felt as though he had been struck by a sledgehammer, smashing all his negative assumptions about Celine's partner.

Who would have thought that the ominous figure was actually the perfect one before him?

"What's going on?"

Celine approached, shaking her head gently, and immediately rested her head on Zent's shoulder. Especially after her argument with Sarah and Ryssa, she wanted to feel safe being beside her man.

Not stopping there, Sheila also took a place on Zent's other shoulder, making the Prince even more struck by the reality. Especially when two more women arrived and began competing for spots with them.

The Prince slumped to the ground, gazing at Zent who now looked like a deity.

Even the knights were envious, watching him being fought over by four incredibly beautiful women, blinking their eyes several times just to make sure this wasn't a dream.

"What's going on with you all?" Zent asked, puzzled, as he looked at his hands now embraced by the four of them. And honestly, it made him slightly embarrassed to be such a spectacle.

However, none of them answered; they just exchanged sharp glances.

Zent let out a long sigh, turning back to the Prince who was still seated on the ground. "Well... As you can see, Celine is mine."

Just as he said that, Celine's smile widened, her eyes sparkling. Meanwhile, the other three women were gripping his hand so tightly that he flinched in surprise.

The knights let out a long breath, proud to witness it.

At least one of them has found happiness in the paradise of this world.

"A-ahh.. Princess Celine is one of them.. Ah.. Um, I-I need to return to the palace," He stood up, stretching his body, trying to maintain a professional appearance even though his tear-glistening eyes betrayed his. "I welcome you and wish you a happy life!"

He rushed into the carriage, called by the knights who also shed tears, feeling the same pain. They flew away with a rainbow forming in the background, a color of sorrow now residing in their hearts.

"Wow, wow, you handled this well, Zent," praised the headmistress who continued humming the song while swaying her body.

Seeing that, Zent created a pair of headphones with the same song for the headmaster and explained how to change the song using a button located at the back.

The headmaster thanked him, continuing his dance without paying attention to the gaze of the other students."

Zent actually wanted to join, but he had to contend with four women who didn't want to let go of his hand at all. Meanwhile, Rayven was able to join the headmaster using his own headphones, and together, they danced away, leaving Zent alone.

Truly a case of 'one man's suffering is another man's joy'.