
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
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131 Chs

Reckoning at Dawn (Part 4)

"Hey Zent, why do you keep holding back?" Z asked as we were already on top of the kingdom's wall.

What do you mean?

"You know, you don't have to hold back to be a good person, right?"

I still don't understand what you're talking about.

"Come on, you KNOW what I'm talking about. You don't have to hide it, I am you, remember?"

Ah, that's true.

The problem is, I don't know if I can control myself if I let go and I certainly don't want to harm anyone.

"We'll be outside the kingdom, and our opponents don't deserve forgiveness. So why not just let go? Isn't it time for you to be a little free?"

Don't you know what will happen if I go into that mode?

"Why not? Just once, it won't hurt anyone."

Don't regret it.

Z smiled widely.

I started thinking about which song would be suitable for this and began digging through so many lists in my head, searching for the perfect one.

I didn't want this moment to be ruined because it didn't feel right, even just for a second.

The wind blew strongly, formed by the first aircraft that had come out from within the kingdom. That aircraft belonged to the troop, while the large Queen's ship was still far behind, surrounded by five fully armed battleships.

I knew I still had time to choose the right song.

Sarah stood beside me, worriedly observing my ever-changing expressions, as I moved from one song to another only at the chorus.

Fortunately, I had a good memory; otherwise, I'd have to hum the tunes and create a phone to search for the song, which would have been a bit embarrassing, especially with Sarah being there.

What would she think if she saw me suddenly humming with a voice akin to a motorcycle's exhaust?

As the wind blew strongly from the fleet of ships passing by, my eyes widened as I finally found the song I had been searching for, and I looked at Sarah. Stepping closer, I wrapped my left arm around her waist and leaped up.

In that brief moment, which somehow felt like an eternity, Sarah kept looking at me, her eyes sparkling, and her face slightly flushed, without averting her gaze.

As I landed softly on a Hoverboard, I moved Sarah to the back and started following the Queen's troops while keeping my hand on her waist to maintain balance.

I slightly accelerated the Hoverboard, getting closer to the Queen's ship while maintaining a height that would keep us hidden from their sight. Sheila appeared shortly after, showing herself in a window, looking up to locate us.

"Ah, they're over there," Sheila said with a smile. Then both of them disappeared again, and her smile turned into frustration. "Why is that woman always so lucky? I wish I were in her place," she grumbled.

"What's the matter, Sheila? Are you still upset that he managed to escape?" the Queen asked.

Sheila sighed deeply, facing her, "Forgive me, Your Majesty. I just couldn't believe he managed to escape after being captured. I apologize for disappointing you once again," she said, bowing her head.

"No need to worry about it. He can't do anything without these bracelets," the Queen replied nonchalantly, smiling as she observed the three glowing bracelets on her right hand, then turned to Sheila, "Tell me again, Sheila, what really happened?"

"As I said, Your Majesty, a woman came to rescue him and attacked me just as I was about to shoot them," Sheila answered.

"Is that so? Alright then," she replied, glancing a little too long at Sheila before turning her gaze back ahead.

Sheila's heart raced. She thought the Queen might have known about her plan. Nevertheless, she couldn't deny that the Queen was suspicious, so Sheila had to be more cautious in her actions.

Once they were several hundred meters away from the kingdom, Zent removed the protection from the Clockheart residents, knowing that the remaining forces there were only inside the palace and could easily be handled by the Protesters.

As Zent had mentioned before, the Queen intended to ruthlessly attack any kingdom she encountered to fill the void in her heart and gain a false sense of satisfaction.

A victory that holds no meaning.

Up there, Zent prepared to attack, raising his right hand with a joyful smile adorning his face.

Are you sure, Z?

"I support you, Zent. Go crazy!"

A small laugh escaped from Zent's mouth.

Zent snapped his fingers, creating modern flying ships above. They hovered in the air, using jet propulsion engines on four different sides: front, back, and both sides. Slowly, they descended, surrounding the Queen's troops with large cannons slowly pointed at them, creating a dramatic effect before the explosions came, putting on a show.

Why didn't I create futuristic flying ships armed with lasers you asked?

Where's the fun in that?

Before taking action, I turned to Sarah. She nodded, and I accelerated the Hoverboard towards the troop's flying ships. At the same time, the first shot was fired.

A massive explosion occurred, sending ship debris accompanied by thick black smoke. Flames were seen raging from the surviving flying ships.

They fired back, destroying the left side of my flying ship, which, of course, retaliated with more shots.

I jumped from the Hoverboard, smashing the window with two short swords in hand. Inside, the Rangers ran around, shouting to each other, rushing to extinguish the fire while launching counterattacks.

They turned towards me, startled to see someone entering through a window thousands of feet above the ground.

The song entered the chorus, and I ran forward.

With both swords, I slashed, sliced, and stabbed them.

Reveling in the screams, drenched in blood, as if dancing under the rain.

Taking advantage of the slippery floor covered in that red liquid, I slid forward, transforming the two swords into Sub-machine guns, pressing the trigger, and spinning like a ballerina.

Bullets flew in all directions, bouncing off and killing those hiding behind the control panels.

Another explosion erupted.

I leaped high, aiming the weapon at those on the upper floor, firing bullets at them, which of course, endless.

As I landed and rolled underneath, I transformed the two weapons back into a Scythe with an extendable chain handle. I twirled it as if putting on a show. The difference was that the audience now lost their heads.

Cheers turned into screams.

Applause was replaced by bodies falling.

And confetti was replaced by thick red liquid now filling the ship.

Once everything calm down, I ran and jumped out of the window, creating another Hoverboard and proudly smiled as I saw the ship in front shattered into pieces by Sarah.

Our ships fired their cannons again, attacking several Ranger ships that were also not sitting idly. They focused their attack on one ship that was about to be destroyed and sent it plummeting down.

Of course, they didn't see when the ship transformed into specks of light. They had already refocused on the second flying ship that was now being bombarded relentlessly.

Inside, they cheered as they witnessed the ship explode.

And I had found my next target.

I leaped into their ship, dispersing golf ball-sized bombs while running forward and jumping, kicking a Ranger out of the window with me.

Sadly, my hoverboard slipped, providing me a temporary landing spot while the Ranger screamed loudly, until his voice faded away and disappeared far below.

The ship behind exploded, creating a chaotic mess and nearly throwing me forward.

Then I stretched my arms, observing the numerous flying ships still ahead of us.

"Ah, I'll be so satisfied after this,"

I raised my hands and then clapped them forward.

Each of my created flying ships followed suit, moving swiftly to crash themselves into the Ranger's flying ships, which then became the next stage for me to put on a show.

Behind, everyone was astonished, witnessing a sight they never expected. The Queen's creations, which were the best versions of the previous ships, were easily destroyed by the attacks of the black and gray iron ships that were so unfamiliar.

Just as the Queen was about to give an order, she was startled by echoing music that was so loud and bass-heavy that it rattled their ship, causing discomfort to her ears, as if an earthquake had occurred in the air

Who would have thought that Zent had created a large subwoofer and played the songs from his headphones? He turned the entire place into a massive and craziest stage ever.

"Ah, I forgot that you a lil bit crazy," Z remarked, also moving his head at the powerful bass booming through the air.

"I told you! I WON'T HOLD BACK!!"

I amplified the sound of the music, enjoying the vibrations it created and the melody that made your body move on its own.


Not forgetting, I created long platforms on the left and right sides, then large spotlights that emitted colorful lights, following the bass beats. Thick fog covered the bottom of the flying ship, slowly rising upwards in small amounts, accompanying laser lights moving to the rhythm of the music.

Sarah, seeing this for the first time, stepped forward, touching the window with sparkling eyes, marveling at the beautiful colors accompanied by the booming beats that made her heart race.

A strange feeling.

A new world.

Something she had never experienced before arose and yearned for more.

Her smile widened, uncontrollable.

She wanted to dance to the rhythm of the music. However, she had to restrain herself because the Queen seemed so annoyed and disturbed.

"Zent, quickly free me from here and take me with you."