
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

Am I This Weak?

"Zent!" The twins called out as I had just arrived. They ran and jumped into my arms, smiling happily as I gently stroked their heads.

Elfi stood behind them, smiling warmly and calling the two children to join him, resting in a special tent that had been prepared by the Prince.

After requesting some additional time to hug me and wave goodbye to Prince Alcya, who approached with a proud grin on his face, they bid farewell.

"Now I understand why Zhao and Wei recommended you. Thanks to you, the plan can proceed smoothly. It's just a matter of time until we carry out the second crucial mission as part of the Elecya's uprising plan.

We don't have much time left, only four hours. I hope you have enough energy to rest for a while because I don't want you to exhaust yourself and end up in danger. You are an important part of this grand plan, Zent. We rely on you." He patted my shoulder a few times, providing the moral support that, to be honest, I truly needed right now.

Especially after realizing how strong that man was.

Damn it, that unpleasant feeling is haunting me again. However, I feel like I'm not the only one experiencing it. Ever since I returned here less than five minutes ago, everyone's faces look gloomy, as if their hopes of witnessing Elecya's uprising have been shattered.

His power is truly terrifying, to the point that it still makes both of my hands tremble every time I think about it. I've felt my life hanging by a thread several times before. But this is the first time I've witnessed the angel of death knocking on the door directly.

I try to calm myself down, fighting against my racing heart and gasping breaths that make my chest feel tight, as if I'm being choked. This experience has truly traumatized me.

It takes me a while to return to my normal self, and I hope it won't take too long because if I want to help them resurrect Elecya, I need all the energy in my body that can only be released when I'm enthusiastic.

Unlike now, when I feel like someone useless.

"Why don't you just take a rest? I know you're still in shock, but it won't help us when we're carrying out the mission. And I'm sure you don't want to lose focus when rescuing all the prisoners, right?

If you feel guilty about causing chaos in this kingdom by your presence, at least make up for it by helping to resurrect their kingdom. You'll only be a burden if you keep going like this. I apologize for being harsh, but that's the truth, Zent," Z explained. This time, his voice sounded gentle, not arrogant as usual.

A sigh escapes from my mouth, carrying away some of the burdens and slightly lightening the weight that feels like tons of iron on my body. I know it's exaggerated, but that's how I feel right now.

It's as if my soul is being sucked out, leaving a lifeless body that simply follows empty commands in my head.

Z is right, I can't continue like this. I have to learn to accept and move forward.

As Ren said, as long as I know that people will be happy once we succeed, that's the motivation I need. Imagining their joyful smiles brightening up the day with laughter and filling the emptiness in my heart. Giving me a fresh fuel to keep moving forward.

That's right, this is all I have to do.

Thanks to that, I hurried towards the tent prepared by the Prince, which was quite far from the tent of the three siblings. If only it were closer, I would definitely check on their condition. However, perhaps it's better not to because they must be exhausted after enduring three days that felt like hell.

They deserve this rest, those brave little knights. Besides, once the next mission is over, I can meet them and even surprise them by bringing Zhao and Wei.

I'm sure they'll be happy.

Finally, I decided to lie down for a while as I waited for further notice. Inside the tent, I slept on a dark blue mattress with a white pillow that was somewhat comfortable, although not as comfortable as a pillow in the bar.

For a refuge, this is already considered luxurious. I'm grateful to Prince Alcya for providing the best, even though I don't really need it.

I'm sure there are many refugees who need it more than I do, as I can sleep with just my arms as a pillow.

I cannot deny that the comfort slowly made my eyes close, tempting me to be embraced by the darkness that felt so calm and safe. I felt like I wanted to stay here forever, drifting aimlessly, just peacefully sleeping and letting the world continue without my presence.

However, just before I succumbed to that temptation, I was reminded of Celine and the princess's situation.

The man said they were in danger. But shouldn't the battle have been over? Or perhaps the woman has risen again and caused chaos?

There's something about that woman, that feels so familiar, so well-known that I am convinced we are more than just acquaintances.

Hey, Z.


Do you know the woman with white hair?

"You mean the one who was your opponent back in Alfcity?" he asked, lying on the grass with his crossed arms serving as a makeshift pillow.

Yes, I don't know why, but I constantly feel a sense of familiarity with her. Maybe we do know each other because in the previous battle...

I know I might sound too narcissistic if I say this. It's just that she only observed me without attacking at all. But she attacked everyone else, except me.

Don't you find that strange? That's why I feel you might remember her.

Z let out a long sigh, turning his body to the side, appearing unwilling to be disturbed for a while with a facial expression I couldn't read at all. But I know he's deep in thought, forcing his brain to keep searching until he finds what he's looking for.

"No," he answered after a brief silence.

"I don't know her at all. I've tried digging into my memories, one by one, but I still can't find anything about her. Maybe you're right. But until we have evidence, it's better to remain cautious, even if she's protecting you."

Well, fine then.

We need to quickly resolve the issues here if we want to see their condition. But I'm confident they can hold on. Celine is not someone weak, especially with Mr. Anderson's help.

However, even though I say that, I don't know why my heart feels so restless. I'm restless, constantly changing sleeping positions due to the uncomfortable feeling that disturbs me. Eventually, I decide to leave the refugee and sit on the castle wall to calm myself while feeling the cold breeze.

Perhaps the cold sensation can momentarily distract me, making the storm of thoughts in my head settle, even if only for a brief moment.

In the distance, I see some movement, so I prepare myself in case of an attack. However, those shadows only move farther away before eventually disappearing into the toxic land, the area where the three elf siblings reside.

An uneasy feeling resurfaces in my heart, urging me to check on it. But before I descend, a voice calls out to me from behind.

I turn around and find Prince Alcya standing there, wearing a friendly smile.

"You need rest, Zent," he said as he walked closer and placed both hands on the edge of the wall, leaning his entire weight against it. He let out a sigh, his eyes gazing into the distance. "I understand, Zent. What you're feeling right now has left you somewhat shocked.

However, you can't let those feelings keep pulling you down, or you'll fall into darkness forever. You have to be strong, Zent. At least do it for them, for the people you love and care about. No one but yourself can help you now."