
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
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131 Chs

A Gift

In the city, the princess walked with Lucy to search for the ingredients requested by Chef Eduardo. The cake he wanted to make was not just an ordinary cake, but something that could create a beautiful memory for the four of them, especially Zent.

Therefore, the princess made a great effort to find the ingredients, going around until she was sweaty.

However, a spirited smile appeared on her adorable face, even when Lucy asked the princess to rest, she refused and insisted on continuing the journey because they could always go back at any time.

While searching for the final ingredient, the princess fell silent when passing by a weapons shop, which made her think that Zent didn't have a weapon. Unlike Celine, Rio, and Rayven, who always carried their weapons.

After inviting Lucy to enter with her, she looked around at each weapon displayed on the weapon racks and hanging on the walls, then she pondered about what kind of weapon Zent would like. She had never seen Zent fight before, so she didn't know.

"Lucy, what do you think Zent would choose as a weapon?" she asked, confused.

Lucy joined in the thinking process, trying to recall the image of Sir Zent, who had recently become a guest at the mansion and had already captured the heart of the young lady. "Hmm... From his physique, Sir Zent is someone athletic and frequently engages in sports. But his fists are not rough, unlike Lady Celine, who often wields a sword."

"If I'm not mistaken, Papa once said that Zent's world is different from ours. Zent's world is a peaceful one where swords, magic, and arrows are not used, so perhaps he wouldn't use those things," the princess explained.

"Hmm, that means spears and axes are also out. The only thing left is this," she walked towards a lightweight leather armor, flexible and not rigid, fitting for someone like Zent who might use martial arts. "What if we give Sir Zent an armor? I'm sure he would be happy if Lady Luna gave him armor to protect himself," Lucy suggested.

The princess approached, holding the leather armor and shook her head. "We need something much stronger than this. Zent will be venturing into dangerous places, and this leather armor won't be able to protect him," the princess explained, then continued to look at other items.

"Oh? How does Lady Luna know that Sir Zent will go on an adventure?" she asked curiously.

"Last night, Luna had a dream about Zent visiting amazing places! Places that Luna has only seen in books or pictures. Places that, according to the dream, were dangerous.

Luna didn't understand why, but I felt something bad during that dream," she replied while observing the thick iron armor that wouldn't be suitable for Zent.

Lucy's thoughts were momentarily interrupted by the voice of the shop owner.

"Welcome to Bob and Sword! Apologies for the delay, I had to attend to two customers who just left the store. How may I assist you, Lady Luna?" he said, bowing respectfully.

"The young lady is in need of a strong yet flexible armor, as the person who will wear it needs space to move freely," Lucy explained, followed by the princess.

"That's right! And the armor should be sturdy! Sturdy enough to withstand the attack of a dragon! RAWR!!" she exclaimed, mimicking a roaring dragon.

The shop owner chuckled, stroking his chin as he portrayed someone deep in thought. "Hmm, a strong armor that can withstand a dragon's attack and yet remain flexible at the same time," Bob smiled and snapped his fingers as he found the perfect item. "Aha! I know just the thing you're looking for. Come with me. We're about to enter a secret chamber."

"Ooooh... Does it have a treasure in there?" the princess asked eagerly.

Bob laughed again, opening the entrance to a staircase leading down to the underground room. "Certainly! However, let's keep this secret from everyone, alright?" he said, to which they both nodded in agreement.

Down below, the princess's eyes widened as she discovered a multitude of weapons that seemed to emit a glowing light in accordance with their colors.

There was a dark red sword with a bright orange center, radiating a reddish glow as it hung on the wall. Nearby, an exquisite blue spear with elegant curves reminiscent of adorned waves rested on a shelf. A blue light emanated from the beautiful spear.

Not far away, a white arrow adorned with green stripes was displayed above a fireplace. A beautiful green light radiated from the enchanting arrow.

"I didn't expect to see so many Tier 7 weapons here," exclaimed Lucy, still unable to believe her eyes as she observed the various weapons that were difficult to obtain, even by kings, and had a price tag that could buy a palace due to their immense power.

As she was about to inquire about how he managed to create so many weapons like these, Lucy suddenly remembered something. "Wait, Bob! You are Bob The Blacksmith! Someone with great talent in crafting weapons! Have you been in this city all along?" she asked, surprised to find herself in the presence of someone with such a renowned reputation.

Bob chuckled modestly, scratching the back of his head. "Haha, well, I never expected anyone to recognize me. I have been running my shop here for a long time, thinking that it would be unlikely for anyone to suspect a famous Blacksmith like me to open a store in the busiest place in the human kingdom.

Even after using my name as the store's name, no one would have guessed that the legendary Bob was actually me! It's amazing, isn't it?" he proudly exclaimed, then walked towards a large wooden chest in the corner of the room and retrieved a translucent blue cube. "Don't worry, this is not a Glory, although it may resemble one. It's something I recently discovered on my journey to the kingdom of Arkaz, home to the Orcs.

At first, I thought I had stumbled upon a Glory and was about to flee from there, considering the deadly hunts for Glories that have claimed many lives. However, this object didn't emit the bright blue light characteristic of a Glory. So I approached it, examined it, and decided to bring it back with me for testing when I returned," he explained.

"Last month, I tried it in this underground chamber, and you know what happened?" Bob asked, creating a sense of anticipation that filled the room. "This object transformed into a suit of armor! An armor that can adapt to the user's desires. Unfortunately, it cannot be used by someone who possesses mana. When I tried it, the object immediately reverted back into a cube and would never open again.

Every time it comes near something that emits mana, it instantly teleports to a place with minimal mana amount. I almost lost this cube once because I forgot and created something that generated a large amount of mana. Thankfully, I quickly stored it in my specially crafted anti-mana chest," he explained.

"Hm? An object that can only be used by those who don't possess mana? Is this due to the arrival of Mr. Zent's world? Or is it just a coincidence?" Luna pondered. "According to Mr. Bob, what tier does this object belong to?"

"Hmm, I haven't had a chance to test its defense yet, so I need someone who doesn't possess any mana flow at all. But where can I find someone like that? There is no one who doesn't possess mana," Bob expressed his concern, causing Lucy to worry about Bob, who seemed to have been isolated for a long time.

"If I may ask, when was the last time you set foot outside?"

"Last month, of course," he replied casually, as if it wasn't an important matter.

"Um, Mr. Bob, two days ago, a new world emerged, and the inhabitants there are people who don't possess any mana at all. One of them is currently in our mansion, and that person is the one to whom Nona Luna will give the gift," Lucy explained, causing Bob to jolt in surprise, and a wide, enthusiastic grin formed on his face.

"You must give this to that person! And tell them to come and meet me. There are many things I want to discuss," requested the shop owner, who now laughed joyfully as if he had just found a treasure.