
Glory & Honor

Aranuak a world hidden in mysteries clouded by lies and deceit a world where the gods have no mercy, what is a teen supposed to do when thrown into such a dangerous world?

Jurassic_Threat · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Family life

We can see Marcus exiting a building with a bundle of bags around his arms with Allison slowly trailing after him in the night.

"That should be everything on the list. Why was everything so expensive, though the other books didn't cost much but the martial and arcane books cost 2 silver each!"

Marcus grumbled under his breath while walking with empty pockets while his eyes held an expression of loss within them

The father and son duo go back to the gate they took to get inside the city.

The city's gate was crowded to the brim with people all talking and shouting, there even seemed to be merchants selling and advertising their goods and ware, and each vendor shouting above the other in a vain attempt to draw in more customers creating a cacophonic orchestra of noises.

This did not seem to bother the several passersby tho as they walked some intending to go home and others seeking to wander around the mismatched market a little longer.

Now some may wonder where the knights are as setting up a stall much less a whole market is not allowed, for your answer you just need to look towards the gate and you can see the two guards from earlier on in the morning asleep on the ground with liquor bottles tight in hand.

Unbothered by the scene Marcus held his son's hand and walked to the end of the market where a group of coaches was stationed.

The two reach their destination and Alisson looks on with nostalgia at the familiar scene in front of him.

Before them, there was a group of men all yelling one above the other all screaming out destinations and areas. People entered and exited the coaches it reminded Alisson of the cab system back home.

The two board a coach that is heading to their village.

After getting all the supplies on Allison's list the two of them left the city of silver.


The sun raises from its slumber bestowing all with its glorious light and blessing the crops and the people. Unfortunately, not all were as appreciative of the sun's golden warmth.

"*Mhm* Ah it's too early for this I just need another hour ."

The poor child's wishes were unfortunately not meant to be as a thunderous roar resounded through the small house in which he resided and to the nearby homes as well


The child fell from his bed from the sudden fright that the sudden shout caused him.

"I'm on my way mom." With fear in his heart, the small child was able to squeak out a response.

"Oh you are so adorable you look like a little prince. Dont you think so too honey?

Daisy cooed whilst observing her son in his new school uniform.

"It had to look good for how much it costs," Marcus responded to Daisy's question with a hint

of annoyance in his tone.

"Oh don't be like that dear we can just make it back in time."

While the two were talking our hero's thoughts drifted to another matter.

'It's gonna be a while till I see them again. I know that there, not my parents but I can't help feeling sad about separating from them.'

"It's about time you get going isn't it," Marcus spoke as a coach adorned by magnificent silver crafts of griffins that proudly stood at the vehicle's front.

"It's gonna be a while till we see you again buddy huh?" Marcus spoke in a soft voice toward his son

"Don't worry Al it isn't as scary as you think it is, I promise it's way more fun than what the other children say." Daisy tried to encourage her son while showing a smile but her water-drenched eyes portrayed how she felt.

letting out a sigh Marcus held his arm around her while comforting her.

'It doesn't really matter now, does it? I've come to love them as my own family.'

"Don't worry mom, dad I can visit during summer."

Allison hugged his parents while consoling them with tears rolling down his face.

With confidence, uncertainty, and excitement in our young Allison's heart, he went in the coach while his parents waved him off towards his next adventure.

With haste, the boy ran to the bathroom to get prepared for his ride and his new life.

A few minutes later you can observe Alisson in a school uniform with a dark crescent blue similar to the night sky taking claim to most of the suit while lined by intricate and delicate silver textures reminiscent of the moon that lights up the night sky surrounding its edges.