
Global Transmigration: I Received an X Ranked Talent

Please leave a review and a comment. I always enjoy constructive criticism, or just someone saying they enjoy reading my book. However, I just want to let you all know that I do write this in my free time, so there isn't a consistent update schedule. Chapter 1 WHAT THE FUCK Crystal’s (Pov) ‘Ahh, there is nothing better than a hot shower after a monotonous day of school work’ I thought while washing my hair with pomegranate shampoo. Turning off the water I stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel, and just as I was about to grab it a bright light flashed in front of me. |Congratulations! You and 4 million other humans have been selected from Earth to participate in King/Queen building Games!| |Notice: You will be given a random Talent and Subjects to help you build your empire. It will depend on your leadership, intelligence, and Luck to survive this world of magical beasts, other Kings or Queens, and any other dangers you may face through your journey.| “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” I screamed in surprise as a screen popped up in front of me and a disembodied voice rang out around me. Looking around me I noticed that 1, I was standing outside what appeared to be a cave with a small house nearby and a forest in front of me with a river running through it, and 2, I was still completely naked. Authors Note: This will be one of the most op-bullshit stories I have ever written down, ill try to give it some actual plot but it's pretty much just something fun for me to write in my downtime. I will take any helpful criticisms, suggestions, or reviews. However, if you're just gonna spam smartass bullshit I’ll just delete it. #OP, #System, #Yuri, #Kingdom Building, #Nonhuman MC, #Female Protaganist, #Transmigration, #Etc.

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Back to the World Chat and Trading

As I exited the doorway, I found myself in a large room with a long table and a throne at the head of the table. I guess this is where I would have meetings with the Kings and Queens of my empire. I had one of the Amazons walking around take the other two Rainbow Painting Crayfish to the farm.

Once that was handled, I looked around the room I was in and noted that a few rooms had some beds in them with red and black silk sheets. I decided to just crash on one of those as I did something I wasn't looking forward to.

Opening the System menu I went to the world chat.

|Bi Fay: Does anyone have any food, Im willing to trade a Magic Crystal mine for food to feed me and my subjects, please, we are starving.|

|Ray Steel: I'm in the same boat, I live on an Island, which means I should have plenty of fish but I'm surrounded by some crazy monster that kills anything near the water, and the only thing I can trade is coconuts.|

|Moira: I can trade you some gold coins for the Magic Crystal mine @Bi Fay|

|Bi Fay: Fuck Off! I need actual food.|

The list went on by the thousands, most people needed food or were trying to make bullshit deals. I was interested in the Magic Crystal Mine though, but I wondered how that would work. Would the Mine itself be transferred over to my Kingdom, or would I have to send my people over there?

|Notice: If you made a trade with Bi Fay the Magic Crystal Mine would be sectioned off with the same shield that protects your Kingdoms for the remaining seven days, then you would have to protect it yourself. Another Dimensional doorway would also open up at the entrance of the Mine for your people to enter and exit.|

'Good to know, well, how much food do I have?'

|Notice: You have 14 tons of A-rank Steel Boar meat, 731 S-rank Golden Chicken Eggs, 900 Bushels of Jade Wheat, 4200 Gallons of SS-rank Divine Milk, 35 Gallons of SS-rank Demon Silk Milk, 488 Gallons of A-rank Big Breasted Chicken Milk, and 3 tons of various C-SS rank Fish.|

"Damn, I'm about to make the biggest profit ever, but System, how do I have so much fish so soon?"

|Notice: Madea has been fishing for you as well.|

A devious smile appeared on my muzzle. Opening the trade menu I immediately started typing.

|Empress Crystal White, @Bi Fay, I would be willing to trade 1 ton of A-rank Steel Boar Meat for your Mine.|

'Huuh? System, why does my name have Empress next to it?'

|Notice: Because that is what you are, any person who becomes an Empress or Emperor will have the accompanying title as well. However, they will not have a King or Queen title next to their names as everyone is already like them already.|

'Ok, sounds legit.'

|Bi Fay, @Empress Crystal White, Yes! Oh my god yes. Let's trade right now!|

|Notice: Do you accept an A-rank Medium Magic Crystal mine from Bi Fay in exchange for one ton of A-rank Steel Boar Meat?|



|Notice: You have gained a Dimensional doorway leading to an A-rank Magic Crystal mine that you can place anywhere at one time.|

|Empress Crystal White, Good doing business with you Bi Fay. Maybe we can do business later.|

'Now, let's see what else I can buy for cheap.'

(Pov Bi Fay)

I had been on the world chat for hours hoping someone would trade with me. A Magic Crystal mine was worth a little food. When I was first transported here I was excited I thought it would be fun. I even had the luck to get Desert Dire Wolfmen and Women, who could change into 5-foot-tall wolves at will. However, they needed a lot of food and we were located in an oasis surrounded by a barren desert. The System said I was near a town but it was over 600 miles away and we couldn't get there right now. It had been a week now and some of my men had been considering cannibalism if they didn't get any food soon. I was just about to give up hope when I received the best 'Notice' of my life.

|Notice: Empress Crystal White would like to trade with you, are you willing to accept?|


After the trade, I couldn't believe my luck. A Magic Crystal mine for 1 ton of A-rank meat. I glanced at the Mine a few meters away from me as a golden shield sprung up around it, as soon as the shield appeared, 1 ton of A-ranked Steel Boar Meat appeared in my warehouse; I was beyond happy, and, I would finally be able to see other people.

(Pov Crystal White) 4 hours later

|Notice: You have traded for 11 Acres of the Saphire Forest for 20 Bushels of A-rank Jade Crystalline Wheat.|

|Notice: You have traded for one large A-rank Magic Crystal mine for 1 ton of A-ranked Steel Boar meat.|

|Notice: You have traded for one S-rank Hell Spring for two Gallons of SS-rank Divine Milk and 150lbs of A-rank meat.|

I couldn't believe how many people needed food, I didn't realize how lucky I was to get my X-ranked talent. Thanking the system over and over for how lucky I was I continued to scroll the Trade for a bit longer to see if anything caught my eye. There were plenty of people who needed food but they weren't offering up anything good for it, and I'd like to think I'm a good person but I won't just give my stuff away for free. With the trades, I did make sure I was exceptionally fair and gave what I thought was a fair trade, maybe a bit more so we could have continuous trades in the future.

The Magic Crystal Mine was a huge surprise as I knew Lilith will be interested in it, as was the Hell Spring. I would be going personally to all of the locations to see what I had purchased and to meet the people there hopefully they are not like Bruce. If they are, well, I can just wait till the shield falls and conquer them then. Unless they are stupid enough to not set any conditions for another person of Royalty to enter their Kingdom with the shield still up.

However, the biggest surprise was someone was willing to trade 60 of their own subjects for 1000 Gold Coins, and that piqued my interest. Especially because the subjects were S-ranked Egyptian Jackal Women. That seemed very cheap to me, but they were insistent on the trade, so I agreed.

I had a few more things to do before I checked out my new acquisitions though.

"System how many treasure chests do I have right now?"

|Notice: You have two Mythril, three Silver, and two Diamond treasure chests. Would you like to fuse and then open them?|

'Huuh, I guess the System is getting used to my preferences.'

"Yes, yes I would."

|Notice: You have fused two Mythril Treasure Chests to produce a Demigod Chest.|

|Notice: You have fused three silver Treasure Chests to produce one Platinum Chest.|

|Notice: You have fused two Diamond Chests to produce one Obsidian Chest.|

|Notice: Would you like to open them?|


My mouth was in an 'O' shape, well as much as a muzzle can be, as I stared at the screen that said Demigod, what in the world would I receive from a Demigod's chest?

"Yes," I said hesitantly.

|Notice: From the Platinum Treasure Chest you have received: 1 Stone Wall Blueprint, 1 Watch Tower Blueprint, 1 Tea House Blueprint, 10,000 Xp|

|Notice: From the Obsidian Chest you have received: 30,000 XP, 1 Transforming Weapon Blueprint, and 30,000 Gold Coins|

I sighed In relief at the blueprint, I really didn't want to give my new weapon to Titania for her to study.

|Notice: From the Demigod Chest you have received: 3 New Skills/Magic, Flying Level Max, Fire Magic Level 5/10, Penis Growth: Information. You are now able to grow a penis at will and spread your seed to the next generation.|

The smile on my face froze at the last skill, it seemed like whenever I got really cool rewards I also had to receive a lewd reward. I guess I'll just have to get used to that. The flying skill though was fucking awesome, especially because it was at Max Level. That means I only have to spend 100 MP every 10 hours I'm in the sky, and because my MP regeneration is 5,000 a second, well it wouldn't be a problem.

After a few moments to let my new gifts settle in and to calm down a bit, I walked outside to go find Lilly and give her the blueprints. A few minutes of walking later I was standing under a glistening pussy once again and sighing in wonderment and defeat. Even though I got the penis growth skill it would be like throwing a needle down a mine shaft. She and I would figure it out later.

"Lilly, I have some new blueprints that I need you to use and figure out where to place them, I would also like you to give them to Queen Sky once we are done with them so she can build them at her Kingdom. Also, I have a blueprint for Titania that I think she would be interested in. After that is done I would like you to join me and a few other Amazons that I will be summoning so we can travel to some new plots of land that I recently acquired." Still talking to her pussy and underboob, as she had not kneeled down while I was talking, probably to tease me. She only kneeled down to grab the blueprint once I was finished talking.

"Yes my Queen, I will handle it at once. Do you want me to meet you at the Amazonian Barracks or somewhere else?" She said while spreading her legs open even further so I really was slit to face level, it was fucking torture as her pleasant and strong pheromones entered my sensitive nose.

"I…I wou… would like you to meet me at your barracks please." Stuttering over the first few words with a perverted smile she stood up and nodded before swaggering away.

"Fucking god dammit. Scarlet, Miya, you better not mention any of this, to anyone, ever." I muttered quietly with a blush on my face as my shadow tripled and the two separate shadows nodded. I could almost see the deviant smiles on their shadowy faces. Slowly I walked back to the castle to give myself some time to calm down and to let Lilly do her tasks. While I enjoyed the bustling around me, I didn't have a city just yet, but there were people bustling around. People going to the Onyx restaurant and then doing their jobs at the farm or going back to the mines or cutting lumber. Everything was going along smoothly, I thought as I finally made it to the Amazons Barracks.

|Notice: How many Amazons would you like to Summon, 1-50|

"50, please," closing my eyes before I even said it as a flash of light encroached on my poor eyelids. A few seconds later I heard Lilly approach from behind me as the light also faded in front of me. I gasped in surprise at the woman standing before me. When I first summoned the Amazons their height ranged from 12-25ft same as when I summoned them at the Jade Kingdom. This time though all of them were standing at 15ft or higher, and their boobs were much bigger than any of the ones I had summoned before. I could probably slide in between them and sleep comfortably, feeling the heat radiating up my thighs I had to squash that thought down for later as I glanced at Lilly's breasts. Hers were still larger than the woman bowing above me.

"Greeting Empress, how may we be of service." I would never find out how they said that together as one unit.

"Hello everyone, as you know I am Empress Crystal White and the woman standing above me is Lilly she is my second in command and you will be under her command unless otherwise instructed by me. Today we will be going to some plots of land that I recently acquired in various Kingdoms." Trying very hard to look at their faces and not their sexual organs as they stood up and glanced at Lilly and me.

"Well then everyone, follow me," I said while flying up into the air to be at their level so they could walk at their normal pace, as I did that I realized I could fly up to Lilly at any time in the future but decided against it almost immediately. I wouldn't be able to gaze at a beautiful cunt if I did that. Leading them through the castle to a side wing that had a large circular room I decided this is where I would place all of the dimensional doorways. Luckily, once I placed the doorways a sign appeared above them telling people where they led too, which was very handy.

"Let's go meet our new neighbors shall we," I said with a smile as I headed to our first stop.

Sorry about the late chapter

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