
Global Survival: Dominating the Seas Through Daily Check-Ins

In the thrilling game of survival, selected individuals are thrust into a bizarre otherworldly amusement park, forced into a relentless fight for survival. Starting with nothing but a fishing net at sea, resources must be scavenged from the depths. Fortunately for Haine, luck is on his side as he fishes out a system gift box, binding himself to a daily check-in system. While others endure hunger, Haine savors steaks; as they yearn for a sip of pure water, he relishes in a bath he's constructed. The rewards of the check-in system are vast, featuring a plethora of gadgets straight out of Doraemon's inventory: the Bamboo Copter, Anywhere Door, Gourmet Tablecloth, Indoor Farm, and more, making survival not just a challenge, but an adventure of whimsical delights and extraordinary possibilities.

MonaL · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Survival Quest

Haine awoke to an endless sea, his home nowhere in sight. Just a day ago, he had been out drinking with friends, only to wake up on this vast ocean. He now sat on a square wooden plank, about three square meters in size, just large enough for an adult man to sit and store a few items.

He had just swum under the plank, finding nothing beneath. It was unknown how it was so firmly and steadily supported, remaining stable regardless of his actions on it.

Surrounded by the deep sea, with nothing but water as far as the eye could see, Haine was overwhelmed. 

"God, if this is a dream, please wake me up!" Haine lay back down on the plank, resigned and wailing.

The blistering sun scorched his skin, and without water, he knew he would dehydrate and perish within three days. Even a fortunate rain wouldn't alleviate his hunger, nor the threats of fierce winds and high waves.

Survival seemed impossible.

But just as Haine fell into despair, a misty white fog formed in the sky, like a projector screen, revealing the face of a girl. She had deep, expressive eyes and bright, charming features.

"Dear players, welcome to the Global Survival Game. I am your guide, Alice."

"You are in Maritime Server 42, with 20,000 players. Remember every word I say, as your life depends on it."

"1. This is a real world, a divine playground, no longer on Earth. Death here is real, so cherish your life."

"2. Players aged 18-40 were chosen for the first round. Infants, the elderly, and those unable to care for themselves will be spectators for now, awaiting the next round. Your survival time is linked to rewards, so strive to survive and win the grand prize!"

"3. Each of you in Maritime Server 42 will receive the same starting resource: a fishing net. Various supplies will be scattered in the sea, retrievable by your net. But remember, you only have three fishing chances per day, so pray for luck!"

"4. You have a three-day grace period as newcomers. Do not leave your raft, as the sea is dangerous. Monitor your raft's condition, as the seawater will corrode it. If your raft's durability reaches zero, you'll be consumed by sea monsters."

"5. Each of you has access to the Divine Network. Just think of it, and a screen will appear for world chats, personal messages, and rule queries. Enjoy your time here – for now, it's limited to this server. Other servers will be opened later."

"That's all for the rules – enjoy the game, beybey!"

As the screen vanished, a fishing net appeared on the raft.

Haine, a college student, had read many survival novels, but facing this reality felt surreal.

He was even somewhat relieved to be an orphan, alone, without family to worry about.

A thin mist rose and quickly dissipated nearby, revealing various sized boxes floating on the sea – the supply boxes mentioned by Alice, sealed and mysterious.

With only three fishing attempts per day, luck was now more important than ever.