
Global Survival : All my Skills are Full Level! (DROPPED)

One moment, 27 year old ‘retired’ mercenary Max Riggs had his heart beating faster than even being held at gunpoint with certain death before him ever had, his excitement literally shooting through the roof at finally being able to reunite with his only living family, his three sisters, whom he had left to pursue his dangerous career. The next, every human on Earth, from just born babes to old men and women on life support, were whisked away to an alien universe, separated throughout uncountable dimensions each holding a single human, vast untapped resources, and innumerable ‘monsters’ of all shapes and sizes. All they had, was a marble of light in their hands, a voice in their heads, and their own ‘Talents’ which they awoke. And they had to play a very deadly, yet rewarding ‘Game’. A ‘Game’ between Gods and Men. ((Congratulations to Amy Riggs for being the first person to kill a Tier 1 Monster. Special rewards have been issued. The ‘Chat’ Function for all participants has been unlocked.)) “Amy?”, Max muttered as he recalled the 16 year old from 8 years ago, fresh to high school, naively pure and innocent, smiling at him brightly as she held two cones of ice cream in each of her two hands… ((Congratulations to Emilia Riggs for being the first person to gain a F Grade Item. Special rewards have been issued. The ‘Trade’ Function for all participants has been unlocked.)) “Emi?”, Max thought back to Amy’s twin sister in all but personality, the rebellious blonde who carried a bunch of knives and rods to school and whom he had bailed for sending countless boys and men to the ER with crushed balls and cut off dicks more times than he would care to count… ((Congratulations to Adeline Riggs for being the first person to find a design drawing. Special rewards have been issued. The ‘Build’ Function for all participants has been unlocked.)) “Ade?”, Max recalled the adorable eight year old who he used to walk to and from school, who forced him to play house with her for hours on end, who simply wouldn’t sleep without him telling her a bedtime story, the same eight year old who cried so bitterly that it broke his heart when he left… “Hiss! What happened in the last eight years that made my likely sisters so fierce?” Then, the cold, emotionless voice of the ‘System’ governing the ‘Game’ rang in his head. ((Congratulations, you have awoken the Talent [Absolute Mastery(G)]. Please check your ‘Status’ for more details.))

Azerial_0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

[Chapter:2][My sisters are so fierce!]

"'Unit' should be the basic quantity in this 'Game'…and as for what they are…"

The wooden plank was more or less of standard size, 2 in thick, 8 in wide, and around 24 in long. The stone and the piece of metal which didn't resemble any metal Max had ever seen seemed to weigh more or less 1 kg, the 'fibre' which similarly didn't resemble any sort of fibre he had encountered looked to be around 1 metre long, and as for food and water…

"500g of bread and 3,000ml of water…"

His eyes flashed as he thought of something.

Just the right quantities for a human being to not die of starvation for a day.

500g of bread is distributed in 12 slices, and if eaten in the form of 4 slices per meal, can exactly last for one day. Of course, the lack of nutrition need not be mentioned, but just on 12 slices of bread per day, with enough water, a regular adult could last for around 6 months before the lack of nutrition and vitamins begins causing problems.

3L of water is also enough for a regular adult human, without doing any sort of strenuous work, to survive for a day.

In other words…

"To those who cannot survive on their own, to the delicate, ignorant, or simply incapable people, they can just live for half a year without dying from starvation…"

But is that really the case? A Game which abducted all the people in Earth, as well as any other planet in the Universe, a Game which quite literally stated that death wasn't the worst case scenario…

"Forget it. For now, I have to focus on surviving."

Shaking his head, Max looked at the items before him, and just touched them…

((Congratulations to Emilia Riggs for being the first person to gain a F Grade Item. Special rewards have been issued. The 'Trade' Function for all participants has been unlocked.))




Max froze and his eyes widened when he registered the System's announcement in his mind. Looking at his vision, a new icon with the symbol of a weighing scale, clearly representing 'Trade', appeared.

At the same time, he sighed in relief.

"Well, looks like somebody's doing well…"

Although when he suddenly appeared on this tiny island, Max's thoughts were preoccupied by his strange situation and the threat of death and danger, when he read the Mail and the words 'all sentient beings in the Universe', he instinctively thought of his family and his heart tightened.

As an ex-mercenary, he had the confidence of surviving even if his body regressed to being as weak as a normal person, but his sisters…

While he hadn't once visited them, in order to prevent his identity from getting out and putting them in danger, Max had always followed his sisters' lives, and knew that other than he gentle yet naive Amy who somehow managed to become a police officer, something Max had been both worried and proud about, the other two had far lesser chances of surviving on their own.

After all, the wild and rebellious Emilia had become a doctor, while Adeline, Adeline was just a sixteen year old, merely a high schooler…

"I hope the their two will be fine…"

The moment he thought so, however…

((Congratulations to Adeline Riggs for being the first person to find a design drawing. Special rewards have been issued. The 'Build' Function for all participants has been unlocked.))

((Congratulations to Amy Riggs for being the first person to kill a Tier 1 Monster. Special rewards have been issued. The 'Chat' Function for all participants has been unlocked.))



Max looked at the System announcements that appeared in his vision and rang out in his mind, then looked at himself, an ex-mercenary, a man of blood and steel, man who even without a strong body can kill another man as easily as killing a chicken, yet hadn't even touched the items before him…

"Hiss! What happened in the past eight years that made my sisters so fierce!?"

. . . . . .

Looking at the two new icons, Max quickly opened the 'Chat' icon and looked at the available options.

[Public] | [Private] | [Group]

Only three options, yet the last one gave him hope as he quickly selected it.

[Create] | [Join]

[Invitations : 0]

Tapping on 'Create', he put the name of the Group as 'Riggs', and quickly sent out invitations.

"Wait, if others heard the System Announcements, they would most likely send similar invitations too…"

Thinking about it, he looked at the invitations and personalised them, including some things only the four of them would be aware of.




"Well, looks like it'll take a while."

Max sighed as he didn't get a response even after ten minutes.

Either they were too busy to look at the invitations, or got too many invitations to notice his, or…

"They won't be angry with me and delete the invite in a fit of rage…would they?"

Honestly, that sounded very much like something Emilia would do, Max thought with a small smile.

Then, looking at the other icons…

"There are six icons in total now…'Status', 'Base', 'Mail', 'Chat', 'Build', and 'Trade'."

Selecting the 'Base' icon, a hologram-like 3D image of the island appeared before him.

"1 square metre in area…"

That was it. At the centre of the island was his image, clearly representing the position of those on the island as well. There were also small dots nearby, selecting which information about them appeared.

'Wood : 1kg'

'Stone : 1kg'

'Fibre : 1m'

'Bread : 500g'

'Water : 3L'

'Metal : 1kg'

"So everything on the island can be viewed this way…"

Then, Max looked at the other functions as well.

"Trade…someone is actually selling 1kg of metal for 100L of Water and 100kgs of bread?"

Clearly, he or she was just trying the function out and not really meaning to sell her metal.

"Wait, could it be…"