
global star

dev is the MC who has the dream to be famous star. in this story, we know how he reach is dream.

Gabimaru_lama_ · Urban
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11 Chs


Third POV

Dev had already set his goal. He had walked in the path. It had been a several months since he started his journey. He had already grown that much where he can be recognised by everyone on his region. He had already big growth in his channel as it had already had reach 20k and His songs had already reach 1.7 million views ( total views from his song . He had performed on various on various concert. He already had been star at his region and some people out of his region started to recognise him.Now , the story begins

First POV

I already have fame in my region. I have to reach even new heights. I can't just be star in one region. I think about it, I know what I should do. I have to increases my music even further. Then, I think that I haven't written new song as I was busy in concert.

But, I have to also think about my study. I holiday are coming to end. I have to find college for my future study. Then, I suddenly remembered that ,my father said, he talked about him in Everest Academy. Then I have to think in which area, I would go. I think about it, I choose to go management. As my study problem had already finished. I think about my new song.

As days were passing, my holidays come to end, I get my results of grade 10 in which I passed by scoring A+ in exam. I told my family that I choose management. They were happy.

In the next day, me and my father went to Everest Academy for my admission. I got admitted there easily. As I was coming , there were so many who want to take photos with me. It becomes hard for me to go outside.

we had barely let us out from that place. Then, we went to restaurants for snacks. My father some foods. we were waiting for it. I see so many eyes were staring at me. I get little uncomfortable.

Our food and we eat then, we returned back to home. After returning home, my father started tell the incident to my family. they having happy moments. Then I went to my room. Started to think about my song.

While thinking about song, I come to realisation how this had impact on me, and I impact on other. I changed them, and they changed me. I was in my way to reach my dream, but the way I changed my way by not reaching the world top but to reach in people heart. I had changed them through my song. I had made in my impact to the way I never thought I would do.By seeing today situation, I can say that everyone wants to flow my routine. They want to be like me. They want to know more about me. I can feel my impact had it own roots where it connects to make impact on me and others through me. Then, I know what will be my fourth song , IDOL IMPACT.

At night,

my mother called me for dinner. I end my dinner, then I went to my room to make contact with beat producer Raj. I called him tell about me and how I know about me.

He said you're ram student. (Deb's music teacher)

yes I am. then I tell about my requirements and he said, it will ready after 3 days. Then, I said thank you and waited for three days.

At next day,

I went to my college. It was my first day, so I was nervous and excited. I reach my college and see my new friends. I talked with them. we begin to best friend at no time. our college finished at 10am(mornings class). I came back and eat my lunch. I went to room to complete my home assignment . After, completing my home assignment,I went to play with my friends.

My next was also same. then the day had come, I got my beat after , I finished my class. I listened it my room , I was satisfied and think about how I gonna make first music video. Then I was ready.

I know how I keep impact in everyone life,

I never need to tell to give

I how change my fate in my hand.

I want to be like him, I want to be like her

I just want be like him, in limelight just to be his

height , I said I have my right to make my choice

to make clear and loud my voice.

how I see myself in the mirror of those idol

whom I admired and made them icon

see how they play, talk and walk

I feel one day I can be like them, to walk

with standing upright when talk

about the life that created through chalk

in my childhood in chalkboard.

I may be bold but I told

I will be gold to see my idol

talk about me ...

I know how I keep my impact in everyone life

I never need to give

I how change my fate.....

Idol what is it, I never think myself,

I immersed myself to music

which give me power to hold

like a gold for many Hours.

I see so many are being inspired from me

want to do something in their life

I feel that is good that's why I never be shy

then I go all out, to shout to reach everyone

to tell my tale that is hidden in me, to the world

how I feel about world and myself.

I am just moving ahead, I don't know how I reach at peak

but I know when I reach my peak, I can many people following me

from behind

I know how I keep my impact on everyone life

I never need to give

I how change my fate...

Thank you support.....🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺