
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Novice Emperor

  At this moment, the chat channel erupted with earth-shattering cheers.

  "Haha! Passed the level! Passed the level! Qin Feng is through!"

  "Fantastic! It's really fantastic!"

  "Sob~! I'm so happy! Happy enough to cry!"

  "Yeah! My heart has been hanging in the air for so long, finally can relax."

  "Haha! I knew it! Qin Feng will definitely make it to the top ten!"

  "When has Qin Feng ever let us down?"

  Just then, the Heavenly Dao once again issued a prompt.

  [Congratulations to Zone 1, Village 911, for becoming one of the top ten villages established in the Blue Star Realm. Special rewards for the top ten are available.]

  [Reward Details: After the official establishment of Village 911, initial attributes increase by 100%.]

  [Due to the increased difficulty of the task in Village 911, the rewards are doubled.]

  [Reward details have been changed to: After the official establishment of Village 911, initial attributes increase by 200%.]


  With this announcement, the entire crowd once again erupted into thunderous cheers.

  "Haha! Fantastic! Truly fantastic!"

  "So excited! So, so excited! Our Village 911 has finally become one of the top ten villages in the Blue Star Realm."

  "No! We're even more awesome than the top ten! Because our rewards are doubled!"

  "That's right! Our initial attribute rewards are twice that of the other top ten villages!"

  "Awesome! This is really awesome!"

  "Haha! Of course! All of this is brought to us by Qin Feng."

  "Hehe! Liu Yuan is right. Even if Qin Feng only gets tenth place, his value surpasses the first place. Moreover, this time he got fifth place; he is the strongest in this task!"

  "Absolutely! Village 911 will also be the strongest village in the Blue Star Realm!"

  At this moment, everyone's blood was boiling.

  A strange sense of pride suddenly emerged!


  At the same time, on that square.

  Qin Feng stood proudly on the spot, while the Resentful Demon lay in front of him with a long knife thrust into its chest.

  Finally, it was defeated!


  Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  This Emperor-level monster was indeed challenging to defeat!

  But, he had finally resolved it and smoothly entered the top ten.

  The suspended anxiety in his heart could finally be let go.


  Right here, the corpse of the Resentful Demon emitted a dazzling white light, rushing towards Qin Feng.

  [Successfully killed level 17 Resentful Demon (Emperor-level), gained +20,000 energy points.]

  [Successfully killed level 17 Resentful Demon (Emperor-level), gained +6 reputation points.]

  [Successfully killed level 17 Resentful Demon (Emperor-level), gained +200 judgment points.]

  [Successfully killed level 17 Resentful Demon (Emperor-level), dropped the mission item—Resentful Demon's 'Heartblood.']

  [Congratulations to the novice Qin Feng for successfully completing the 'Future Village Chief' mission, obtaining rewards for being in the top ten: 200 attribute points, one golden treasure chest.]

  [Congratulations to the novice Qin Feng; the difficulty of your challenge has doubled, thus your personal rewards are also doubled.]

  [Your personal rewards have been changed to: 400 attribute points, two golden treasure chests.]

  The harvest this time had finally arrived!

  Qin Feng couldn't hide his excitement.


  Right at this moment, a white light descended from the sky, landing on him.

  His attribute points soared rapidly, gaining 400 points in the blink of an eye.

  Immediately after, a second white light fell.

  Two golden treasure chests descended along the light column.

  Qin Feng joyfully stepped forward, catching the two chests.


  The golden treasure chests were in hand!

  This harvest was too enormous!

  Even the rewards for first place were only half of what he received.

  Qin Feng was extremely satisfied, casually storing the treasure chests in his storage ring.

  At this moment, a prompt from the Heavenly Dao came.

  [Reminder: Achieve a reputation of 60 points or more and a combat power of 70 star level or above to obtain the new title 'Novice Emperor.']


  Novice Emperor?

  Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

  This should be an Emperor-level title.

  When he obtained the title 'Novice King,' he received the blessing of the Heavenly Dao and gained 80 attribute points.

  If he were to ascend to 'Novice Emperor,' the benefits should be even greater.

  Thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately became spirited and quickly checked his own data.

  Reputation: 62 points!

  Combat Power: 56-star limit!

  "Reputation is enough, but unfortunately, the combat power is still insufficient!"

  Qin Feng murmured in his heart.

  Oh right, he had just received a reward of 400 free attribute points.

  Now he could allocate points to increase his combat power!

  Thinking of this, he quickly opened the attribute panel and began to allocate points to himself...

  At the same time, in the Blue Star Realm, in Zone 9321.

  A thin-faced old man was joyfully looking at the 'Village Chief Appointment Letter' in his hand.

  Behind him, several attendants stood respectfully.

  At this moment, those attendants were also excited.

  One of them even said, "Your Royal Highness, congratulations on winning first place in this task. It proves that you are the strongest among all the people in the Blue Star!"

  "Oh! My dear John, in fact, the main reason I, the prince, could win first place is that the night has bestowed power upon me. In the darkness, we vampires are the strongest."

  The old man said with a proud expression.

  It turned out that this old man was a vampire, and he was a prince-level existence among vampires, much stronger than Edward.

  At this moment, John respectfully asked, "Oh! Respected Prince, now that you have received the appointment letter, what are your plans for the next step?"

  The old man looked into the endless night and said, "This prince wants to become the village chief, establish the influence of our vampire clan, then unify this area, and establish a dark kingdom. Finally, conquer the Blue Star Realm and turn those humble humans into our blood slaves."

  "Your Royal Highness, this is indeed a good idea. I am willing to follow you forever."

  "Oh! My dear John, I appreciate your loyalty."


  At the same time, in Zone 1229, within a certain village.

  A priest, holding a silver cross, walked out of the 'Lost Village' in a miserable state.

  "Oh! I didn't expect the cross to be useless in this place. Those demons aren't afraid of the cross at all; the glory of God doesn't shine here."

  The priest looked at the cross in his hand with a troubled expression.

  Fortunately, he awakened the S-level Light Attribute talent of 230.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to walk out alive tonight.

  "Oh! My God!"

  The priest looked at the cross in his hand with a complex expression.

  He seemed to be struggling with some kind of psychological conflict.

  After a moment, he gritted his teeth, and with a 'swoosh,' he threw away the cross.

  "Oh! Damn God! Damn cross! I want to build my own power; I want to be my own God!"

  After saying this, the priest walked away in large strides.

  He had just received an appointment letter for the village chief, laying the foundation for building his own power.

  At the same time, in Zone 331, within a certain novice village.

  A Taoist priest, grumbling, walked out of the 'Lost Village.'

  Upon closer inspection, the Taoist held a peach wood sword in his left hand, a yellow talisman in his right hand, and his Taoist robe was already tattered. There were also several scratch marks on his face.

  It seemed he had just been through a fierce battle.

  At this moment, he kept muttering to himself.

  "Weird! Weird! The ghosts and monsters in this place are unexpectedly not afraid of Daoist's talismans. Daoist's spells were almost ineffective. Fortunately, this Daoist is resourceful and used spells to suppress those evil spirits!"

  The Taoist sighed.

  Then, with a playful smile, he assessed himself.

  "This harvest is not bad! Got an appointment letter for the village chief. When I go back, I'll change the name of the village to 'Five Immortals Pavilion,' teach Taoism, cultivate virtue, and live a happy life! Haha!"

  And so, in every corner of the Blue Star Realm.

  Those peerless experts who received the village chief appointment letter started busily establishing their own forces.