
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Heaven's Punisher

  Qin Feng looked at the golden treasure chest in his hand, feeling content. Suddenly, a thought flashed in his mind. Oh! That's right! Since the 'Treasure Chest Synthesis Card' exists, there's no need to rush and open the remaining silver treasure chests. As long as he obtains one or two more synthesis cards, he can acquire one or two more golden treasure chests! As for obtaining the synthesis cards, he can simply post a purchase request in the regional channel!

  There are over a hundred villages in the regional channel, and the chances of obtaining treasure chest synthesis cards shouldn't be small. Thinking about this, he quickly opened the Heavenly Dao Light Screen and entered the regional channel. Upon entering, he saw lively discussions taking place.

  People were expressing their amazement, "My god! In just half an hour, Qin Feng and the others won. This is too exaggerated!"

  "But that's the truth!"

  "The people from the Dragon Country are truly powerful!"

  "This is shocking!"

  "Oh! I can't believe it's true. They must have relied on luck or maybe cheated!"

  "That's right! I also doubt the fairness of this gambling match!"

  Two participants from Western countries had a sour tone. In this regional channel, there were over a hundred villages. Besides the thirty villages that Qin Feng had dealt with, many villages came from various Western countries. These individuals, who hadn't gambled against Qin Feng, naturally didn't understand his terrifying strength, hence their resentful comments.

  The prejudice against the Dragon Country by Westerners has a long history and has reached a level where right and wrong are no longer distinguished. They evaluate issues solely based on emotions and preferences. In simple terms, it has reached a level of absurdity!

  Qin Feng shook his head when he saw this. Once again, he witnessed the absurdity of Westerners. The Dragon Country's people in the channel were both angry and amused by their comments. Those two Westerners were truly brainless!

  In the channel, people from the Dragon Country were infuriated, but before they could retort, another person from the West jumped in.

  "Oh! Friends, I support your point of view. There's definitely a problem with this gambling match! The people from the Dragon Country were historically known as 'Oriental invalids,' and they can't be that strong!"

  Upon hearing this, the Dragon Country people were enraged. But before they could vent, a group from the Bear North Country joined the fray.

  "Shut up! You Western fools are the invalids! The people from the Dragon Country are much stronger than you!"

  "That's right! The people from the Dragon Country are really powerful, especially Mr. Qin Feng."

  "The arrogance and prejudice of Westerners are synonymous with stupidity, and it's laughable!"

  "In my eyes, Westerners are a bunch of clowns! Haha!"

  "Yes! I feel proud to have allies like the Dragon Country."

  At this moment, people from 911 Village also joined the battlefield.

  Wu Yong: "Those Western fools! You say we cheated? Why don't you ask the thirty villages that lost the gamble? Do they dare to speak up now?"

  Liu Yuan: "Haha! That's right! Those thirty villages, each of them is hiding and dare not show their faces."

  As soon as these words were spoken, people woke up. That's right! After Gongsun Lang and the others lost, they didn't dare to show up, much more obedient than the last time. Obviously, they were scared after being beaten! This indicates that the Dragon Country people defeated them based on their strength, and they did so within half an hour. Thinking about it, those neutral countries were both frightened and secretly acknowledged the terrifying strength of the Dragon Country people.

  The Westerners also began to realize this. Just then, Lei Yu came forward.

  Lei Jue: "Damn! Those few dogs dared to slander us from the Dragon Country as invalids. Brothers, remember where they are from and find a way to kill them later!"

  Wu Yong: "Haha! Makes sense!"

  Liu Yuan: "I've already noted down their names in my little book. One is from Village 87, one from Village 356, and one from Village 904!"

  Gu Ming: "Well done!"

  With these words, the several Westerners panicked.

  "Oh! Friends, it's a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

  "What the hell! We were just expressing some personal opinions!"

  Wu Yong was furious: "To hell with your personal opinions! Calling us invalids, trampling on our dignity, and you call that your so-called personal opinions!"

  Lei Jue: "These damn things are hypocritical!"

  Liu Yuan: "I've recorded all their names in my little book. Not one will be spared!"

  "Oh! Dragon Country people, don't be so arrogant! There are only a million people in this No. 1 region. No matter how strong you are, it's only in our No. 1 region. In the global population of tens of billions, there must be stronger existences than you!"

  "That's right! There must be stronger existences in other regions!"

  The two sides continued to argue.

  Qin Feng silently watched everything unfold.

  "People of different tribes have different hearts!"

  Lighthouse Country, Sakura Island Country, Asan Country, and various Western countries inherently harbored hostility towards the Dragon Country. Since that was the case, there was no need for him to be polite! On Blue Star, many things were impossible to do. However, in this world of slaughter, there were no restraints, and some things could be done without reservation.

  Thinking about this, Qin Feng revealed a cold smile. If his speculation was correct, after the rookie assessment, all villages in Zone 1 had a chance to meet.

  Just then, a new announcement came from the heavens.

  [Regional Announcement: Thirty people in this zone have reached level 7 or above, meeting the conditions for full opening. All villages automatically join the regional chat channel.]

  [Reminder: Village 1 automatically joins the regional chat channel]

  [Reminder: Village 8 automatically joins the regional chat channel]

  [Reminder: Village 13 automatically joins the regional chat channel]

  One by one, new villages joined the regional chat channel. Shortly afterward, the channel was flooded with newcomers.

  Those people entered and started chatting excitedly.

  "Wow! The regional chat channel! Finally, we can see people from other villages! I was almost suffocating!"

  "Wow, there are already over two hundred villages here?"

  "Are there people from our Southern Stick Country here, Smithda!"

  "Everyone, this rookie assessment is too difficult! The highest level in our village is only 4. The second day is ending, and there are only five days left. I wonder how many people can pass!"

  "Wu wu! The one upstairs, I'm only level 1 now! I'm doomed!"

  "What the hell! You're leveling up too slowly!"

  At this moment, the regional channel was exceptionally lively. Not long after, all one thousand villages in the zone had joined the regional channel.

  [Regional Announcement: All villages have joined the regional chat channel.]

  [Regional Announcement: From now on, all village protection shields are lifted.]

  [Reminder: After the rookie assessment, a punisher will descend upon the airspace of every rookie village.]

  [Reminder: The punisher possesses a combat power of a hundred stars, and its purpose is to destroy all rookie wooden houses in the rookie village.]

  [Reminder: If a personal rookie wooden house is damaged, the individual's status will be reduced to a refugee, and they will be subject to heavenly punishment, deducting 100 attribute points.]

  [Reminder: Each village has a public task called 'Future Village Chief.']

  [Completing this task automatically raises the village to level 1, and all villagers will receive heavenly blessings. Additionally, the village will gain a protective array that can effectively resist the punisher.]

  [Reminder: Successfully resisting the punisher's punishment will result in significant rewards for the corresponding village. If the punisher is defeated, the rewards will be doubled!]

  Boom! As soon as this news came out, the entire audience was shocked. Soon after, cries of despair echoed in the channel.

  "Oh my god! The rookie assessment is already a big challenge, and I'm not sure if I can pass it! Now there's also a punisher!"

  "What the hell! Deducting 100 attribute points for the destruction of the rookie wooden house is too terrifying!"

  "Ah, this is evil! Heaven wants to kill us!"

  "Oh! Heaven has hinted that completing the public task will grant a protective array, giving a chance to resist the punisher."

  "Where can we receive that task? Heaven hasn't provided any hints!"

  "Gah! We have to figure it out ourselves. How long will that take?"

  "Oh! Heaven is despicable!"

  "Oh! Fack squids!"

  "By the way, Heaven reminds us that resisting the punisher's punishment will bring substantial rewards. If you defeat the punisher, the rewards will double!"

  "The one upstairs, are you stupid? The punisher has a combat power of a hundred stars, which means at least 100-star level strength. Do you think you can defeat him? It's a pipe dream!"

  "Oh my god! 100-star combat power! I'm only at 4 stars! There's no way I can compare!"

  People wailed, and even those from 911 Village were in panic. The punisher was too powerful! Qin Feng was also surprised. His current combat power was estimated to be less than 40 stars. Faced with a punisher with a hundred-star combat power, he would only be killed in an instant! Heaven was truly merciless! He finally understood why this world was called a slaughter world. The punisher was probably just an appetizer. If things continued at this pace, who knew how many people from the Dragon Country would survive? Of course, Heaven wasn't only about slaughter. It also gave everyone a chance to continuously become stronger, even reaching the point of becoming gods or demons and achieving eternal life.

  Don't think too much about it! I can't control others, but I must first save myself and 911 Village. It seems I have to complete that village chief task as soon as possible! By the way, counting the time, it's almost dark outside. 'Lost Village' is about to appear. I have to hurry over! Thinking about this, a sense of urgency rose in Qin Feng's heart. The village chief's task must be done! He didn't want to become a refugee, let alone have 100 attribute points deducted.