
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Celestial-Level Battle Power


  Here is the introduction to the strength of battle pets.

  Below a hundred stars is considered human-level battle power.

  Above a hundred stars is considered earth-level battle power.

  Above a thousand stars is considered celestial-level battle power.

  Once this Fire Phoenix battle pet reaches adulthood, it can achieve earth-level battle power. Earth-level battle power ranges from 100 stars to 999 stars. The potential of this Fire Phoenix battle pet is limitless! If it reaches 900 stars in adulthood, that would be amazing! Of course, these are just his speculations. However, even if it's a low-level earth-level battle pet, its power won't be less than 100 stars. That is definitely a great asset!

  Qin Feng looked fondly at the battle pet egg, focusing his thoughts again...

  [Fire Phoenix Battle Pet Egg: Drip a drop of essence blood daily for incubation. After three days, it can hatch.]

  [Reminder: Battle pets hatched from the owner's essence blood have 100% loyalty, unwavering until death.]

  [Reminder: The Fire Phoenix battle pet possesses Vermilion Bird bloodline, classified as an evolvable battle pet. By enhancing its bloodline talent, you can increase its growth limit.]

  It's an evolvable battle pet!


  Too awesome!

  Qin Feng was delighted and continued reading.

  [Reminder: If the owner has Beast Taming Technique and applies it to the battle pet, its battle power can increase by 30%.]

  [Reminder: If the owner has Spirit Communication Technique and applies it to the battle pet, its battle power can increase by 60%.]

  Beast Taming Technique is finally useful!

  Qin Feng's eyes sparkled. He had mastered Beast Taming Technique! But the next moment, he wore a bitter smile. His Beast Taming Technique had a flaw; it required Beast Taming Pills to work. Unless he awakened the C-grade talent - Telepathic Connection.

  Having this talent eliminates the need for Beast Taming Pills to tame beasts. However, he was not far from awakening Telepathic Connection. The Telepathic Connection talent had awakened in his thoughts, vision, hearing, smell, and touch, only the taste talent remained unawakened. Once the taste talent awakened, his Telepathic Connection would be complete.

  Taste talent seemed like a lousy talent, but ironically, it played a crucial role in his six senses. Qin Feng wanted to obtain it, but he had no clue at the moment, so he could only postpone it.

  As for the mentioned Spirit Communication Technique, it was the advanced skill of Beast Taming Technique. To acquire it, he needed to upgrade the C-grade "Telepathic Connection" talent to B-grade "Spirit Communication." But that was a story for another time!

  After figuring this out, Qin Feng cut his finger, squeezed out a drop of essence blood, and dripped it onto the smooth battle pet egg.

  The next moment, the drop of essence blood was absorbed by the battle pet egg at a visible speed.


  Immediately after, the battle pet egg emitted a faint red light. A subtle spiritual fluctuation emanated from the egg, expressing joy and intimacy towards Qin Feng.

  "After absorbing the essence blood, it seems the little guy has awakened."

  Qin Feng smiled slightly, full of expectations for his future battle pet.

  Then, he reassured the battle pet egg and placed it into the storage ring.

  After completing these tasks, he put on the Wind God Boots, and his agility attribute immediately soared.

  He glanced at his current power evaluation, reaching an impressive 49 stars.

  Not bad! With two pieces of fourth-tier equipment, his power surged from 47 stars to 49 stars. It was a significant improvement!

  This left him with an extra second-tier equipment - Shadow Boots.

  At this point, he entered the regional chat channel and posted his second personal announcement.

  [Personal Announcement: Shadow Boots (Second Tier) in exchange for Chest Synthesis Card (Second Tier). Interested parties can contact for trade. Poster: Qin Feng (911 Village).]

  "Look! Another expert has posted a personal announcement!"

  "It's Qin Feng from 911 Village!"

  "Huh! He posted one twenty minutes ago, why another one now?"

  "Could it be? Aren't 7th-level experts only allowed to post once a day? How can he post twice? Could it be..."

  "My goodness! This Qin Feng is actually a 10th-level powerhouse!"

  "Oh my god!"

  "Hiss! So he's this strong!"

  The channel erupted in astonishment. Almost a million people now knew about Qin Feng's strength, all deeply impressed. Even those self-proclaimed Western countries were secretly amazed.

  Qin Feng couldn't be bothered with these people. After posting the announcement, he exited the chat channel.

  Fifteen minutes later, he gathered at the Ants Nest Mountain. Qin Feng, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, gazed in the direction of the Bone Burial Wasteland. The sun was setting, and he was about to face the second night in this world.

  Exhaling a long puff of smoke, he watched as it dispersed in the breeze. The distant scenery was beautiful in the twilight.

  "It's time to set off!" Qin Feng flicked his index finger, discarding the cigarette butt. He glanced back at the Ants Nest Mountain, now three times larger, extending for dozens of miles. It was a foundation for the future development of 911 Village and a rich source of zero-grade iron ore resources.

  Currently, 911 Village was exceptionally resourceful. Even combining the resources of fifty villages couldn't match 911 Village. Qin Feng believed that once he became the village chief, he could rapidly expand 911 Village within a short period. Perhaps, he could lead the people of 911 Village or even the Dragon Nation to make a name for themselves in this world of slaughter. Of course, all this hinged on him becoming the village chief.

  The public mission of the 'Future Village Chief' must be completed as soon as possible. With this in mind, he dashed towards the Bone Burial Wasteland, disappearing into the dusk.

  Time passed quickly. An hour later, he arrived at the Bone Burial Wasteland. With the Wind God Boots, his speed had greatly increased. What used to take two or three hours, he covered in just one hour. Along the way, he killed a dozen or so fierce beasts, gaining numerous attribute points and energy.

  Now, he was at level 10 (206,400/230,000), not far from the next level. Soon, he found the old tree. The sun had set in the western mountains, and twilight had descended. The 'Lost Village' had not yet appeared; evidently, it was not time yet.

  Taking advantage of the remaining time, Qin Feng began killing monsters to level up. He urgently wanted to increase his strength and strive to reach a battle power of over 80 stars as soon as possible. Only then would he have a chance to defeat the Punisher and earn more rewards. Leveling up was undoubtedly one of the most direct ways to achieve this. Besides, he was not far from level 11.

  Thus, he started killing fierce beasts in the Bone Burial Wasteland, an area where level 10 fierce beasts roamed. After the resource doubling, the number of fierce beasts here had increased several times. In just half an hour, Qin Feng killed over thirty fierce beasts, pushing his level progress to 10 (217,800/230,000), advancing one step closer to level 11.

  These thirty-plus level 10 fierce beasts belonged to four different species, providing Qin Feng with over twenty attribute points. At this point, his battle power surged to the limit of 49 stars, just one step away from 50 stars. Simultaneously, he had extracted the maximum amount from level 10 fierce beasts.

  Now, he only needed the bodies of level 8 and level 9 fierce beasts to reach the extraction limit for those levels. These would be his next targets for a power boost. Returning to the old tree, the sky had darkened, and the wind on the wasteland felt slightly chilly. The 'Lost Village' had still not appeared, indicating he had to wait a while longer.

  Deciding to make the most of his time, Qin Feng lit a campfire under the ancient tree. He prepared to eat some grilled meat, drink hot tea, rejuvenate his spirits, and wait for the arrival of the 'Lost Village.'

  Tonight, a big battle was inevitable...