
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Blood Battle with Four Beasts! Level Up Again!

  Qin Feng felt nervous, gripping the handle of the knife tightly with both hands. These four fierce beasts all had a 5-star combat power. He assessed his overall strength as 5 stars as well. However, recently he obtained a physical strengthening talent, and his overall strength might have been elevated to the limit of 5 stars.

  Even with a 5-star maximum strength, he didn't have much confidence in facing all four at once, especially considering that the giant snake possessed the skill of spraying poisonous mist. It should be the strongest among the four fierce beasts.

  Strange! Different species have different minds!

  These four mutated fierce beasts are not of the same kind, so why are they mixed together? Right! They all have red eyes, indicating that they are under some kind of confusion or control. Could it be in this cave...

  A strange thought popped into Qin Feng's mind. Just then, the venomous Ten-Ring Snake made the first move.


  It suddenly opened its mouth, spewing a poisonous mist that instantly enveloped the entire area. Qin Feng was startled and quickly held his breath, stepping back. However, the range of the poisonous mist was too wide, and he was immediately enveloped.

  Fortunately, he was prepared, holding his breath and not inhaling. But the next moment, he discovered that something was wrong. When the red poison mist touched his skin, it caused a burning sensation, turning his skin black and showing signs of poisoning.

  What's more terrifying is that the poisonous mist instantly invaded his eyes, making a 'sizzling' sound.


  Qin Feng screamed in pain, unable to bear the intense pain and instinctively covering his eyes. In that instant, he felt as if someone had splashed sulfuric acid into his eyes, causing a searing pain that penetrated into his brain.

  Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

  Just then, the Fangtooth Rabbit, Mutant Black Rat, and Fangs Wild Boar simultaneously lunged at him...

  A sudden sound of breaking air, instantly arriving.

  The combined attack of the three mutated fierce beasts was earth-shattering and extremely terrifying. In the critical moment, Qin Feng endured the severe pain, looked up, and was horrified to find that he could no longer see with both eyes, everything in front of him was blurry.

  The poison mist was too powerful, seriously damaging his vision.


  At this moment, he couldn't see the direction of the attacks. In the midst of the crisis, he had no time to think and could only rely on hearing to determine the positions, blocking with his sword.

  Clang~! Clang~! Clang~!

  Several sounds of metal clashing!

  In front of Qin Feng, the sword blocked the attacks of the Fangtooth Rabbit and Mutant Black Rat. The four sharp fangs and the long knife collided.

  The Fangtooth Rabbit and Mutant Black Rat were knocked back. Qin Feng was also shaken and forced to retreat. Before he could stabilize himself, another massive body rushed towards him like a tank, slamming heavily into his chest.


  A muffled sound!

  He was instantly sent flying.

  It was the Fangs Wild Boar that charged in later.


  Qin Feng heavily fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood. It seemed like he suffered internal injuries, almost vomiting out his internal organs, in an extremely miserable state.

  In fact, if he hadn't just acquired the physical strengthening talent, that collision would have crushed his chest, leading to instant death.

  The physical strengthening talent gave him extremely strong resistance to attacks.

  However, even so, that collision still caused him serious injuries.

  Before he could catch his breath, a fierce wind rushed in. The most powerful Ten-Ring Snake also chased after him.

  Its speed was extremely fast, like a released arrow, rushing to Qin Feng's landing point in an instant. Its bloodthirsty mouth opened wide, and its sharp fangs aimed straight at Qin Feng.

  In that moment, a pungent smell hit his nose.

  Qin Feng's genius-level combat talent and unparalleled perseverance erupted instantly.

  He endured the boundless pain, rolled forward, and surprisingly rolled towards the Ten-Ring Snake.


  The snake missed, biting into a mouthful of grass and soil, which splashed around. Qin Feng rolled instantly under the belly of the Ten-Ring Snake, touching its cold snake skin.


  Just then, he drew his sword upward, delivering a powerful slash!

  The blade flashed!

  The cold light of the knife!


  A crisp sound!

  The large snake head was cleanly cut off by Qin Feng, falling to the ground. Blood gushed out like a fountain from the snake's neck.

  The Charging Tusks Wild Boar, Fangtooth Rabbit, and Mutant Black Rat, who were in hot pursuit, were each dumbfounded by the scene they witnessed.

  "Damn! This human is too powerful!"

  He actually killed the strongest Ten-Ring Snake.

  Hoo~! Hoo~!

  The Charging Tusks Wild Boar took a few breaths and turned to escape. Seeing this, the Fangtooth Rabbit and Mutant Black Rat also turned and fled. The three fierce beasts immediately darted back into the cave, disappearing without a trace.

  Only now did Qin Feng have a chance to catch his breath. His eyes were slightly warm, and his vision gradually began to recover.

  As it turns out, his constitution had a +100% resistance to poison. If it were another Level 2 strong individual, being exposed to poison mist for the first time would have resulted in instant blindness, unlike him, who could slowly regain his vision.

  At the same time, the Ten-Ring Snake, with its head severed, twitched a few times on the ground and then became motionless, its body glowing with white light...


  The next second, a dazzling white light rose from its body, entering Qin Feng's body.

  [Successfully killed Level 1 Poisonous Ten-Ring Snake (Mutant), gained +110 energy points!]

  [Congratulations, your level has been upgraded to Level 3!]

  [Your strength index increases by 10 points!]

  [Your agility index increases by 10 points!]

  [Your constitution index increases by 10 points!]

  [Your energy index increases by 10 points!]

  [You gain 5 free attribute points!]


  Qin Feng's entire body lit up with a dazzling white light. The next second, under the surge of that energy, his skin, which had changed color due to poison, his eyes damaged by venom, and the chest wounded by the Charging Tusks Wild Boar, all rapidly recovered at a visible speed.

  After a moment, the white light disappeared. His vision was completely restored, his skin became smooth, healthy, and glossy again, and the internal injury in his chest was completely healed, no longer causing a dull ache. Even his entire person became more robust, gaining an additional centimeter in height.

  Leveled up!

  He leveled up again!

  It turns out that leveling up not only strengthens the physique but also eliminates some negative states.

  This time, he leveled up just in time.

  Now, he was back in his prime state.

  No, he upgraded; his strength was even greater than before!

  [Successfully killed the Poisonous Ten-Ring Snake! Dropped a Black Iron Treasure Chest!]

  "Oh, damn! It dropped!"

  A 1% drop rate!

  It actually dropped again!

  Qin Feng was overjoyed, quickly turning his head to see the snake's corpse glowing with white light, and a Black Iron Treasure Chest appeared out of thin air.

  He quickly walked over to pick up the treasure.