
Global Shop In Multiverse.

Our protagonist is suddenly thrown into a new world with a special system-like ability to be able to buy most things he wants using money. join us as he starts his journey toward multiple worlds! Starting from an H-Manga!. Disclaimer: 18+ only, it has detailed adult content unsafe for children.

nkcthereaper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 22: Changing Things

( Note: It seems the last chapter wasn't updated properly. The last few paras were missing.

So here I'll paste them:-

Ririna's eyes opened a little, and for a moment she felt a strange sensation, if it was a normal day then she would have known that something wasn't right, but right now she wasn't in the right state of mind.

Raising her head she saw Hiroya's sleeping face, feeling his arm around her the sensation of protection returned to her mind.

Moving her head, She lightly kissed Hiroya's cheek, then moved closer to her chest, pulled a leg over his legs, and went to sleep once again. )


Chapter 22: Changing Things.

Hiroya was unable to sleep after the little stunt he pulled off in the middle of the night.

So he simply lay on the bed, thinking about just how degenerate of a person he was.

Turning his head down he looked at Ririna's sleeping face, her hands wrapped around him and her head peacefully lying on his chest as if to find comfort.

He actually tried to take advantage of someone who deeply trusted him.

Letting out a small sigh, Hiroya lightly caressed Ririna's head, Sensing his touch Ririna's body trembled, it seemed she was waking up.

Her body jerked as she used her hand to rub her eyes.


Letting out some small sounds, Ririna slowly opened her eyes, Her head hurt like hell because of the hangover.

Then suddenly she stopped, as if remembering something, She slowly lowered her hand from her eyes and turned to look at Hiroya who was looking straight at her.

"Good morning sister."

Suddenly the memory of what happened yesterday rushed through her mind.


Hiroya gently stirred the Japanese-style soup in the pot, raising the utensil he took a small sip and then nodded, showing his approval for the taste.

Turning off the gas, he covered the pot with a plate, washed his hands then turned to look at his sister Ririna who kept sneaking glances at him from time to time while pretending to be using her mobile.

"How are you feeling sister?", Hiroya asked as he approached Ririna.

Seeing him come closer, Ririna hurriedly put down her phone and grabbed her head as if experiencing a sudden pain.

"I-I'm alright.....just feeling a little dizzy.....I can't seem to remember what happened yesterday."

Hiroya almost rolled his eyes at her terrible acting, but considering the delicate situation he decided to keep his mouth shut.

"Okay, don't think too hard sister, let's have breakfast first."

"Oh yes! Let me get the plates!", Ririna hurriedly got up on her feet and rushed to the kitchen, grabbing utensils and serving the food Hiroya made.

While they were enjoying the supper, Ririna couldn't help but look at Hiroya.

"What?", Hiroya asked in confusion.

Ririna lowered her head and said in a small voice.

"Thank you...brother."

Listening to her words, Hiroya let out a small breath, raising his hand he wrapped it around her shoulder and pulled her in a light hug.

"I am here for you sister, always make sure to tell me if you face any difficulty."

Ririna's eyes watered up hearing Hiroya's strong words, with her head resting against his shoulder she couldn't help but wonder how her brother changed so much.

But even if he changed, the main most important issue wasn't solved.


With her job gone, their family's only source of income was now no more.

The more she thought about it the more Ririna's face darkened.

Biting down on her lower lip she thought.

'Should I do it after all? For my family....for my siblings...'

As if making up her mind, Ririna separated from Hiroya, staring straight at him she raised her hands and grabbed his face saying in a determined voice.

"You need not worry about anything Hiro, just focus on your studies, elder sister will take care of everything------"


The sudden ringing from Hiroya's phone ruined the atmosphere.

"Wait a minute sister.", Letting down her hands, Hiroya picked uo his phone.

"Ms Linda? Yes, this is Hiroya.....so fast? Indeed you're efficiency is amazing.....alright let's meet at....."

Ririna sat confused listening to the English words coming out of Hiroya's mouth, although she went to university before dropping out, English was not something she was particularly good at. That's why she could only make sense of a few sentences.

But from what she listened she understood one thing.

'He's talking to a woman.'

Ririna suddenly felt her mood sour up, She silently stared at Hiroya as he talked to Linda.

And as soon as he ended the call, Ririna asked in a slightly high-pitched voice.

"Who was it?"

Hiroya tilted his in confusion, hearing her change in tone, turning towards Ririna he saw her staring at him with a reproachful look.

'What's up with her?'

Not minding her sudden change, Hiroya suddenly smiled, getting down on one knee he patted Ririna's shoulder and said.

"You don't need to work anymore sister."

Pointing at himself he continued.

"You're brother is a millionaire."


Ririna's eyes turned round, not understanding the meaning of his words.


The last 24 courses were full of surprises for Ririna.

Under Hiroya's lead, she met a Western office woman who apparently came to finalize a deal with her brother.

A deal with a 14-year-old.

A deal worth 75 million dollars.

75 million dollars.

'H-how much is that?'

Ririna was so shocked she started using her fingers to count how many years it would have taken her to earn 75 million dollars using her previous job's salary.

200+ years.

Ririna almost fainted on the spot.

Luckily she somehow managed to compose herself.

Then under her numb eyes, the deal was signed and Hiroya received the amount.

For some reason, Hiroya went to have a little private talk with the blond woman for some time before coming back...

As soon as they were alone, Ririna wanted to ask a trap tine of questions but Hiroya suddenly placed a finger on her lips stopping her from speaking, and said.

"Let's go and buy you seem things."

Under her incredulous gaze, he dragged her into a nearby shopping mall.

"Good afternoon Sir/Maam"

Ririna nervously looked around the expensive place which was completely outside of her world, She couldn't help but grab Hiroya's hand and said to him in a small voice that it was too expensive.

But Hiroya brushed off her words saying g that she had sacrificed so much for their family all these years, saying that she deserved the best and that this amount of money wasn't even pocket change.

His words moved Ririna.

She looked down at her plain clothes and then at the fancy ones that were in fashion on the shelves.

After hesitating for a moment she started trying different dresses.

"Sister, how about this one?"

Hiroya suddenly placed a dress before Ririna making her look at him and the dress a few times before saying in a hesitant voice.

"Hiroya you're taste is unique...."

'It's bad?'

Understanding the hidden meaning behind her words, Hirkya scratched his head wondering what was wrong with the dress, coincidently he noticed the gazes of several employees who were giving him a pitiful look.

'No wait is it that bad?'

'Is my choice so shit?'


Cursing in a low voice, Hiroya stopped recommending clothes for Ririna and just stood at the side.

Since his opinion was crap he decided to not share it any further.

Perhaps feeling bad for her action, Ririna came up to him several times and asked his opinion about two different dresses.

Finally, the cloth shopping was done, casually carrying multiple clothing bags, Hiroya took Ririna to their next destination.

"Is it heavy?", Ririna asked in a concerned voice while trying to take some stuff from Hiroya.

But he calmly rejected her help saying that it really didn't weigh that much.

And it in fact didn't weigh that much, his body was strong after all.

Walking up to a salon, Hiroya pushed Ririna inside and sat on the guest chair waiting for her makeover.

After an hour, Ririna came back with her hair done, her skin more silver than before, wearing a confident smile on her face.

"How do I look?", Ririna asked with expectations.

"10/10", Hiroya gave her a thumbs up.

"Tsk tsk....."

Finally, they stopped by a restaurant, ate some food, and returned to Ririna's apartment.

After coming home, Ririna entered the washroom and Hiroya sat on the ground, took out his phone, and started searching for something.

Sometime later, Ririna exited the bathroom and looked at Hiroya.

She still felt that everything that happened today was a dream, She was even a little afraid that she would suddenly wake up and all of it would just go away.

"Come here sister.", Hiroya gestured for her to sit next to him.

Wondering what he was up to, Ririna followed his lead and sat beside him.

"Look at this.", Hiroya showed her his phone screen.


Suddenly Ririna's eyes widened, the picture on the mobile was of a university.

"I'm thinking about sending you to college. What do you think?"

Ririna was dumbstruck.

"Although it won't be any top university, with a little donation we should be able to get you into one near our house."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, his words seemed foreign to her.

"Perhaps we can even get you directly in 2nd year------"

Hiroya stopped and looked at Ririna who suddenly placed her head against his arm.

"Brother....this isn't a dream is it?"

Hiroya calmly looked at her confused and shaking eyes.

"It's not a dream."

Grabbing her shoulders he looked straight at her and said in a comedically serious tone.

"You need not worry about anything sister, just focus on your studies, elder brother will take care of everything!"

Tears started flowing down Ririna's eyes after hearing the familiar words.

Everything changed so quickly.

The happiness was too sudden, She didn't even know if she deserved such things.

After dropping out of college she had to cut off all contact with her friends, She was too ashamed to tell them about her situation, it wasn't something she could share with anyone.

For years she dealt with it alone, doing her best to make things work, holding everything together, trying her best.

And now Hiroya suddenly came and solved all her problems?

Save her life.

Cooked her good food.

Bought her new clothes.

And was even thinking about sending her to college?

Using her hands to rub her eyes she complained in a crying tone.

"Who are you calling elder brother when you're obviously the youngest....."

Feeling the stiffness in her chest her cries suddenly became louder and louder, with a light movement she suddenly jumped in Hiroya's arms and hugged him tightly, crying her heart out.