
Global Sect: My Disciples Are All Clones!

With the advent of global Sect, everyone can become a Sect Leader and create the supreme Sect. Li Ange, who has not awakened Talent, activates the infinite clone system. The avatar is immortal. The strength is synchronized with the deity. Talent Supernatural Power is shared with the deity. It can also help the deity practice. Looking at the clone he created, Li Ange was silent for a while and made a decision. "Clone No. 1 pays homage to Master." [Ding Dong, Sect Leader Li Ange has successfully recruited an apprentice! 】 ... Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1345180.html

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78 Chs

Chapter 6 Immortal Sect Descendants? Four Layers Of Qi Refining!

[Personal panel][Name]: Li Ange[Number]:GH54F3823AG[Realm]: Qi Refining layer (5%)[Sect]: Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect[Cultivation Technique]: Xuantian Jue (1% small success)[Skills]: Cold Light Sword Art (0% small success)[Talent]: Sirius Bloodline[Supernatural Power]: Sirius Transformation[Spirit Stones]: 33507...[Sect panel]:[Name]: Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect[Sect Leader]: Li Ange[Grade]: first rank (with a Foundation Establishment period can be promoted to second rank)[Number]: 101 people[Accessory]: None[Architecture]: Great Hall Of The Sect[Lingmai]: None[formation]: None[Range]: 100 meters in radius (can be increased by using special props or upgrading the Sect level)Looking at the own panel, Li Ange nodded with satisfaction. Compared to today when he just entered the Ten Thousand Races Continent, he is much richer now.Then Li Ange continued to chat in the diving area while eating barbecue, to see if he could get some useful news....Sky Cloud Sect.Sect Leader Tang Qing sat cross-legged on the bed, surrounded by a spirit gathering array, and there were several jade bottles beside him, and Spirit Stones were piled up randomly."Sect Leader, those Demonic Beasts meat has been distributed to other disciples."At this time, a man came in and bowed.Tang Qing slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at the progress of own Cultivation Base.[Realm]: Mortal (74.4%)Then Tang Qing took out 20,000 Spirit Stones to the man, "Tang Ming, you own King Grade Talent, 10,000 of which are yours, and the remaining 10,000 Spirit Stones are distributed so that everyone can practice with all their strength.""Follow Sect Leader."Tang Ming showed joy, and walked outside with the Spirit Stones."Li Ange, I have never heard of this name, but I am afraid it is not easy to produce so many Demonic Beasts before the end of the first day. The Cultivation Base has at least reached the Qi Refining level, and there is more than one person Reach the first level of Qi Refining."Tang Qing thought about it.He is the second generation of Xiu, and the ancestor of the family is a Sect Leader of the Ninth Grade Sect. Before entering the Ten Thousand Races Continent, because he awakened the King Grade Talent, he obtained a lot of resources.Gathering arrays to speed up cultivation, Medicine Pill, and even double cultivation props...Tang Ming was recruited by him using a King Grade disciple recruitment card.In addition, he also used a lot of ordinary disciple recruitment cards, and now the number of disciples in his Sky Cloud Sect has exceeded 500.But more people means more food consumption.In his plan, on the first day, let his disciples look for some wild vegetables and fruits to satisfy their hunger, and after he breaks through to the Qi Refining stage on the second day, he can take these disciples to hunt Demonic Beasts.Of course, in this process, there will inevitably be a large number of ordinary disciples Death, but this is a necessary consumption, and he doesn't care.But what he didn't expect was that a man named Li Ange listed six Demonic Beasts on the exchange just now, and one of them was a Qi Refining three-layer Demonic Beast.This shocked him unceasingly. He thought that he had cultivated fast enough, but now it seems that there are strong hands among the strong.He knew very well that if he wanted to hunt down a Demonic Beast with a third Qi Refining level, he would need at least three Qi Refining Level 1 ones, as well as a large number of ordinary people to attract the Demonic Beasts' attention.He hasn't even reached the first level of Qi Refining, but the opponent already has at least three Qi Refining first level, this gap is really too big."Could it be the descendants of those Xianzong?"Tang Qing squinted his eyes. The strongest of his Tang family is only the ninth rank Sect, which has not yet reached the level of Xianzong.But there was one thing he couldn't figure out, why did the other party sell those Demonic Beasts meat?With the opponent's strength and background, Spirit Stones should not be lacking."Don't you want to take this opportunity to shock everyone in this area?"Tang Qing thought for a long time and only had this answer. He secretly said that he was worthy of being a disciple of Xianzong, and he was really arrogant."Even if you are a descendant of Xianzong, you are not the only second generation in this area."Li Ange listed six Demonic Beasts, but he only managed to get two of them, and the remaining four were taken by others."Now that Li Ange has been exposed, and he is still so arrogant, even if he is a disciple of the Immortal Sect, how will he fight against it when the entire region unites?"This is why Tang Qing was surprised by Li Ange's strength, but not afraid."Continue to practice, you must break through to the Qi Refining level tonight, and you can hunt Demonic Beasts tomorrow."Thinking, Tang Qing closed his eyes again, entered the Medicine Pill, and the Spirit Stones were consumed one by one, turning into rich Spiritual Qi and absorbed by him.Besides Tang Qing, there were also people who 'guessed' Li Ange's thoughts, just sneered disdainfully, and then took out a lot of resources to practice crazily.Naturally, Li Ange didn't know this, and after eating and drinking, he fell asleep.The nights are dangerous and there will be a lot of Demonic Beasts infesting them.Although Li Ange is confident that he will not be afraid even if he encounters the Demonic Beasts on the fifth floor of Qi Refining, he feels that it is better to be safe and there is no need to fight so hard.After all, if the avatar is dead, it will have to wait 24 hours to be revived, which will slow down his cultivation progress.Until six o'clock the next morning, Li Ange also woke up from the early morning sun.When he came outside the house, Li Ange looked at the Baidao clone who was still practicing, and checked his own Realm.[Realm]: Qi Refining four layers (47.5%)[Cultivation Technique]: Xuantian Jue (19% Mastery)"Not bad, I broke through three Realms in one night, and my Cultivation Technique has reached Mastery."Li Ange nodded in satisfaction. Even if the second generation of immortals had a lot of resources to help them, they would definitely not be able to catch up with him.What's more, these avatars are in sync with his strength, all of which have reached the fourth level of Qi Refining.And Mastery's Xuantian Jue not only speeds up the cultivation speed, but also increases the attack power, which has increased by about 30%."A hundred Qi Refining four-level, now even if I encounter Qi Refining seven or even eight-level Demonic Beasts, I don't have to worry."Thinking about it, Li Ange also began to make plans for today.The first is to hunt Demonic Beasts, which is the way to get Spirit Stones in the long run.And hunting Demonic Beasts can also reveal some special props, but I was unlucky yesterday, killing six Demonic Beasts did not reveal anything.In addition to hunting Demonic Beasts, just continue to practice and improve Realm as soon as possible."Go out to hunt Demonic Beasts in the morning, and continue to practice the rest of the time."Li Ange first opened the Newcomer Welfare Mall, and equipped all avatars with a set of weapons and armor and Medicine Pill, spending a total of more than 3,000 Spirit Stones.Afterwards, Li Ange's main body remained in the Sect resident, and all the avatars went out, and a team of ten began to clean up the surrounding Demonic Beasts....