
Global Sect: My Disciples Are All Clones!

With the advent of global Sect, everyone can become a Sect Leader and create the supreme Sect. Li Ange, who has not awakened Talent, activates the infinite clone system. The avatar is immortal. The strength is synchronized with the deity. Talent Supernatural Power is shared with the deity. It can also help the deity practice. Looking at the clone he created, Li Ange was silent for a while and made a decision. "Clone No. 1 pays homage to Master." [Ding Dong, Sect Leader Li Ange has successfully recruited an apprentice! 】 ... Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1345180.html

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Chapter 26 The Chosen One, Emperor Beixuan!

Looking at the old man who was wiping the dust from the books, Li Ange knew that this man was definitely the boss of Beixuan Academy.To be able to teleport himself here, I am afraid that he is a strong person in the Divine Transformation period.Li Ange took a step forward, picked up a book and glanced at it, it wasn't a Cultivation Technique cheat book, but a biographical history book.Then Li Ange also took out a white cloth and began to wipe the dust on the books.For a moment, in the entire room, there was only the sound of two people wiping the dust off the books.After about an hour or so, the two of them wiped all the books and put them on the wooden shelf by category."Thank you young man, otherwise the old man and I would have to spend some time to pack these books by myself."At this time, the old man looked at Li Ange and said with a smile."Senior, you're welcome. With the senior's strength, he can pack these books with just one thought." Li Ange cupped hands."Some things can be lazy, but some things can't be lazy."The old man shook his head, "Your name is Zhao Zilong.""Junior Zhao Zilong met senior.""You don't need to call me senior, I'm Du Hongfei, the dean of Beixuan Xuegong. Since you are a student of the academy, you can call me the dean.""So you are the dean, Zhao Zilong has met the dean."A hint of surprise flashed in Li Ange's eyes, no wonder the opponent is so strong, it would be normal if this is the dean of Beixuan Academy."Zilong came here all the way from Qingyuan City, what do you think of our Beixuan Empire?"the dean asked."The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the Beixuan Empire is strong and powerful."Li Ange was not surprised that the other party knew that he had come from Qingyuan City, and Zhou Shanhai probably reported the information about him before he entered Beixuanxue Palace."Does that Zilong know that even such a powerful Beixuan Empire has foreign enemies?""The students don't know, so please ask the dean to clarify.""This continent is incomparably vast, even I don't know where its edge is, and the location of our Beixuan Empire is called the Northern Border on this continent.""There are countless Sect empires in the entire northern border. My Beixuan Empire seems to be powerful, but in front of those powerful forces, it is nothing more than ants.""Only speaking of my Beixuan Empire, there are two Great Emperor kingdoms, namely the Ziyang Empire and the Jinhai Empire. The strength of these two countries is still higher than my Beixuan Empire, and they have been eyeing my Beixuan Empire."The dean said, "Zilong should know that His Majesty slaughtered the major Sects before the Hundred Year.Those Sects were instigated by these two Great Emperor countries.If His Majesty hadn't shown his tyrannical strength, our Beixuan Empire would have died a long time ago."The country has been destroyed, and the two countries have been silent for so many years because of fear of His Majesty's strength."Li Ange was surprised, he didn't expect that there were so many things in it, and at the same time, he had some understanding of the forces around the Beixuan Empire."I don't know why the dean told me this?"Li Ange asked curiously."Zilong has a fairy-level talent, and he is also the only person who has a fairy-level talent in our Beixuan Empire for many years. In time, he will become a strong man. The Beixuan Empire can't keep you. You will have to leave sooner or later."The dean said and looked at Li Ange with burning eyes, "So I want to know, if my Beixuan Empire fully trains you, if the Beixuan Empire faces a crisis in the future, would you be willing to protect me?"Li Ange looked at the other party, and always felt that the other party seemed to know something, but he didn't explain it.But if he can really get help from the entire Beixuan Empire, it will be of great benefit to him.As for becoming stronger and protecting the Beixuan Empire in the future, it is not difficult for him, the worst is to leave a clone in the Beixuan Empire."Students are willing."Li Ange quickly made a decision."Okay, the old man believes in you."The dean said and took out a token, "This is the old man's token. From now on, you can go anywhere in this academy. If you need anything, you can tell the old man directly.""The dean trusts me so much?""Rather than trust, it's better to say that there is no other choice. Within Hundred Years, the other two countries will inevitably launch a war against me, Beixuan. Even if you don't protect me at that time, my Beixuan will also destroy the country."The dean said, "So I can only take a gamble."Li Ange was silent for two seconds and took the token, "Then I shouldn't disappoint the dean."Then Li Ange left the room, and there were already people waiting outside to take him to handle some admission matters.After Li Ange left, a middle-aged man appeared beside the dean. This man was Ye Jingshan, the current emperor of the Beixuan Empire."What does the dean think of this son?"Ye Jingshan Road."Reporting to Your Majesty, this son is worth cultivating, besides, isn't Your Majesty just waiting for the arrival of these chosen ones?"said the Dean."Yes, they still came, but whether they can save me, Beixuan, is unknown."Ye Jingshan sighed.More than a hundred years ago, he learned of the existence of the Chosen One in the Ten Thousand Races Continent by chance.These people will randomly appear somewhere in the Ten Thousand Races Continent to establish Sect development, and have extremely high Talent, and cultivation is as simple as drinking water and sleeping.At that time, he was already thinking about how he would treat these chosen people if they appeared in Beixuan.It also happened that Beixuan's many sects joined forces to put pressure on him because of some resources, and let him find out that there are shadows of other countries behind these sects.This made him realize that if there is no change, the whole Beixuan will be in danger of destroying the country.He is also a man of great courage, and directly used the rebellion of many sects in Beixuan as an excuse to destroy all those sects.That's right, those Sects didn't even think about rebelling, but he gave a reason to rebel.As for why these Sects were eliminated.One is because he has been displeased with these sects for a long time. The Beixuan emperors of all dynasties aimed to destroy the sects, so he did it.The second is that these Sects have a long history and there are countless resources. Instead of cultivating those cultivators who are not loyal to Beixuan, it is better to let him use it to cultivate cultivators who are loyal to Beixuan.The result is obvious, since the wealth of those Sects was searched, Beixuan has become stronger every day.The third is to make room for the chosen ones, otherwise, with the existence of these Sects, the chosen ones will never even think about becoming powerful.It can be said that he entrusted Beixuan's future destiny to those chosen by heaven.It was also ten days ago that his subordinates reported that many sects suddenly appeared around the Beixuan Empire, and outsiders of these sects could not enter at all.This is the benefit of clearing out other Sects in the empire. Every Sect in the entire empire is registered.With so many unregistered Sects popping up now, it made him realize that the Chosen One had come.For this reason, he personally went to investigate and found that even with his Cultivation Base, he couldn't break into those sects, which made him even more sure.It happened that the Beixuanxue Palace recruited students. This was a good opportunity to attract those chosen by heaven, and he had been paying attention.Then he found Li Ange, and the appearance of the fairy-level Talent made him very sure that Li Ange was the chosen one. It is estimated that the other party also guessed something, but the two sides did not point it out."Dean, besides Zhao Zilong, other chosen people should pay more attention. Although we hope to cooperate with them, we can't ignore them if they mess around."Ye Jingshan Road."Don't worry, Your Majesty, the old man knows what to do."The dean nodded....