
Global Sect: My Disciples Are All Clones!

With the advent of global Sect, everyone can become a Sect Leader and create the supreme Sect. Li Ange, who has not awakened Talent, activates the infinite clone system. The avatar is immortal. The strength is synchronized with the deity. Talent Supernatural Power is shared with the deity. It can also help the deity practice. Looking at the clone he created, Li Ange was silent for a while and made a decision. "Clone No. 1 pays homage to Master." [Ding Dong, Sect Leader Li Ange has successfully recruited an apprentice! 】 ... Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1345180.html

EOTB · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 22 Ten Clones Are Selected, Go To Beixuan Emperor Capital!

"Young man, old man Zhang Yin is the master of the city lord's mansion. I don't know what to call him?" The old man came to Li Ange with a kind smile."Junior Zhao Zilong."Li Ange cupped hands said, this avatar is called Zhao Zilong."Alright, alright, Zilong, follow the old man to see the city lord."Zhang Yin said with a smile.Then Li Ange followed Zhang Yin towards Zhou Shanhai amidst countless envious eyes."I didn't expect that there would be someone with a special Talent in our Qingyuan City this year. They haven't appeared for many years.""The young master is very lucky. With a special Talent, he will definitely be able to enter the Beixuanxue Palace.""Entering Beixuanxue Palace, this young man will at least be a city lord from now on. Maybe we will call him the city lord next time we meet.""..."What I envy the most is those 3,000 teenagers and girls. They are still competing for the recommended places, and they may not be able to enter the Beixuan Academy, but Li Ange is bound to be able to enter the Beixuan Academy.At this time, Li Ange came to Zhou Shanhai under the leadership of Zhang Yin."Junior Zhao Zilong has met the City Lord."Li Ange cupped hands said."Hahaha, Zilong doesn't need to be formal. My name is Zhou Shanhai. If you don't mind, you can just call me Uncle Zhou from now on."Zhou Shanhai said happily."Uncle Zhou."Li Ange shouted."Alright, alright, Zhang Yin, you are in charge of the affairs here, and I will take Zilong back to the city lord's mansion first.""Yes, my lord."Afterwards, Zhou Shanhai and Li Ange turned into a ray of light and disappeared, and soon the two arrived at the City Lord's Mansion."Zilong shouldn't be from my Qingyuan City, right?"After coming to the living room to sit down, Zhou Shanhai asked with a smile.While he's happy to have a special Talent, he's no fool.Li Ange looks very unfamiliar, and at a young age, he has the six-story Cultivation Base of Foundation Establishment.You must know that the cultivators under the age of 20 in Qingyuan City are at most only the ninth floor of Qi Refining. Even if Li Ange is not detected as a special talent, with the strength of the other party, he can still get the recommended quota.So he needs to make sure of Li Ange's background, not a spy from other countries."That's right, Uncle Zhou. I was an orphan since I was a child. Fortunately, my master adopted him and taught me how to practice. But a month ago, my master asked me to go down the mountain to study in Beixuan Academy."Li Ange said with doubts on his face, "Uncle Zhou, could it be that I can't enter Beixuanxue Palace?""Yes, why not. Our Beixuan Empire has a vast territory, and His Majesty is even more eager to seek talents. Since you have come to our Beixuan Empire, you can naturally enter the Beixuan Academy."Zhou Shanhai smiled and said, "I don't know your master's name, where did you live before?""This... please forgive me, Uncle Zhou. When I went down the mountain, the master didn't let me mention these things to the outside world."Li Ange looked puzzled."It's okay, I'm just asking casually, you go down and rest first, and we will set off for the imperial capital tomorrow."Zhou Shanhai smiled, and then someone took Li Ange out of the living room.After Li Ange left, the smile on Zhou Shanhai's face disappeared, replaced by contemplation."Could it be that this son's master is those Sect remnants back then?"This is not impossible. Countless sects of the Beixuan Empire were destroyed back then, but some escaped after all."Forget it, I don't need to worry about reporting this matter after I go to the imperial capital." Zhou Shanhai shook his head.Li Ange was taken to a guest room, and he knew that Zhou Shanhai was testing him just now, but he didn't care.Even if the lie is exposed, the worst is death.He has ten avatars participating in the Tianjiao Grand Competition, as long as one avatar can successfully enter the Beixuanxue Palace.Then Li Ange's consciousness left and checked the other nine clones.Each avatar was detected to have a special talent, and was then regarded as a sweet pastry by the local city lord."Not bad, even if there are some accidents later, it is guaranteed that at least one clone can enter the Beixuanxue Palace."Li Ange nodded in satisfaction.There are four purposes for going to Beixuanxue Palace.The first one is to obtain a better Cultivation Technique, and now the [Xuantian Jue] he cultivated is only an advanced Cultivation Technique, which is a bit too rubbish.The second is to obtain various inheritances, especially the sub-professional inheritances such as pill refining and weapon refining.The third is naturally for resources. He lacks Spirit Stones. Now he has reached the sixth floor of Foundation Establishment, and it is estimated that he will break through to the Gold Core stage in about a week. At that time, creating avatars will require a lot of Spirit Stones.The fourth is to contact the local forces. As the overlord of this area, the Beixuan Empire cannot be avoided no matter what.Instead of having a conflict with the Beixuan Empire in the future, it is better to break into the opponent's interior first.Early in the morning of the second day, they set off for the imperial capital of the Beixuan Empire.In addition to Li Ange, there are three other teenagers who won the competition yesterday and got the recommended places, and these three belong to the three major families, but Realm only has the ninth floor of Qi Refining."Let's go. Although there is a teleportation array, it will take some time to get to the imperial capital. I will also tell you about the situation of the academy on the way."Zhou Shanhai said, but Li Ange knew that the other party mainly told him."It has been 3,421 years since our Beixuan Empire. Taizu established the Beixuan Empire in the early days, but at that time there were many sects, and the empire provided resources and disciples for those sects every year.""For this reason, the Taizu specially established the Beixuanxue Palace, hoping to train enough strong people to resist the major sects. However, the sect has a long heritage, so how can it be so easy to be overthrown?""With the passage of time, thanks to the efforts of many emperors, the national power of our Beixuan Empire has grown stronger and stronger. Until the Hundred Year, His Majesty has wiped out all the major sects in one fell swoop, creating the current grand occasion of our Beixuan.""After destroying those Sects, the Empire has acquired countless Cultivation Techniques and inheritances, and most of these things are placed in the Beixuanxue Palace.""However, it is not so easy to obtain these resources. The Academy adopts a credit system, and these resources need to be exchanged for credits.""Of course there are exceptions. If the Talent you show is strong enough, the Academy will provide you with a lot of resources."While Zhou Shanhai was talking, everyone also took the teleportation array to the imperial capital one by one....