

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

destruction fist

As far as Chen Ye knows.

Elder Centipede, there is another great thing about it, which is its self-healing ability.

In the original plot, when the Cyborg warrior Genos were injured by the super-spiral cannon fired by Genos's body, they can also quickly regenerate from the inside!

This kind of regenerative ability is very scary!!

Therefore, it is really not easy to eliminate the centipede elders.

Chen Ye feels that if he wants to kill the centipede elders in his normal state, he should not be able to do it.

at this time.

The elder centipede who turned over, with a pair of scarier eyes, is looking at Chen Ye.

However, this guy no longer dared to treat Chen Ye as an ordinary human!

Chen Ye's punch just now did not cause much damage to it, but it also made it dizzy.

You know, the body of the centipede elder, to say nothing, weighs tens of thousands of catties.

The human being in front of him was able to hit it upright with a single punch, which was enough to show the horror of the opponent's power.

too strong!!

Although the centipede elder was angry, he did not lose his mind.

It slowly approached Chen Ye, ready to launch an attack, to avenge the punch just now!


at this time!

Chen Ye in the sky suddenly changed his body!!

(Indestructible Demon Body is opening)

His body began to emit black gas.

Dark and weird!

Then, around Chen Ye's body, a sea of ​​fire appeared, about 20 meters in diameter.

In the range of the sea of ​​fire, even the air is burning!

This is a flame from hell, amazingly powerful!

Elder suddenly felt a sudden heat.

Because it can feel that the flames released by Chen Ye can pose a threat to it.

In the conference room of the Heroes Association headquarters in City A, many high-level people were surprised to see this scene.

"His body seems to have undergone an unknown change?"

"How is this going?"

"I don't know, but it seems that he is releasing his potential to become stronger!"

"What? He has such power, can he continue to grow stronger?"

next moment.

A pair of mighty dragon-shaped armor emerged from the flames and was attached to Chen Ye.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Ye was all wrapped in armor and threatened the world.

Then Chen Ye opened his eyes.

Those are a pair of scarlet eyes, which are extremely eye-catching!

Seeing Chen Ye's eyes, Elder Centipede's heartbeat missed a beat

Subsequently, the centipede elder was taken aback.

It turned out to be just a look, so it can't help but feel fear?

Elder Centipede frowned deeply, his eyes were full of solemnity.


Should it retreat ?

This idea just appeared, and Elder Centipede thought it was a little absurd!!

How can a mere human, an ant-like species, let it escape without a fight?

Just as the elder entertainment was thinking, Chen Ye in mid-air began to move.

The big move time is only 20 minutes, Chen Ye doesn't want to waste time!


There was an explosion in the void.

This is Chen Ye's flying speed, breaking the sound barrier in an instant, causing a sonic boom.

The immortal demon body can increase the physique, strength and agility that had been increased five times!

In other words, Chen Ye's light agility attribute currently has as many as 2500 points!!

Although it was only temporary, in these 20 minutes, Chen Ye's speed was approaching the sky!


The fist of explosive power hit the chin of the elder entertainment

Until this moment.

Elder centipede heard the sonic boom just now.

What does this show?

It shows that Chen Ye's flying speed is much faster than sound propagation!!

next moment!

Elder Centipede felt that his jaw, face, and even his entire head were disintegrating.

This is because Chen Ye's punch is too destructive, and he directly began to smash the centipede elder


It's like the sound of a balloon being pierced.

The whole head of the elder entertainment is gone, and the dark green blood is spraying wine everywhere

This is the result of Chen Ye not using the shaking ability.

If the shock ability is used, the body of the centipede elder will definitely be shattered under the punch just now!!

In the meeting room.

Seeing Chen Ye's punch, he smashed the head of the elder entertainment

The whole meeting room was silent.

Everyone stared wide, looking at the display in disbelief.

That terrifying big entertainment monster once brought huge disasters to mankind, forcing mankind to have to relocate their residences, and at least millions of people died in his mouth. Even now, it is still the biggest threat to mankind.

Such a terrifying monster, at this moment, was easily blasted away by someone with a punch!!

This is too unacceptable

The meeting room was quiet for a few seconds


Suddenly, there was a cheering sound, which alarmed everyone.

It was Mr. Agoni, who founded the Heroes Association in one hand. He couldn't help but shoot the case and walked in excitement: "It's really great, this terrifying centipede creature was finally killed!!"

Everyone came back to their senses.


In any case, this terrifying centipede has always been a threat to mankind, and its elimination is a great thing for mankind.

"Great, don't worry about it in the future."

"Yes! I can finally sleep peacefully."

"Who is this young hero? He is so strong

"It looks like the Hero Association is about to rise!"

Over H city.

Chen Ye is not as optimistic as those senior people.

Because he knew that even if his head was blown off, with the regenerative ability of the centipede elder, he would soon grow a head again.

At this moment, Chen Ye, floating in the void, is watching his hands.

The punch just now directly exploded the head of Elder Centipede, relying entirely on his current strength, without using any other skills.

Including the ability to shake!

Chen Ye's original strength attribute has reached four digits, 4.000 points.

After using the Indestructible Demon Body, the power attribute is increased five times, which is 5000 points!!

What is this concept?

To the point of unpredictability!

Even the indestructible body of the centipede elder, in the face of power like Chen Ye, can't resist


There was movement from below.

It is the head of the centipede elder, which has grown back


The elder Yu Yu, who grew up again, screamed in anger and rushed directly to Chen Ye without saying a word.

"Huh? Didn't you actually plan to run? Then I'll give you a ride!"

Chen Ye muttered to himself and clenched his fists again.


Punch out!


The void shattered.

Between heaven and earth, the original horrible memorial sounded