
Global Reincarnation [Tower of Trials]

Its not a translation- the sinopsis is simalr to [Original] Global reincarnation but i will try to make is human redable, remove chinese chiche, and change the story to some extent. Hope you enjoy it. It will be a blend of Global reincation, different sories, and anything else i like.

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Chapter 1: Arriving to a new Home

[Unknown Place]

In a classroom full of students, with no teacher present, the buzz of conversations filled the air, each dialogue weaving into the next.

In the corner of the room, Alex lay on the third-to-last bench, feigning sleep but straining to catch every word.

"Hey, did you hear? John from Section C got a B rating on the 1st floor of the Reincarnation Tower yesterday and earned 2000 Reincarnation Points (RP)."

"Whoa! Really?" Boy 1 exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Of course! It's all over the school."

"That's 20 attribute points! That's 1.25 time what I got from the 1st floor. How many people did he save?"

"Including him it was 4 people"

"Wow, that's bold."

"Did he also kill"

"yes 2 of them"

"That explains why i got only 0.75 of the points he got And a C rating"

"Hey C rating is not bad. Most even stuggle to survive and you got C rating"

"Has anyone in our school got an A or S rating?"

"There was a passout senior who got an A. But no one has gotten an S in our School. Not that I know of."

"Figures. If someone had, News would be all over the place."

"And don't forget Jhon's rich, probably bought the strategy from some big shot."

"I wish I had that much money." Boy 1 sighed wistfully, glancing down at his own empty wallet. "Yeah, we can only dream."

After listing to them, Alex shifted his focus to another conversation.

"I wish I could buy it. It would give me a huge advantage in the Reincarnation Tower."

"Forget it. It would cost a fortune. It's so rare." Girl 1 shrugged, a tinge of disappointment in her voice.

Another boy chimed in, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?"

"Just the new item on the Reincarnation tower market."

"Oh, the super soldier serum. That's crazy expensive." Boy 2 shook his head, his tone a mix of fascination and incredulity.

"Yeah it would at least cost you a 20 thousand point. Its just that rare"

"After all it increases strength attribute by 100 points. And not to mention the other attribute it increases from 20 – 50."

On the other side of the room, discussions about the Reincarnation Tower, RP, and the leaderboard continued.

"These RP points are no joke. John must be thrilled." Girl 2 nodded approvingly, her admiration evident. "Yeah, he's set a high bar." Boy 3 grinned, impressed by John's achievement.

These conversations sparked ideas in Alex's mind.

"When I arrived here earlier, around 11 AM, it was supposed to be a break, and now it's 12:10 PM. As I piece together the fragmented memories of this body, I realize some basic things about this world. It resembles Earth in 2024, but I'm five years younger. This body is 18 years old. Their technology is advanced, and there are superpowered individuals. But my memories are hazy; I need to research more."

"I'll gather information once I reach home—or rather, this body's home."

Ding, Ding, Ding

The next class was about to start.

[After 2 hours]

As the final period approached its end, anticipation for the school day's conclusion grew palpable.

Ding, Ding, Ding

The bell signalling the end of the last class rang after five minutes.

Alex hurriedly left the classroom and rushed home. To his surprise, everything—the house, his parents, and even his younger sibling—was exactly as it had been in his previous life, just five years younger. Perhaps that's why I don't feel overwhelming sadness about leaving my family behind in my previous world. Or maybe these new memories are playing tricks on my emotions.

During the journey home, memories of my life on Earth-1 flooded back—I was part of a normal family of four: my father, mother, younger sister, and me. At 23, I worked as a software developer in a promising company and had recently moved for the job. During a routine flight to visit my family, the unimaginable happened—the plane inexplicably caught fire. One moment, chaos erupted as someone screamed, and the next, flames engulfed us. It happened so fast, I felt no pain. Then, I woke up here, three hours earlier.

Approaching home, I noticed several recruitment notices:

[Hiring 10 bodyguards for personal protection. Salary starting at $5000 per month. Requirement: Overall strength rating of level E. Contact: XXXXXXXXXX]

[Hiring members for the Supernatural Public Safety Commission. Requirement: D level or higher. Salary: $10,000 per month. Contact: Public Safety Commission branch office or dial XXXXXXXXXX]

[Hiring for the Supernatural Management Association. Requirement: C level or higher. Salary: $20,000 and higher per month. Contact: Supernatural Management Association branch Office or dail XXXXXXXXXX]

[Hiring for Monstor Hunting Association. Requiremnet: C level or higher. Salary: On the basis of performance. Benifits: Free of charge traing and acess to world class facility to train, access to stratigy guides for the tower of trails. Contact: Monstor Hunting Association: Areas Branch]

The Reincarnation Tower seemed to be a cornerstone of this world, offering substantial rewards even for those at the D level. And the better the level better the reward. While engrossed in thought, I didn't even realize that I had unconsciously reached my destination.

Standing outside the familiar door of what should have been my home, I hesitated, overwhelmed by a flood of conflicting emotions. Memories surged, intertwining with nostalgia, as I stared at the weathered wood and peeling paint that marked the threshold of countless moments from my past. The door, once a portal to warmth and security, now seemed to stand as a silent sentinel between familiarity and the unknown.

Contemplating how he was going to meet his family—was it even his family?—he stood there for about 10 minutes, he wrestled with the possibility of what awaited him on the other side of that door. The seconds stretched into minutes. As he stood there, the door suddenly creaked open from the other side.

I know its not that good. Give reviews or comments if you want me to continue this and power stones is a must.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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