
Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

People got a planet in the beginning and what to do with it was up to them. Wang Yi, a young man in the 21st century, coincidentally crossed his soul into a world where everyone had the opportunity to awaken a planet. The larger the diameter of the planet, the more advanced the energy transformed, and the more powerful the civilization created. Some people obtained the planet's energy as " Martial True Qi" and used the creation sandbox to create a martial civilization, and the people on the planet were all martial artists. Some people get the planet's energy as "Immortal True Energy" and use the creation sandbox to create an immortal civilization, and the people on the planet were all cultivators! Some people obtained the energy of the planet as "Fighting Qi", and used the creation sandbox to create the civilization of Fighting Qi, and people on the planet are all fighters! Some people obtained the energy of the planet as "Soul Power", and used the creation sandbox to create the Soul Path Civilization, and the people on the planet were all Soul Masters! ... Everyone was struggling to evolve a magical civilization system. Wang Yi, however, used his past life memories to start evolving an "ancient" civilization! "Your world-extinguishing laser cannon is powerful, but I have the son of the Great Dao, Pan Gu! One axe will reduce your world to naught!" "Your thousands of angels are powerful, but I have three thousand Chaos Demon Gods to beat you in a minute!" "Your army of darkness is awesome, but I have the Buddha's Paramount Sage, who will defeat you in a minute!" "..." This was a story of how the ancient civilization crushed various transcendent civilizations.

Taro And Tablet Inscription · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

You Are Wang Yi, Right!?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Time flowed like water.

In the blink of an eye, the morning passed by quickly!

The school bell rang.

The students got up one after another and rushed out of the classroom at lightning speed, running out of the school!

Wang Yi was no exception.

However, just as he left his seat, Wang Tao, who was sitting in front of him, pulled him back.

Just as Wang Yi was about to stand up, Wang Tao, who was sitting in front of him, grabbed him and said, "Xiao Yi, wait a moment. I want to ask you something!"

"What's the matter?"

Wang Yi looked at Wang Tao in confusion.

Wang Tao looked left and right, then said in a low voice, "Xiao Yi, what's up with the Planet you awakened? Why is it exactly the same as the 'Great Dao'?"

"Tell me, are you related to that Great Dao?"

"You're sick! If I had anything to do with the Great Dao, the first person I would ignore would be you, you d*mn fatty!" Wang Yi had thought that Wang Tao was being mysterious and that something had happened, but this guy just asked this question. What the f*ck!

"Ai, what are you saying! I'm just concerned about you. I'm just asking about your situation. Do you have to be so unhappy? Yesterday, the Planet I awakened had a diameter of 19.9 kilometers, and the energy it evolved into is Martial True Qi. My old man was very happy to hear this news and gave me 500 yellow flame dollars."

"How about we go out for a meal later?"

Wang Yi laughed, "That's a good relationship. Just based on your smug face, we must go to the Silver Deli!"

"If I don't rip you off, I'll be letting you down for showing off!"

"Let's go!"

"Order whatever you want to eat, I'll definitely satisfy you!" Wang Tao said generously.


Wang Yi didn't show any modesty and walked out directly.

If someone was treating, it would seem hypocritical to be modest!

"F*ck! Wait for me!" Wang Tao shouted and chased after Wang Yi.


Silver Deli Restaurant.

There was a restaurant near Lan Ling High School. It had always been famous for its good quality, cheap price, large quantity, and full stomach. It was deeply loved by Lan Ling High School students!

Wang Yi was no exception.

Since he had transmigrated, he had basically been dealing with the Silver Deli at noon.

However, some of the dishes were still very expensive, and children from working families could not afford them.

A person like Wang Yi would only eat once a month at most. With Wang Tao's situation this time, he naturally would not hold back. Wang Tao ordered everything that he had not eaten before, and his heart ached.

Just the four dishes that Wang Yi ordered cost him more than 300 yellow flame dollars.

It was not that he was being petty, but Wang Yi did not stand on ceremony with him. He ordered whatever was more expensive and did not show any mercy at all.

After ordering, the two of them sat by the window on the left. It was the peak period for dining, and if they didn't hurry, there would be no seats left!

Of course, the two of them could also go to a private room, but the cost of a private room was very high. The minimum expense was 500 yellow flame dollars! Wang Yi didn't want to spend all of Wang Tao's 500 yellow flame dollars!

Leave a line in life, it would be easier to meet in the future!

After they sat down, the two of them began to communicate.

The topic of discussion was still about the Great Dao and the Primeval Civilization.

"Xiao Yi, the diameter of your awakening yesterday was 33.3333 kilometers. What is the energy converted from the Planet? Why didn't I see the school announce it?"

"Logically speaking, you were the first-ranked awakened yesterday, so this shouldn't have happened to you!" Wang Tao asked in confusion.

"Nothing much? I told the principal not to announce it!" Wang Yi smiled and explained, "My Planet is a little special. It didn't transform into any Planet Energy... Eh? How should I put this to you?"

"Forget it, you just need to know that it's similar to the Great Dao. I can't explain the details!"


Wang Tao was the childhood friend of Wang Yi's current body. They were classmates in primary school, middle school, and high school.

He understood Wang Yi's character!

If Wang Yi didn't want to tell him, it would be useless no matter how many times he asked!

"Quickly look! The school belle is here!" Just when Yi Wang thought that Wang Tao had stopped, the guy suddenly shouted, giving him a shock.

"If the school belle is here, then so be it. Why the f*ck are you shouting?" Wang Yi cursed in a bad mood.

As a person who had lived two lives, he had seen at least eight hundred, if not a thousand, beautiful women. He had long been immune to the school belle in middle school!

It was undeniable! The middle school beauty was indeed pretty, but to an L-P like him, she wasn't that attractive.

If it was the music teacher who was a mature woman, he might have looked at her a few more times.

There was no other reason!

Good kung fu!


Wang Tao spat. "Stop pretending. I know what kind of person you are."

"Tsk!" Wang Yi curled his lips in disdain and then asked, "The school belle is here?"

"Liang Shuang!"

"Liang Shuang? The one with the chest that's especially big?"

"Yeah! Who else could it be if not her?"

"Where is she? Why didn't I see her!"

"Didn't you say you didn't want to watch her?"

"When did I say that?"

"You said it just now!"

"Get lost! I didn't say that!"

"You said it!"


Just as the two of them were whispering to each other, Silver Deli's waiter walked over with the dishes and interrupted their perverted conversation!

"Mister, I'm sorry. This is the braised tenderloin and sweet and sour fish you ordered! The rest of the dishes will be back in a while, enjoy!" After he finished speaking, he walked away suavely!

"Come on!"

Wang Yi picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of braised tenderloin, and threw it into his mouth. He chewed it hard, then mumbled, "It smells..."

However, he saw that Wang Tao wasn't eating. He was looking at Liang Shuang, who was sitting at the table to his right. He felt a little embarrassed and secretly kicked him. "Stop f*cking looking, your drool is flowing out!"


Wang Tao instinctively went to wipe it off, but he realized that there was nothing. He immediately understood that Wang Yi had lied to him. He cursed angrily, "F*ck, you f*cking shook me again!"

"Hurry up and eat. Don't keep staring at her. You're making yourself look like a pig!" Wang Yi cursed in a bad mood.

However, after scolding Wang Tao, he turned to look at Liang Shuang. She was fair-skinned, beautiful, and had long legs. No wonder Wang Tao was mesmerized by her.

Her looks, coupled with her youthful aura, were indeed fatally attractive to high school students.

"Hey, what the h*ll are you looking at?"

Wang Tao noticed Wang Yi's gaze and was stunned for a moment. He then scolded, "Aren't you also a pig brother?"

"Cough, cough! Let's eat!" Wang Yi retracted his gaze, picked up some food, and started to cook.

Wang Tao also picked up his chopsticks and started to cook.

The two of them chatted as they ate, and it didn't take long for them to finish the two dishes on the table!

Fortunately, the waiter had brought the remaining dishes over. Otherwise, the two of them would have to wait!

In a short while, the few dishes that were served were all gone.


The two of them slumped into their chairs and burped comfortably!

It was too fragrant!

No wonder so many people came to the Silver Deli!

Vegetables... It was really fragrant.

They would never get tired of it!

"Burp... Xiao Yi, are you full? We can pick two more!" Wang Tao asked.

"No need, I can't eat anymore!"

Wang Xian pointed at his bulging stomach and shook his head, indicating that he could not eat anymore!

"Alright! I'll go to the toilet first, then I'll go to the internet café and play two rounds of fire before going to school!" Wang Tao said as he stood up and walked toward the toilet.

Wang Yi shook his head and looked out of the window, thinking about the situation that would happen next.

The Origin Energy that he had obtained from Principal Wang Shuchen had been used up. To continue developing the Primeval Civilization, he needed to obtain Origin Energy.

With his current family, they basically wouldn't provide him with any help unless his parents sold the house.

This was obviously unrealistic!

"You're Wang Yi, right?!"

Just as Wang Yi was thinking about how to obtain Origin Energy, a sweet voice interrupted his thoughts!