
Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

People got a planet in the beginning and what to do with it was up to them. Wang Yi, a young man in the 21st century, coincidentally crossed his soul into a world where everyone had the opportunity to awaken a planet. The larger the diameter of the planet, the more advanced the energy transformed, and the more powerful the civilization created. Some people obtained the planet's energy as " Martial True Qi" and used the creation sandbox to create a martial civilization, and the people on the planet were all martial artists. Some people get the planet's energy as "Immortal True Energy" and use the creation sandbox to create an immortal civilization, and the people on the planet were all cultivators! Some people obtained the energy of the planet as "Fighting Qi", and used the creation sandbox to create the civilization of Fighting Qi, and people on the planet are all fighters! Some people obtained the energy of the planet as "Soul Power", and used the creation sandbox to create the Soul Path Civilization, and the people on the planet were all Soul Masters! ... Everyone was struggling to evolve a magical civilization system. Wang Yi, however, used his past life memories to start evolving an "ancient" civilization! "Your world-extinguishing laser cannon is powerful, but I have the son of the Great Dao, Pan Gu! One axe will reduce your world to naught!" "Your thousands of angels are powerful, but I have three thousand Chaos Demon Gods to beat you in a minute!" "Your army of darkness is awesome, but I have the Buddha's Paramount Sage, who will defeat you in a minute!" "..." This was a story of how the ancient civilization crushed various transcendent civilizations.

Taro And Tablet Inscription · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

The Creation Green Lotus, Your Mission Has Arrived

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The real world!

The missing awakening livestream room reappeared, and a loud notification sound rang in the ears of every Planet Master.

[The Primeval Civilization livestream is starting. All Planet Masters are welcome to view it!]

As soon as the voice came out, it immediately attracted countless onlookers.

The announcement in the awakening livestream room was different from the last time. This time, the announcement was not made to the entire population, but only to the Planet Masters.

However, there was no such thing as an impervious wall in the world. As the live broadcast screen appeared in the sky, the civilians who had not awakened Planets also appeared one after another. They were everywhere on the roofs, streets, mountains, rivers, beaches, and other places.

[That's strange. Why isn't there any notice of this live broadcast?]

[I don't know! It appeared without any warning! If I wasn't looking up at the sky, I wouldn't have known what was happening in the livestream room!]

[It's a little strange!]

[Don't be confused. It's not that the live broadcast room didn't announce it. It's us civilians who didn't receive it!]

[What? Are we the only ones who didn't receive it? What's going on?]

[Who should I ask?]

[You should go to the awakening livestream room. What's the use of you asking us?]

[Sigh! The status of commoners is too low!]

[Yeah! We can't be compared to those Planet Masters!

[Alright, stop worrying! Let's look at the screen first!]


The group of civilians who knew the truth were furious, feeling as if they had been abandoned by God. However, there were also some civilians who were more rational.

They had long recognized their own position and were not bothered by the notice in the live broadcast room.

The Planet Masters who received the notice all looked up at the sky and watched the awakening livestream. They were all shocked.

[F*ck, what's going on? How did these eggs grow so big when I woke up?]

[Isn't the evolution of a legendary civilization live-streamed? Why did it change so much in the blink of an eye?]

[Strange, why is the livestream of this legendary civilization different from that of the other Planet Masters? Could it be that the 'Primeval Civilization' is stronger than the other legendary civilizations?!]

[Where's the Great Dao? Why don't I see him?]

[Great Dao, when your Primeval Civilization has evolved to a certain stage, I'll give birth to your monkeys!]

[It must have been a long time since this scene happened. The eggs have grown a lot bigger, but when will it hatch into a living creature?]

[Will this hatch into dinosaurs?]

[Dinosaur? That's wrong! Even if a dinosaur were to hatch in that environment, it would not be able to survive! I think it should be the totem of the Yan Huang Empire - the Dragon!]

[That's right! The Divine Dragon is the totem of our Yan Huang Empire. The Great Dao should hatch the eggs into Divine Dragons!]

[It's not 'should', it's' must'!]


When the foreign spectators saw the changes on the screen, they began to discuss.

[What's going on? How did it change so much in the blink of an eye?]

[Great Dao, are you cheating? The natural evolution of a Planet's civilization should not be like this! Could it be that he had secretly evolved without us knowing?]

[This is not right! The evolution of a legendary civilization is live-streamed, so there won't be any missing images!]

[Is there a loophole in the awakening space?]

[I don't care if there's a loophole or not. I just want to know the true identity of the Great Dao!]

[I also want to know!]

[Stop dreaming. If it's so easy to find the Great Dao's identity, it would have been found by the major Planet management companies long ago. Do you think they would let you find it?]

[That's true. The public enemy of the major Planet management companies in the world is staring at the Great Dao. Once his identity is exposed, they will definitely try their best to contact him...]

Of course, there were also some people who wanted to know what the egg looked like after it hatched.

[What do you guys think will hatch from these big eggs in the end?]

[I think it should be a god? From the scene of the evolution of the Primeval Civilization, I can tell that it should be a civilization with a mythological system!]

[God? It shouldn't be! If all 3,000 eggs hatch, can his Planet withstand the aura of the living beings?]

[Are you an idiot? Does the Great Dao have a Planet? His Planet has long been shattered, so why would he care about the aura of a god?]

[That's true. Now, the entire awakening space is equivalent to a Planet of the Great Dao. No matter how strong a living creature is, it's impossible to break open the awakening space!]

[Alright, let's stop the discussion! The scene is starting to change!]


A loud noise came from the live broadcast room, and the calm awakening space seemed to have encountered a magnitude 12 earthquake. The terrifying earthquake spread throughout the entire awakening space, and endless gray gas rushed toward the 3,000 giant eggs, as if they had evolved again!

[Is it about to be born?]

The viewers couldn't help but have this thought in their minds. However, the scene in the livestream room soon gave them the answer!

The Great Dao's figure appeared out of thin air without any warning. Even the audience who had been watching the live broadcast was shocked by the sudden appearance of the Great Dao.

[I'll go! When did the Great Dao appear? Why didn't I see it?]

[He's elusive! How did he do it?]

[Awesome! The Planet Master of a legendary civilization is indeed not simple!]

[The Great Dao is an eternal god!]

[What's he doing out here?]

[I can clearly see this person's appearance, but why can't I remember what he looks like in the blink of an eye?]

[Look, he's walking toward the green lotus!]

[He really walked over! What is he doing? Is he going to hatch the big egg himself?]


All kinds of doubts appeared in the minds of the people around the world. Their eyes were fixed on the live broadcast screen, afraid that they would miss a single scene and leave them with regrets.

In the image, after the figure of the Great Dao appeared, he was not in a hurry to do anything. Instead, he stood in the awakening space and looked at the 3,000 giant eggs inside, as if he was thinking about something!

Soon, his figure slowly moved, as if he was taking a stroll after a meal. He strolled in the gray awakening space. Every time he passed by a giant egg, he would stop to look at it for a while, nodding and shaking his head at times, as if he was commenting.

In the end, his voice came from the left side of the green lotus. In front of the Great Dao, the huge lotus seemed tiny, only reaching the knee of the Great Dao. The huge 'Pangu' on it also seemed tiny, like a soybean.


All the people who saw this scene sucked in a cold breath. The body of the Great Dao was so huge.

[What is he doing?]

The scene changed and immediately attracted countless people's discussion.

The Great Dao stared at the 'Pangu' egg on the 36th-grade Creation Green Lotus for a long time, then said thoughtfully, "As the Son of Dao, a man of destiny, how can you not have a weapon?"

After saying that, the big hand went deep into the Chaos World and grabbed countless precious things in a moment. It rubbed repeatedly with both hands and finally turned into a 'plate' and an 'ax'.

[He actually made a 'plate' and an 'ax'. Are they weapons?]

[What's going on? Why was he pinching this thing? The latter is considered a weapon in front of me, but what is the former used for?]

[I didn't expect the Great Dao that created a legendary civilization to be a master of clay sculpting. He can actually mold a plate and an axe so vividly!]

[A hole in the brain!]


The onlookers began to discuss among themselves, all feeling that the Great Dao had made Pangu a weapon in a rather sloppy way.

But the scene that appeared next made them feel incredulous!

In the picture, the Great Dao stared at the plate and the ax in his hands for a long time with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Then, he turned his eyes to the 36th-grade Creation Green Lotus, which was glowing with a faint green light. A terrifying light appeared in his deep eyes as he said, "Creation Green Lotus, your mission has arrived!"