
Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

People got a planet in the beginning and what to do with it was up to them. Wang Yi, a young man in the 21st century, coincidentally crossed his soul into a world where everyone had the opportunity to awaken a planet. The larger the diameter of the planet, the more advanced the energy transformed, and the more powerful the civilization created. Some people obtained the planet's energy as " Martial True Qi" and used the creation sandbox to create a martial civilization, and the people on the planet were all martial artists. Some people get the planet's energy as "Immortal True Energy" and use the creation sandbox to create an immortal civilization, and the people on the planet were all cultivators! Some people obtained the energy of the planet as "Fighting Qi", and used the creation sandbox to create the civilization of Fighting Qi, and people on the planet are all fighters! Some people obtained the energy of the planet as "Soul Power", and used the creation sandbox to create the Soul Path Civilization, and the people on the planet were all Soul Masters! ... Everyone was struggling to evolve a magical civilization system. Wang Yi, however, used his past life memories to start evolving an "ancient" civilization! "Your world-extinguishing laser cannon is powerful, but I have the son of the Great Dao, Pan Gu! One axe will reduce your world to naught!" "Your thousands of angels are powerful, but I have three thousand Chaos Demon Gods to beat you in a minute!" "Your army of darkness is awesome, but I have the Buddha's Paramount Sage, who will defeat you in a minute!" "..." This was a story of how the ancient civilization crushed various transcendent civilizations.

Taro And Tablet Inscription · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Preaching to the Time Chaos Fiend God

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The real world!

After seeing the green stone explode and the snake-headed monster appear, the people of the Yan Huang Empire were in an uproar.

[The green stone turned into a monster? Is this a strange god?]

[Don't talk nonsense, this is a god!!]

[A god? Impossible!]

[Didn't the awakening space make an announcement just now? The identity of the 3,000 giant eggs are all gods! Each of them has mastered a law!]

[Oh my god, what kind of world has the Great Dao created?! 3,000 gods? That's too terrifying!]

[That's too cool!]

[Time controller, space controller, immortal Dao controller, fiendish Dao controller... They're even more awesome than the Western king of gods!]

[The Great Dao is awesome!]

[I want to become a worker of the Great Dao!]

[Me too!]


In contrast, the people of the other countries were all speechless.

The people who had previously ridiculed the 'Great Dao' had become mute.

[Baka, the Yan Huang Empire's conscience is so bad that they actually created a civilization even stronger than the Ninja civilization!]

[Unforgivable! It must be destroyed!]

[Wu La, the Khitans are strong! I hope to have the opportunity to communicate with my Werewolf Civilization!]

[These law controllers of the Primeval Civilization are definitely powerful enemies of the Luo God Civilization. We must be on guard!]

[D*mn it, our Divine Oil Empire was the one who created the Brahma Civilization. Why weren't there as many people paying attention to it as the Primeval Civilization?!]

[F*ck off, our Goguryeo can have a main civilization. The Primeval Civilization is just a small civilization under it, not even worth mentioning!]

[Hmph! When the protection period is over, it'll be the end of your Primeval Civilization!]

[My planetary battleship should be able to destroy the Primeval Civilization, right?]

[So what if the Primeval Civilization system is powerful? So far, not a single decent creature has been born. How can it compare to our great Heavenly Civilization?]

[Aiya, compared to the Primeval Civilization, my battle Qi world is so weak!]

[God-ranked mages can also control the laws!]


Such a scene not only appeared in reality, but also on the internet.

In reality, they could only complain to themselves or to the people around them.

However, the internet was full of complaints to the netizens around the world.

[Hahaha, the foreign netizens are so jealous!]

[I love to see their flustered and exasperated faces!]

[These foreigners just can't bear to see others doing well. Back then, when they played out the legendary civilization, their arrogant faces and awesome looks are still vivid in my mind!]

[What happened now?]

[Why aren't they saying anything?]

[Weren't they all very awesome?]

[F*ck, they've become mute!]

[Hehehe, our Yan Huang Empire has never lacked talent!]

[The Great Dao is awesome!]

[When the Great Dao appears, who can compete with him!]

[The Great Dao: I'm not targeting anyone, but all the Planet Masters in the world are trash in front of me!]

[Looking forward to the evolution of the Primeval Civilization!]

[Looking forward to the collision between Planets!]

[I look forward to the follow-up operation of the Great Dao!]


As the netizens of Yan Huang Empire bombarded the internet, it attracted countless dissatisfaction from foreign netizens and they all retaliated.

[What's there to be proud of for a guy who destroyed a Planet at the start and created a flower and 3,000 eggs?]

[A god came out of an egg. This is so f*cking funny!]

[F*ck! It was wrong! It's more than 3,000 eggs...]

[F*ck, it's hard to say if it's a success or not. What's there to show off!]


The Yan Huang Empire's netizens didn't pay any attention to the foreign netizens' weak rejections, because the live broadcast scene changed again.

In the awakening space.

Wang Yi hid in the Chaos World and watched the time chaos fiend god's every move. When he saw that the time chaos fiend god was growing slower, he frowned. Based on the speed, it might not even hatch even if the Origin Energy was fully digested.

This was not something he wanted to see.

He pondered for a moment.

He asked slowly, "System, help me do a simulation. If I help the time chaos fiend god hatch, will it affect him?"


[Simulation in progress...]


[Deduction complete.]

[Deduction Result 1: Helping the time chaos fiend god to liquefy on the surface might lead to irreversible consequences! Probability of Chaos World collapsing: 35%]

[Deduction Result 2: There are no consequences for secretly helping the time chaos fiend god to liquefy. The probability of the Chaos World collapsing is less than 1%.]

Two routes?!

Without any hesitation, Wang Yi chose the second option- 'help in secret'.

The first kind was simple and violent, and it was easy to get into trouble.

The second kind was tactful and reserved, safe and reliable!

As the master of creation and controller of the Chaos World, it was easy for him to help the time chaos fiend god in secret.

He pondered for a moment and began to input knowledge of time into the time chaos fiend god, speeding up the time chaos fiend god's understanding of the time laws.

To be precise, he was talking about the meaning of time.

To him, time was a rather abstract concept. It was the movement of matter, the continuation of changes, and the performance of order.

Time consisted of the two concepts of 'time' and 'period.'

Time was divided into the past, the present, and the future.

Time was a basic structure of the universe, a one-way dimension.

Time was just a conscious concept, it was a man-made rule of order...

In short, he had instilled all of his understanding of time into the time chaos fiend god who was perfecting the time laws.

As for whether he could understand it or not, that would depend on the time chaos fiend god's perception!

At this moment.

The time chaos fiend god was currently staying within the egg, comprehending the profound principles of the Great Dao's transmission, perfecting his temporal laws, and laying the foundation for his birth.

However, the content transmitted by the 'Great Dao' was too 'profound', and he could only understand a small part of it. He didn't know the meaning of most of it.

Among them, the word 'human' was the most incomprehensible.

He wanted to ask about the Great Dao, but he didn't know where he was!

This made him very vexed.

"Do you understand?"


The profound voice of the 'Great Dao' rang out, and the dew from the nine heavens shook the time chaos fiend god's spirit.

"You... You're the Great Dao?" the time chaos fiend god asked excitedly.

"Do you understand?"

The voice of the Great Dao sounded again. It was noble, mysterious, and cold...

"I don't understand!"

The time chaos fiend god, the Time Daoist, shook his head!

"What don't you understand?" the Great Dao asked again!

"What is 'human'? Why can he set the rules of order?"

The time chaos fiend god asked the question in his heart.


Wang Yi, who had wanted to act cool, was dumbfounded when he heard the time chaos fiend god ask what a 'person' was.

What else could a human be? The spirit of all living things!

The people of the future understood this, but he could not tell the time chaos fiend god this.

During the Chaos Era, there was only chaos fiend gods and no human beings (except him!).

How was he supposed to explain this to him?

Forget it!

Just say whatever you want!

"Humans are a kind of intelligent life form in the later generations. They are similar to you chaos fiend gods, but they are different."

"People, in simple terms, can be defined from the biological, spiritual, and cultural levels."

"On the biological level, humans are one of the thousands of living creatures, a high-level animal."

"On the spiritual level, humans are described as the concept of being able to use all kinds of souls."

"On a cultural level, humans are defined as creatures who can use languages, have complex social organizations, and technological development, especially those who can establish groups and institutions to achieve the purpose of mutual support and assistance..."

"And you asked... How can a person set the rules of order?"

"It's very simple. A man can think and a man is powerful. No one dares to refute his words."

"Therefore, people can set the rules of order!"

Wang Yi secretly broke out in a cold sweat. It was really tiring to speak so slowly.