
Chapter 27 Ninth-level Demonic Spirit

"Brother Feng, what are you doing with this guy?" Gao Hai said dissatisfiedly while supporting Yang Fan.

Gao Hai is famous for his good temper. Although he doesn't have much presence in the class, he has a good relationship with people and rarely quarrels with anyone. However, at this moment, he did not hide the dissatisfaction on his face.

In his opinion, if Yang Fan hadn't spread rumors, how could Ji Yu be jealous and cause trouble for them, and how could he provoke Mo Xun.

Now, he has offended the Elite Martial Arts Club and embarrassed the dean in front of so many people. In Jiangxin Middle School, Lin Feng is afraid that he can't survive, and he may not even be qualified to take the college entrance examination.

"I'm sorry. "

Hearing this, Yang Fan apologized with a face full of pain.

Not only was he injured, but he also implicated Lin Feng, who was in the same class.

Lin Feng failed to refine the demon spirit on the awakening day, but Ya Ge refined the eighth-level charm butterfly, signed a contract with the Juxing Club, and soared to the sky.

Today's breakup, even though he knew that Lin Feng was the first to speak, but knowing what happened, in his opinion, this was because Lin Feng felt inferior and felt that he was not worthy of Ya Ge, so he took the initiative to break up in order to save the last bit of self-esteem in his heart.

Lin Feng, who was hit by a double blow, can only be said to be miserable. Now he has offended the Elite Martial Arts Society and Zhang Han because of himself.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter."

Lin Feng smiled, looking relaxed, obviously not taking it seriously, which made Yang Fan feel even more guilty.

"I can go by myself. "

Yang Fan whispered.

Gao Hai let go, and Yang Fan took two steps. Although his posture was a little strange and his body was shaking slightly, he was still walking normally.

Although his face was bruised and swollen, he curled up when he was besieged to avoid breaking his ribs. So he didn't suffer any serious injuries, at least much better than those who were beaten by Lin Feng.

In Lin Feng's view, this obviously means that he has some experience, otherwise he would not protect himself so well. I'm afraid it's not the first time he was beaten.

Facing Lin Feng's gaze, Yang Fan seemed a little embarrassed: "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry to involve you."

"If apologies are useful, what do we need the police for?" Gao Hai said disdainfully.

"I'm sorry."

Yang Fan apologized again awkwardly, although he knew it was useless.

"So, this matter was caused by me after all, and I have 20,000 yuan here. "

Yang Fan hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, as if he was afraid that Lin Feng would misunderstand, without any pause:

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I pity you, you beat Mo Xun, and you have no place to stay in Jiangxin Middle School, this money is for you to transfer to another school."

After saying that, Yang Fan looked at Lin Feng quietly. Although 20,000 yuan was not a small amount, he could still afford it.

"Brother Feng, how about... transfer to another school?"

Gao Hai hesitated for a while, then said.

As Yang Fan said, there seems to be no other way except to transfer to another school.

Looking at Yang Fan with a guilty face, Lin Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the big mouth who was not very good in the mouths of his classmates still had a conscience.

The tuition fee for one year in Jiangxin Middle School is only more than 5,000 yuan, and the 20,000 yuan given by Yang Fan is not small. The transfer fee is far more than the food fee.

Although I don't know what this guy's background is, I'm afraid he is a man who is not short of money.

"It's useless to transfer to another school. Let's not talk about the trouble. Do you think that if you transfer to another school, Mo Xun won't be able to cause trouble to me? "

Lin Feng directly denied: "If he really wants to cause trouble for me, he can just block my door after school."

Rich kids like Mo Xun have many bad friends, and even if they transfer to another school, they can't guarantee anything.

The only way to end this matter is to make them afraid.

"What should we do then?"

Gao Hai asked anxiously. He would rather offend the teacher than offend Mo Xun, which means endless trouble.

"What else can we do? Beat him until he is afraid!" Lin Feng laughed.

Gao Hai was speechless: "Brother Feng, even if you are very strong, can you beat one or ten?"

Yang Fan also agreed: "Lin Feng, don't be impulsive. Everyone in the Elite Martial Arts Club is a rich kid, and they are very ruthless."

The two kept persuading, but saw Lin Feng smiled faintly: "It's okay, we will also form our own martial arts club."

"Your own martial arts club? "

Yang Fan was confused.

There are only three months left before the college entrance examination. Everyone is trying their best. Who would join the martial arts club to waste time unless there is benefit.

And no matter how strong you are, you still can't fight against the elite martial arts club without background.

In Jiangxin Middle School, background is more deterrent than strength.

Unless you are a super genius who can be admitted to the three major hero academies, you may receive attention and protection from the school.

"I didn't want to say it, but now there is no need to hide it!"

"What to hide?" Gao Hai asked with a puzzled look.

"In fact, I didn't fail on the awakening day. I could have refined the ninth-level demon spirit. "

"What? "

Yang Fan and Gao Hai trembled all over, as if a thunder had exploded above their heads.

They couldn't believe their ears. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. They wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long while, Gao Hai said in disbelief: "Brother Feng, don't scare me. I'm timid and can't stand being scared."

"I know some of you don't believe it. I was going to refine the ninth-level Zi Lin, but I gave up in the end."

"Why did you give up? "

Gao Hai asked hurriedly, looking a little crazy.

Ninth-level Zi Lin!

Thousands of people from Jiangxin Middle School participated in the Awakening Day, but only two of them refined the eighth-level demon spirit. Therefore, they were treated as treasures by the school leaders.

Not only did they care about them everywhere, but they also provided resource subsidies.

In Jiangxin Middle School, only two people refined the ninth-level demon spirit, and they succeeded with the demon spirit and help provided by the family.

There was no one who really refined the ninth-level demon spirit on the Awakening Day with his own ability.

There is a big difference between refining a demon spirit on the Awakening Day and refining a demon spirit with the help of the family.

Refining a demon spirit with the help of the family can be prepared in advance and do the preparatory work. There are also kings and even emperors to help suppress the beastliness of the demon spirit. Compared with refining a demon spirit on the Awakening Day, it is easier and has a higher success rate.

This is also the reason why Ye Qiu's refining of the Thorn Dragon on the Awakening Day caused a sensation across the country.

There are some geniuses who can refine the demon spirits on the Earth List, but eight out of ten of them are from big families and they succeeded in refining with the help of their families.

Ye Qiu's soul cultivation talent can be called a monster, far exceeding the standard of genius, as he can refine the demon spirit on the Earth List by himself, and the Thorn Demon Dragon ranked 17th on the Earth List. Ye Qiu is just an exception, a monster that is hard to come by in decades.

On the awakening day, there were 100,000 students, and only seven could refine the ninth-level demon spirit. A genius picked from ten thousand, you can imagine how precious the ninth-level demon spirit is.

The ninth-level Zi Lin is a thunder-attributed demon spirit. In terms of combat power, it is also top-notch among the ninth-level.

As long as he refines Zi Lin, with Lin Feng's strength of the seventh stage of physical cultivation, there will be no problem in being admitted to the three major hero academies.

If he can break through the eighth stage of physical cultivation, he doesn't need to take the college entrance examination at all, and he can be directly recruited.

But why give up?

Gao Hai clenched his fists, his fat face swelled red, looking excited and angry.

"Lin Feng, why did you give up? "

Yang Fan also asked Gao Hai about his doubts. After the initial surprise, he began to doubt.

There is no way not to doubt.

I am afraid that no one will give up on the ninth-level Zi Lin.

There is only one possibility...

Unless he can refine a higher-level demon spirit.

But is this possible?

"Did the refining fail? "

Yang Fan asked in confusion.

On the Awakening Day, many students did not have a specific concept of the amount of their soul power.

For example, some people's soul power can only refine the seventh-level demon spirit, but they overestimate their ability to refine the eighth-level demon spirit, and the result is naturally failure. However, the soul power in the body is almost consumed, and it is impossible to continue to refine other demon spirits, and finally fail.

This situation is not impossible, but it is relatively rare.

The judgment of most people is relatively accurate.

Awakening Day only happens once a year. Except for those rich children, most students from ordinary families tend to be conservative. When choosing a demon spirit, they must be 80% to 90% sure before they start.

Some can obviously refine the seventh level, but for the sake of conservatism, it is possible to refine the sixth level.

However, even if according to what Lin Feng said, even if he failed to refine, it means that Lin Feng's soul cultivation talent is very strong. If he cannot reach the ninth level, I am afraid that the eighth level is not a problem.

"Brother Feng, tell me quickly!" Gao Hai was anxious to death.

"It's just a ninth-level demon spirit. "

Lin Feng said lightly. As soon as Gao Hai said this, he didn't feel anything, but Yang Fan trembled all over.

Could it be...