
Chapter 20 Star

Well, what do you want to say? "Although Lin Feng was a little surprised by the girl's change, he was not surprised.

It's not like he hasn't seen this kind of transformation before.

If I remember correctly, it was after the college entrance examination, when Ya Ge knew that she was admitted to the nine elite schools, she smiled with joy and tears. Now it's just in time.

For Lin Feng's seemingly casual attitude now, Ya Ge frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable, but seeing Lin Feng's pale face, she couldn't help but feel distressed.

She wanted to speak, but seeing the curious eyes of the classmates around her, she could only say helplessly: "Let's go to the playground to talk."

After that, she left first.

"Dahai, go to Restaurant No. 5 and wait for me. Help me get the food ready. I'll be there soon. "

Lin Feng said something to Gao Hai, and then followed Ya Ge slowly under the gazes of the crowd.

Along the way, Lin Feng felt for the first time what it meant to be the center of attention. Of course, the center of attention was not him, he was just taking advantage of the light.

Lin Feng naturally understood why his classmates were so curious.

"Senior, can you give me an autograph?"

"Senior, you are so beautiful, I am your little fan, can I take a photo with you?"

"I came first, I came first, damn, don't cut in line. "

The two of them shuttled around the campus, and from time to time, junior girls and junior boys held paper and pens, or mobile phones, and excitedly sought photos and autographs from Ya Ge.

The signatures were not signed on white paper, but on photos.

In just one day, Ya Ge's photos had appeared in the hands of students.

There were life photos, but more were photos of Ya Ge refining the Charming Butterfly and possessed by demon spirits.

Ya Ge obviously had a lot of experience. She signed very quickly, and her handwriting was very professional, with dragons flying and phoenixes dancing. If you didn't know her name, you really couldn't tell what she wrote.

But once it started, it couldn't end easily. People kept coming around, and soon there were hundreds of people.

Ya Ge was surrounded by enthusiastic students, three layers inside and three layers outside, and ordinary people couldn't squeeze in at all.

Not only that, at this time, students who heard the news were rushing in continuously.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to you later if I have something to do. "

Seeing the surging crowd, Ya Ge quickly stopped writing, handed the signature to a shy boy, and shouted.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers had exceeded a thousand people. If he really signed, he would not be able to sign even if his hands were broken.

"Haha, I signed."

"I signed too, great."

"You didn't, haha, I told you to run faster, but you didn't listen."

The younger students were very excited, those who signed were happy, and those who didn't looked depressed.

"Who has an autograph? I'll pay 100 yuan."

In the crowd, a little fat man took out a red banknote, raised it above his head, and shouted loudly while shaking it.

"So popular? "

Even Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Can it be sold for money?


One hundred yuan is enough for an ordinary worker's daily salary.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed!

It seems that he still underestimated Ya Ge's influence.

With attractive external conditions, the eighth-level Charming Butterfly, and the membership of the Juxing Club, Ya Ge is already a well-deserved star in Jiangxin Middle School.

In Jiangxin No. 1 Middle School, the strongest and most famous one is Wang Wenxuan from Class 12 of Senior 3.

This Wang Wenxuan is the president of their school's Elite Martial Arts Club. Although it is only a high school club, it has a special venue and teachers to guide.

Since the first year of high school, Wang Wenxuan has been a celebrity in the school. It is said that he is also a child of a big family, with excellent martial arts talent, and the strength of the ninth level of physical cultivation. The comprehensive score ranks third in the grade.

He did not participate in the Awakening Day yesterday, because he had already become a demon spirit master a month ago, refining the ninth-level angry lion.

There are rumors that Wang Wenxuan, who disappeared for a month, has joined the Thunder Club.

Now, although he has not yet been assessed, with his strength and the grade of his demon spirit, he has become the number one in Jiangxin No. 1 Middle School. He is a child of destiny, and it is easy for him to be admitted to the three major heroic schools.

In terms of strength and grades, Wang Wenxuan beats Ya Ge, but in terms of popularity, he is far less popular than Ya Ge.

Although some people asked him for autographs, they were far less crazy.

When Ya Ge finally got rid of the enthusiastic fans, the two crossed the playground and came to a remote rockery in the back mountain. Neither of them spoke first, and the atmosphere was a bit weird for a while.

"We have three months to take the college entrance examination. Why are you so self-destructive? "

After a long time, Ya Ge turned around and looked at Lin Feng, who was pale, with black eyes and in a very bad mental state.

"Although you didn't become a demon spirit master, with your strength, as long as you work hard, even if you can't get into the nine elite schools, you can get into general key universities without any problems. You don't have to give up on yourself."

"Why don't you speak?"

Seeing Lin Feng's calm face, Ya Ge frowned slightly, a little angry, and more of a sense of regret.

"What do you want to say?" Lin Feng asked directly.

Ya Ge was silent for a long time, and then he said: "I'm going to Beijing tomorrow. I'll be gone for three months and will be back before the college entrance examination. "

Lin Feng didn't ask why, he could guess the reason.

Shangjing is the headquarters of Juxing Club.

Yage signed a contract with Juxing. In three months, Juxing will do everything possible to train her and strive to be admitted to the three major hero academies.

Yage's score in the last assessment should be around 500 points. Refining the eighth-level charm butterfly can add 40 points, and the total score is 540 points, which has not yet reached the standard of the nine elite joint schools.

Of course, even if the score of the eighth-level demon spirit is not reached, it can be specially recruited by the nine.

But it is not yet the time to be specially recruited by the three major hero academies. Qualification for recruitment.

Like Lin Feng, Ya Ge's physical fitness score is very low, but this can be improved with resources.

In three months, with Juxing's financial resources and capabilities, it should not be a problem to improve Ya Ge to the eighth stage of physical training.

Then she can be admitted to the three major hero academies.

Even if it is really impossible to achieve it, as long as the difference is not too big, I believe that with the ability of Juxing Club, it is not impossible to get a special skill to add points.

So, if there is no accident, Ya Ge can be admitted to the three major hero academies.

"Well, have a good trip." Lin Feng smiled.

Ya Ge was a little surprised by Lin Feng's reaction. She was stunned. She was leaving, and she was still so calm?

Lin Feng at this time made her feel unfamiliar.

After sleeping on the awakening day yesterday, she found that Lin Feng had changed.

"After I leave, I hope you can cheer up."

"Well. "

Lin Feng said "hmm", ending the short conversation again.

Yage clenched her fists, lowered her head for a moment, then looked up at Lin Feng: "I know why you gave up on yourself."

After a pause, she said in a gentle tone: "Don't worry about those things. As long as you work hard, we will still be together."

After that, Yage took out a bank card and handed it to Lin Feng: "There is 500,000 in this card. The password is your birthday. You are going to take the college entrance examination. Go buy some Qi and Blood Pills."

Lin Feng didn't take it.

500,000 is not a small amount.

At this moment, Lin Feng was still somewhat moved, and he looked at Yage.

Even though she was abandoned, in Lin Feng's heart, Yage has always been a kind girl, but she is very clear about her pursuit and her goals.

"Breakup fee?"

Lin Feng deliberately asked in a sarcastic tone. Naturally, he could not accept this money.

"No, I just hope you can work harder. "

Yage said hurriedly.

It is undeniable that although only one night had passed, she did consider breaking up.

She refined the Charming Butterfly, signed a contract with the Gathering Stars Club, and was about to be admitted to the three major hero academies, while Lin Feng could only go to a key university. By then, the gap between them would only grow larger and larger.

Parents and relatives also advised her to think carefully. Although they said so, Yage knew that her mother wanted them to break up. Her father did not object, but he did not support it either.

But no matter what others said, she and Lin Feng still had feelings for each other since they grew up together.

In her heart, she still liked Lin Feng!

She was willing to give Lin Feng a chance, a chance to be together.

"Work hard and still be together?"

Knowing the future results, Lin Feng's expression was a little complicated.

He had heard this sentence once, but it was only valid for less than half a month.

"Let's break up. "

After saying that, Lin Feng turned around and didn't give Ya Ge a chance to continue speaking.


Ya Ge was about to speak when Lin Feng's figure quickly disappeared from his sight, as if he was afraid that she would pester him.

Ya Ge was stunned in place, still holding the posture of handing over the bank card, her body was a little stiff, and she didn't speak for a long time. She looked at Lin Feng's back, her expression showed a hint of surprise and grievance, this result was different from what she imagined.

Before making the decision, she had predicted it many times.

Even if Lin Feng was angry and yelled at her, she would not be surprised, but she didn't expect that from beginning to end, Lin Feng was very calm, as if he was facing a stranger.

Even, he was the first to propose the breakup.

She also knew He knew that he was just making excuses for himself by saying so much.

Can you succeed in the martial arts by working hard?

If that were the case, there would be no difference between genius and mediocrity.

For the martial arts, hard work can make up for one's shortcomings, but without talent, one's achievements will be limited.

This is even more true for demon spirit masters.

Without the talent of the soul sea, even if the demon spirits on the earth list are placed in front of him, it will be useless.

Unable to refine demon spirits and become a demon spirit master, Lin Feng has lost the qualifications to become a strong man, and it is impossible for him to return to the Yang family.

After this, the gap between him and her will become larger and larger.

They are no longer people from the same world.

"This is good."

Standing there for a long time, the girl slowly breathed a sigh of relief, as if a heavy stone in her heart fell to the ground, and the whole person seemed to be relieved.