
Chapter 18 School

Early morning!

Lin Feng got up early.

Because of the nightmare, he barely fell asleep at nearly three o'clock last night.

Excessive blood loss and lack of sleep caused his mental state to be very bad.


In the bathroom, Lin Feng was also shocked when he saw himself in the mirror.

The pale face without a trace of blood, the faint dark circles under the eyes, and the listless state, looked like an overindulgence.

People who didn't know would think that he had suffered a great blow.

Sure enough, when Lin Feng walked out of the bathroom, Lin Fang, who came out of the kitchen, was startled and almost knocked over the rice in her hand.

"I'm fine, I just had some insomnia at night."

Lin Feng explained awkwardly, but it was obvious that no one believed him. Everyone looked at him with worry.

Seeing Lin Feng's face so pale, Lin Fang, who had already prepared breakfast, hurried into the kitchen to cook a braised tusk pig.

"Eat more, you look so bad."

At the dinner table, seeing that Lin Feng had a good appetite, Lin Fang hesitated to speak, her expression changed, and finally she could only sigh.

Under the worried eyes of his family, Lin Feng quickly finished his breakfast, and then went downstairs with his sister.

"Brother Feng, good morning."

As soon as he arrived downstairs, Gao Hai was waiting there as usual.

He was obviously shocked to see Lin Feng's appearance, but he seemed to understand something and didn't ask more questions.

"Good morning."

Lin Feng nodded. After breakfast, although his blood and qi had recovered a little, he was even more listless. At this time, he was weak all over, his head was a little dizzy, and his condition was extremely bad.

"Brother Dahai."

Lele greeted Gao Hai. When they passed a building, Gao Hai and Lele subconsciously looked in that direction.

That was the direction of Ya Ge's house.

In the past, they all went to school together as a group of five. Now that Ya Ge and his brother were missing, Lin Feng didn't feel anything, but Dahai and Lele were not used to it. However, both of them rationally avoided the topic and name.

"Don't push!"

"What the hell are you pushing for? I'll beat you if you push again."

As usual, the crowded train was overcrowded. Lin Feng and the other two finally came to a corner and huddled together.

In today's era, convenient means of transportation such as airplanes and subways have disappeared for a long time, and the reason is because of monsters.

There are too many unstable factors in the sky and underground. For safety, the main means of transportation in the city is the suspended train.


Gao Hai breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to tidy up his clothes, but because there were too many people, it was difficult to even lift his hands. Not long after leaving the house, his clothes were almost soaked.

"Le Le, come in a little."

Lin Feng pulled his sister in front of him and used his body as a shield.

In such a crowded environment, it is very dangerous for girls, and it is difficult to pursue even if they are taken advantage of.

After all, with so many people, physical contact is normal.

"Hey, when can we move into the inner city? It's really a torture to squeeze into this train every day."

Gao Hai complained.

This is the trouble of living in the outer city. Compared with people living in the inner city, they have to get up before dawn, and even if there is a suspended train, it will take more than an hour to go to school.

"It's Yun Tianqi!"

"He's so handsome, I really want to be his girlfriend!"

"Next Wednesday's Glory Ranking will be Thunder vs. Wolf, which is a fierce battle. Yun Tianqi may appear at that time, and we have to watch the live broadcast in class."

"If Ye Qiu joins the Thunder team, he will inherit his position in a few years."

There was a burst of exclamations in the carriage, and many students looked out the window and talked excitedly.

Following their gaze, Lin Feng looked.

On the light curtain of a tall building not far away, a long-haired young man in a black battle robe holding two swords kept shuttling through the dense jungle. From time to time, there were monsters attacking. The young man swung his two swords lightly and cut them in half. The blood of the monsters dripped down the two swords and turned into four big red characters:

"Made by Heavenly Soldiers".

Obviously, this is a short video advertisement.

Lin Feng is not unfamiliar with this young man. He is the captain of the Thunder Team, Yun Tianqi, the double-sword man.

There are many people in the Glory Alliance who choose double swords as weapons, but no one is faster than Yun Tianqi. With this quick sword, he has made a great name in the alliance.

As we all know, Yun Tianqi was born in Jiujiang Community, which is a government low-rent housing located in the westernmost part of Jiangcheng. Like the shore community, it is known as one of the four slums in Jiangcheng.

Not only that, Yun Tianqi's father is a disabled person, and the family expenses are all supported by his mother's hard work.

Yun Tianqi is not a genius. His martial arts talent can only be considered above average. On the day of awakening, he refined a sixth-level Swift Mantis.

After the college entrance examination, he didn't even get into the nine elite schools.

He was discovered and signed by the Thunder Club only because of his knife, which was extremely fast.

In the league, no one can swing a knife faster than him!

His strength was built up by the Thunder Club with a lot of resources.

Originally a sixth-level Swift Mantis, it also evolved into an eighth-level Ghost Mantis with the help of the club.

Ghost Mantis is only an eighth-level demon spirit. In the Glory League where ninth-level demon spirits are everywhere and even earth-ranked demon spirits are not rare, this level of demon spirit is actually weak.

However, the stronger the demon spirit, the better. Only the right one can exert the most powerful ability.

Ghost Mantis is a combat demon spirit. Among combat demon spirits, it belongs to the agile attack type. Ghost Mantis does not have a strong magic damage. It relies on ghost-like speed and a pair of sharp forelimbs to fight the enemy.

Such eighth-level demon spirits are not rare, but only Yun Tianqi has brought them to the extreme.

After the demon spirit possessed him, the sickle-shaped forelimbs were equivalent to Yun Tianqi's weapons. With his own double-sword skills, his attack speed became even more terrifying. Few people could keep up with his attack speed under the whirlwind-like slashing.

Because of his ordinary background, Yun Tianqi was also an idol of many students from ordinary families.

It is said that with his current worth, any endorsement fee would reach a sky-high price of 500 million Singapore dollars.

Along the way, there were advertisements on the screens of almost every building, many of which were endorsed by Glory players. This is a trend.

"Jinyuan Station has arrived, please prepare to get off the bus."

An hour later, with the announcement of the station, Lin Feng and the other two hurriedly got up and were taken off the bus by the surging crowd without any resistance.


After getting off the bus, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, tidied their clothes at the same time, and then looked at each other, and then ran towards the school.

More than ten minutes later, the three of them arrived at their destination.

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and saw that it was already 7:50, and there were still ten minutes before class.

He got up at five o'clock, had breakfast, and rushed to school without stopping. It took him almost two and a half hours.

"Brother, I saw my classmates. I'm leaving first."

Lele said, and chased after his classmates.

"Don't play around after school. Go home early."

Lin Feng shouted. He and his sister were not in the same school. His sister's Ziwei No. 1 Middle School was only 500 meters away from Jiangxin Middle School.

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, a classmate came up to greet him.

"Lin Feng, big head."

"Lin Feng, why do you look so bad?"

"I heard that you were injured on the awakening day. It won't be so serious."

If it was before, most of the classmates would chat with Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng's grades can be ranked in the top 500 of the grade, and his combat effectiveness can be ranked in the top 200. He is considered to be a little famous.

As a little follower, Gao Hai seemed unknown.

Most of the classmates' impression of him is: Lin Feng's follower, Lin Feng's deskmate, Lin Feng's best brother.

But today, Lin Feng was left out instead, and everyone started chatting with Gao Hai enthusiastically.

"Big Head, I heard that you became a demon spirit master, you are really amazing."

"The second-level powerful demon bull, although it is only a low-level demon spirit with strength attribute, and cannot add attribute damage, it is not easy to become a demon spirit master."

"Big Head, show us the demon spirit possession."

Gao Hai was a little uncomfortable with the sudden enthusiasm of his classmates, and smiled awkwardly, but it can be seen that he still enjoyed it.

Without rejecting the kindness of his classmates, Gao Hai closed his eyes and concentrated. After more than ten seconds, his nose began to swell, two sharp horns grew on both sides of his forehead, his arms became thicker, and his body became stronger. The original school uniform was a little overwhelmed and began to crack, revealing a belly with a red copper luster.


The classmates exclaimed, and a short-haired girl boldly stepped forward and touched the big head's horns, and finally pinched the big belly as if playing a prank, which scared Gao Hai so much that he quickly stepped back and almost fell down.


After a burst of laughter, Gao Hai soon exited the state of being possessed by the demon spirit.

Demon spirit possession requires soul power consumption. The growth of demon spirits also requires the absorption of soul power.

Soul power is very precious, and it is different from spiritual power.

The space gate of the other world appears, and the world is full of spiritual power. Even if you are in the physical cultivation realm, you can challenge the limits of your body through high-intensity exercise and passively absorb it.

If you become a warrior, you can practice martial arts and actively absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Soul power is more complicated, and it is the product of the fusion of spiritual power and mental power.

If the soul power is overdrawn, it takes a long time of meditation to recover without external help.

This is much more difficult than for warriors to recover spiritual power.

The talent of the demon spirit master depends on the size of the soul sea.

The size of the soul sea cannot be changed, so the total amount of soul power is also unchanged.

If the soul power is restored, it is meaningless to continue meditating, and it will not increase the soul power.

For the demon spirit master, a powerful demon spirit is the key.

When the demon spirit possesses the body to fight, it consumes the soul power of the demon spirit.

That is, the power of the demon spirit itself.

There is not much soul power in the soul sea, and it can't even support the release of a powerful soul skill.

The soul power in the soul sea is mainly used as food for the demon spirit.

This is also the reason why many powerful demon spirit masters have a seventh-level demon spirit, and the second demon spirit they refine is still the seventh-level, unchanged.

Because of his talent, the size of the soul sea and the total amount of soul power have not changed.

Even if some people can upgrade their level, it is because their willpower and physique have become stronger, and the upgrade is only one level. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to exceed the second level.

Therefore, the second demon spirit, like the original demon spirit, also has to start from scratch and grow slowly, consuming a lot of resources and time. It will not grow several times faster because the demon spirit master is powerful.

The real strength of a demon spirit master lies in his own demon spirit, not his soul power.

This is why few people refine a second demon spirit.

Spending money is one thing, but it is mainly too time-consuming. Cultivating two demon spirits at the same time is not worth the effort.

"Is that it? I haven't even finished yet, and you're done?" a classmate joked.

"It's amazing that you can hold on for so long. Soul power is very precious."

Gao Hai picked up the button that fell on the ground and said helplessly.

The others smiled and did not continue to joke. Indeed, for a demon spirit master who had just refined a demon spirit, soul power was indeed very precious.

Warriors are divided into nine grades.

The first grade is the lowest, the ninth grade is the highest, and above the ninth grade is the martial king. Above the martial king is the martial emperor.

Demon spirit masters are divided into nine stars.

The first star is the lowest, the ninth star is the highest, and above the nine stars is the spirit king. Above the spirit king is the extraordinary.

When a demon spirit master refines a demon spirit, whether it is a first-level demon spirit or a ground-rank demon spirit, the demon spirit will grow from the zero level.

If the demon spirit grows to the first level, it is called a one-star demon spirit master.

If the demon spirit grows to the ninth level, it is called a nine-star demon spirit master.

In addition to meditation to feed the soul power, the main way to strengthen the demon spirit is to eat pills that enhance the soul power or swallow other demon spirits. No matter which one, it requires a lot of money and has restrictions. Too much is as bad as too little.

At this time, the demon spirit is only in the initial stage, just like a newborn baby, it has no combat power and needs soul power to nourish and warm it.

Gao Hai was willing to let the demon spirit possess him just now, which was very respectful.

Everyone played and entered the school gate.

It takes time for the demon spirit to grow, so even if you can become a demon spirit master, you may not be able to become a master immediately.

But compared with warriors, the demon spirit master is the protagonist.

Every boy and girl who becomes a demon spirit master is surrounded by many classmates. From time to time, students can be seen possessed by demon spirits, and then there are bursts of exclamations.

When Lin Feng and Zhou Sheng came to the classroom, they saw half of the class gathered around one position.

That was Ya Ge's seat.

Today, Ya Ge is the well-deserved star of Class 7 of Senior 3.

The eighth-level charm butterfly is comparable to the ninth-level demon spirit, and has the qualifications to enter the nine elite joint schools.

In addition, with the signing of the Juxing Club and the support of resources, the three major hero academies are probably not a problem.

"Ya Ge, have you been to the Juxing Club? How is it? Have you seen Ye Xing? I am his fan."

"Nonsense, the headquarters of the Juxing Club is in Shangjing, Ye Xing is the main force of the team, and training is also there. How could he come to our Jiangcheng."

"Ya Ge, how much is your signing fee? I heard that you bought a house. Where is it?"

Everyone surrounded Ya Ge and kept asking, and some students even had a flattering tone.

When Lin Feng approached, the originally lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and the air seemed to solidify instantly.

Everyone turned around and looked at him with a strange look, which showed: sympathy, disdain, gloating, and pity.

Yes, pity.

Just like in the previous life!

Lin Feng sighed in his heart!

He was in the seventh class of the third grade of high school, which had about 600 people.

Because he had a casual chat with Gao Hai in the morning, Lin Feng knew that there were only 83 people in his class who could reach the fifth stage of physical cultivation and participate in the awakening day.

There were only 23 people who could refine demon spirits and become demon spirit masters, which means that there were nearly 30 people in a class to produce a demon spirit master, which was about one in thirty.

After all, demon spirit masters were a minority. Although those who did not succeed were a little regretful, they would not lose hope for the future.

In fact, many people have even clarified their future direction.

Those with poor martial arts talent and good school grades want to be ordinary white-collar workers or take the civil service exam in the future.

Those with poor martial arts talent and poor grades plan to do business and be their own boss in the future.

Those who have martial arts talent but average talent also have their own career plans. It is not a big deal for them that they cannot become demon spirit masters.

But just because he and Ya Ge are in a relationship, when Ya Ge becomes a demon spirit master, he, who was originally an excellent student, became a synonym for a loser.

In Lin Feng's memory, in the last life, when Ya Ge refined the seventh-level demon spirit, his classmates looked at him with this kind of pity in those three months.

For students, the most painful thing is not discrimination and ridicule, but pity.

Now, this pity is even worse.

Fortunately, he no longer cares.

For so many years, Lin Feng has forgotten his position, but he has been sitting at the same table with Gao Hai for three years in high school. After seeing Gao Hai sit down, he came to the seat next to him.

"It still feels like a dream..."

Sitting on the chair, looking at the youthful face and carefree laughter of the classmate next to him, Lin Feng was a little dazed for a while.

Many midnight dreams, I would dream of this scene, and now when I sit here, it is still a little incredible.